Tag: tea

  • 过来喝茶


    天气冷了 又是个好机会 和朋友们聚在一起喝溪铁观音茶。

  • 哀伤记の第194天:七年后的第一次


    冬天来了 又开始喝茶了。记得有一次和慧吵架,那也是我第一次对她发脾气。也是我七年后的第一次发脾气。一气之下,把我最心爱的茶壶摔破了。茶壶破了 好心痛。对慧发脾气 我更心痛。这破的茶壶 养了快六个月了。养的好漂亮 就这样的没了!

    最近 刚买了一个 一模一样 的茶壶。新的壶 没以前的好 没以前的靓。虽然我还是喜欢以前的,我会好好爱惜现在的。

  • Chinese Tea Venture Ceased

    After six months of operation, we decided to cease operation.

    This lucrative traditional business is a good business. I have learn a lot about the trade and the art of Chinese tea drinking. However I think it is not suitable for me at the moment. I have decided to cease the business and withdraw my partnership, and to concentrate on my other projects.

  • Chinese Tea Venture Update

    My two-month stay in Singapore was not fruitful. One of the reasons I stayed longer in Singapore was to find the right personnel to form my core team to jumpstart the chinese tea business.

    This short trip here, almost everyday, I met up with many old friends and partners trying to link the right person to the right portfolio. So far I have not mix and match to form the right team yet. I need more time to scout for the team.

    I will jumpstart the business once I have everything is in my accordance.

  • Chinese Tea Venture

    After a year of market study on chinese tea business in China, I decided to venture into this thousands years old traditional business.

    I want to build a business to complete with 天福,a taiwanese business in China.

    I am looking for serious investors with investment of SGD $2 million over the next 5 years. I am also seeking for experts and active partners to form the core team that will bring this enterprise to IPO.

    Business plan in progress. If you are interested please contact me.