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My Comment On Woothemes Blog Post – A Club Reimagined

It took me quite a while to decide which theme clubs to choose. I took more than 6 months to evaluate all the available theme clubs, in the end I chose Woo themes because…

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Chinese Government and the Use of Internet

The focus is on the use of the internet by the Chinese dissidents, members of the Falugong, Tibetan activists and other groups and individuals in the Peoples Republic of China and it also includes member from the abroad who are regarded as subversive by the Chinese authority. It also examines the counter strategies that the Chinese government has employed in their efforts to prevent and minimize the impact of dissident used of the internet. Ultimately it attempts to assess future trends in these areas.

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Implications of the Chinese Government

It is a well known fact that the Chinese civilization is one of the greatest in the entire world. Today China occupies an important position with political governance over its core territory that has remained in power longer than any other nation. The people in China have immense talent and they are very industrious when given the opportunity and Chinese internet is the best platform. Until the time of the French revolution, the Chinese government was probably unparalleled among all communities.

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Governance of the Internet Freedom of Speech

Today nearly ten percent of the world’s population use the World Wide Web and many more people keep on adding to its database every day. With such a growth, the internet stands to become the most powerful tool for connecting, interacting and exchanging views by the people around the world. However, this advancement is viewed in a different way by Chinese government in authority and hence they systemically yet aggressively censor parts of Internet which they feel are damaging to the Chinese society. Anyone who tries to go against this move faces severe legal consequences which also lead to prison.

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Freedom of Speech Law – An Introduction

“Freedom of speech law” is frequently quoted by defenders of free speech in China. Yet it is rare to find anyone prepared to defend all expression in every circumstance, especially if the views expressed are contradictory to censorship on the Chinese internet. There is immense confusion regarding modern society and the value and limits of free speech. It is debatable that free speech is worth preserving at any cost. The freedom of speech law is worth defending vigorously even when the observer dislikes what is being spoken.

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