Tag: theology

  • Return To The Altar Of My God

    Return To The Altar Of My God
    It had been two years since I visited Batam Island. Yesteryears, I used to visit Batam regularly. It was a busy little island filled with gamblers around the region, gathered here for sex, drugs and casinos.

    Those busy streets I used to roam, now dead and quiet. Hotels used to be packed over the weekend, now offering free breakfast to lure customers.

    One thing I enjoyed and still enjoying today was the journey to the island. I would sat at the edge of the back of the ferry and enjoy the nature of the big sea and the breezy wind that blew against me, I felt relaxed and a sense of freedom. Freedom from stress. Freedom from the world. Freedom from myself.

    Out floating on the big sea, looking up the big blue sky and guessing the depth of the deep blue sea, I meditated upon the Word of the Lord.

    For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

    As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.
    As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.

    But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children – with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.

    (Psalm 103 v11-18, NIV)

    Now living in a world where chaos reigned and persona ruled, without Christ what would I become? Without the love of God, I would have lost my humanity.

    I wished to return to the Lord, returned to the altar of my God and worshipped Him as David did.

  • Prophecy From Prophet Chuck Flynn

    On the 12th day of September 1992, Prophet Chuck Flynn prophesied to me and here is the transcript of the prophetic words.

    Because of the anointing that flow through you
    with the prophetic zeal of the house of the Lord,
    I have seal you in your forehead as I seal Ezekiel.

    In the countenance of Ezekiel flow in that anointing,
    I have you prophesy to the wind
    and the wind shall move over this country
    and many countries shall hear your voice
    and my peace shall be upon thee as the prophetic anointing.

    I will prosper thee and thou shall be strong to go forth in my name
    for you will be very and then even creative
    many shall be set free and great miracles ye shall follow thee
    for the peace and the glory of our God

    Because you will know my word
    and I will give you the desire of your heart
    and your love yield that emulate situation shall be hailed
    in the coming harmony with what my purpose is
    and we will rejoice together. Amen.

    I received this prophetic words fifteen years ago. Today looking back at it, half the prophecy was fulfilled. That was “the wind shall move over this country and many countries shall hear your voice” And now I started to travel internationally. I was trying to find another transcript prophecy from Bishop Bill Hamon. Putting the two prophecies together, I could see clearly where my mission was.

    I recalled, when the prophecies were released to me, I was told I would be starting to travel at the age of thirty. True enough, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away”, the word of the Lord had come to pass. At the age of thirty I was travelling and now transcending territorial borders and making the world as my home.

    “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him.” We would never comprehend God’s intention for us. I had been running away from my calling for many years and now i was back to square one; back to where the prophecy had paused. Is just a matter of time for my prophecy to be fulfilled and ordained into the tribe of priesthood.

    Now I understood and felt what Paul meant when he said he was given a thorn in his flesh (12v7) in his second letter to the Corinthians. Over the years I also prayed to God thrice to take it away from me. And today God gave me the same answer He gave to Paul long time ago, “My grace is sufficient for you and for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”

  • In God I Trust

    Once a upon a time, there was a man. He was an acrobat. After many years of practices, this man went to the Nigeria Fall to perform his stun.

    There were two large crowds on the both sides of the Fall. He hooked a rope across the Fall, and said to the people: “I’m going to walk across this river.”

    The man walked slowly and steadily to the other side of the Fall. The crowds cheered and clapped for his great performance.

    The man: “Do you think I can do it again?”

    The crowds: “Yes.” (The crowds whistled and clapped)

    The man: “Do you think I can do it again?”

    The crowd: “Yes.”(The crowds whistled and dance)

    The man: “Does anyone want me to carry him across the Fall?”

    There was a great silence in the crowds, as quiet as a hunting dog when it is near a bird.

    Then a young boy came out and said: “Carry me.”

    The man carried the boy swiftly and safety to the other side. The crowds were amazed by the boy.

    The crowd: “Why did you allow him to carry you across?

    The boy: “Because he is my father and I believed and trusted in him that he would carry me through.”

    How many of us still have the child-like faith in God, just believe and trust in the Lord. Although I go to church irregularly nowadays, my heart is still with my Father God. Past three years, I have live the darkest night of my life and during those troubled days I still put my trust in God that He will walk me through.

    I have fallen but now I rise up and take heart and be strong again. I continue to put my trust in the Lord for all the days of my life and all can be summarised in Psalms 23 verse 4 … I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me, Your rod and staff they comfort me.

  • Shalom! The Peace Living In Harmony

    The once pure and happy heart was no longer pure and happy but as time aged, worries clogged my arteries and shrewdness intoxicated my heart. My heart was poisoned by worldliness. In the day I was busy with my chaotic routines, in the night my mind was busy plotting tomorrow. Life got weary and heavy laden. The peace, known as shalom, I once had no longer with me.

    This wholesome peace was with me but slowly faded away as I stepped into the working world. I began to worry about my future, what would I become. Then when I decided to be a businessman and built my businesses, I started to worry about my enterprising expansion, my heart was burdened managing the business. Next came along my love life and I enthralled the other half of my exhausted heart upkeeping the relationship.

    Years after years, as life got matured and bond with the world, our childhood friendship and kinship no longer pure. We associated with one another because of our hidden agenda. Friends betrayed friends to strengthen our status quo. We cashed out kinship by borrowing from them. We manipulated righteousness to conceal our deceitfulness and played politics to climb corporate ladder.

    Nowadays when we meet new friends, we tactfully asked questions to check out their family backgrounds and financial worth. We associated to find out their social status and determined if socializing with them worth our time and dining with them worth our investment. Now friendship was forged because of business opportunities. Dinner treat was offered for financial benefits. Life was so fake. We schemed our life and compromised our integrity. We no longer made friends like kids looking for fun and companionship.

    More than ten years had passed. I left all behind and came to china to rest my whole, heart, mind, soul and strength. Almost a year of resting. During the year, I rested by isolating my soul from the world. I forged new friends to rebuild my circle of friends. I gave up my present lifestyle for the shalom I used to have when I was young and innocent.

    What is shalom?

    Shalom is peace. Peace with God. Peace with man. Peace with nature. Peace with self. Shalom is the peace of our whole being living in harmony with everything. With this peace, then we have the mental calmness, emotional stability, that give us the sound will to do what we have set out to accomplish.

    Shalom is so important to me because when I have this peace, my will is like a house build on a strong foundation. When an earthquake comes I know I can stand firm and not shaken to do what I set out to do.

    This peace I once lost, I found it again.

    Shalom be with you!