Tag: phone

  • iPhone How To Phone

    New iPhone Docking

    I got myself a new iPhone. Flown in from New York and I picked up in the airport. It was a cool iPod but a sucky phone. The phone features were so handicapped.

    I upgraded the new iPhone firmware to 1.1.1 and hacked it. It was a perfect hack and I got my chinese input working. The killer app was the full blown Safari browser. I can surf the World Wide Web on the iPhone with the same experience a desktop computer browser.

    This iPhone was almost an innovative must-have gadget until I tried out the stupid phone functions. I was greatly disappointed with it. I could not edit and call a contact, which was an important function to us, people that travel between countries.

    For the time being, I would stick to my SonyEricsson K800i. and my third generation iPod.

  • My HBH-DS980 Bluetooth Headset

    HBH-DS980 Bluetooth Headset

    Finally I was wearing this lanyard style headset around my neck. I had been hesitating own this since last year.

    This headset was good but I still could not access my address book through bluetooth. The sound quality was excellent because it support A2DP and work well on all my SonyEricsson phones.

    Interestingly the package said, it would not support chinese characters on the OLED but I managed to see chinese words on the display when I had incoming call. However I was not able to see chinese words when i made outgoing call.

  • My Sony Ericsson S500c

    My Sony Ericsson S500c lighted up!

    My SE K800i suddenly cannot powered up after I changed the battery. I was disappointed and desperate for a mobile phone and I bought my Sony Ericsson S500c. As I explored the phone, I realised this was a lady-killer phone. Using this phone made me popular among the ladies.

    This phone worked with iSync but I had to buy the plugin from a third-party vendor. The music playback on the speaker was better than the K800i. The OS performed faster and smoother than K800i too. This phone also support PictBridge and came with 512MB Sony M2 memory card.

    However the next day, I got the power up problem of my K800i fixed and now it was working fine.

  • My Christmas Wish List 2006 (1.1)

    My Christmas Wish List 2006 (1.1)

    Here is the update of my wish list for Christmas.

    • Apple Macbook

    • Apple iMac 17”

    • Apple iPod Nano

    • Apple Macbook Pro

    • Nike Plus with the Nike shoes

    • Nintendo Wii

    • Nintendo DS Lite

    • Sony Ericsson K800i

    • Sony Ericsson M600i

    • Honda Civic ’92 Coupe

    • Sony Playstation Portable

    • A Small Comfy Yacht

  • My Christmas Wish List 2006 (1.0)

    My Wish List For Christmas 2006 (1.0)

    • Apple iMac 17”

    • Apple iPod Nano

    • Apple Macbook Pro

    • Nike Plus with the Nike shoes

    • Nintendo Wii

    • Sony Ericsson K800i

    • Sony Ericsson M600i

    • Sony Playstation Portable

    • A Small Comfy Yacht

  • Sony Ericsson M600i

    Another phone I am eying on it, is this Sony Ericsson M600i. This is the business phone I want to have it in my possession if I am going to start my new business next month in Zhuhai, China.

    This phone have all the features I need to give me the mobility to roam China freely by putting my office into this smartphone. I think M600i will let me run my business almost remotely while I am on the road.

    I can’t wait to get my hands on it but what the use of owning this piece of superiorly engineered device if 3G network is not available in China now?

    If 3G network is available, will M600i be able to work on China’s home-grown 3G network, TD-SCDMA?

  • Sony Ericsson K800i

    Finally I got myself a Sony Ericsson K800i. I have waited for three years for a phone like this.

    I think this phone is going to to be with me for the next three to five years.

    This phone has all the features I need. This integrated camera phone will replace my digital camera, ipod and Moto L6. This combo compact device will ease my travel because i can now carry less power adapter and travel lighter when I am on the move. All I have to do now is make sure my K800i is fully charge so that when I am on the move I can use the phone to it full potential.

    I am really impress with this phone. It is perfectly engineered and really demonstrated Sony’s miniaturisation technology. Or perhaps, I have not be upgrading phone for the past few years, so when I get a phone like this, I am overwhelm.

    This phone is good. The voice quality is clear. The speaker is loud and clear when i playback songs. The keypad is comfortably good to press. The pictures taken from the camera is fantastic.

    I am very please with it except for a few hiccups. The video player cannot rewind or fast forward the video. The Bluetooth range do not seem to be up to my expectation. It cannot isync with my OS X. I have to get a third-party plug-in. Lastly it do not come in white colour to match my Mac experience.

    It is time to try out the 3G capability on this phone.

  • Starhuh! Cannot Hub

    Since I came back from China a two weeks ago, i do not have a local mobile contact because we have to register our particulars to use the mobile services. Two days ago i got myself a Starhub mobile prepaid card from an unauthorised reseller and was told to register my pre-paid card within three days of my purchase.

    On the second day, I went to 7-11 shops to register. To my horror, most of the shop staffs gave excuses and rejected my registration, telling me machine breakdown, the person in-charge not here, etc. Then I seek alternative. I went to those Starhub dealer shop. same old bullshits again. i did not know how many shops i have visited to get my registration done, but i could firmly tell you at least 20 shops.

    I was very disappointed to receive such treatment from my fellow citizens.

    With this type of services and lukewarm attitudes, Singaporean please stop dreaming of being a world class in quality service. Hong Kong had already stepped up their standard, progressing fast and we Singapore still playing marbles at the back of our courtyards and saying to ourselves, “I am good!”

    Finally I tried my luck in Cheers at Orchard Cineplex. To my surprise, the guy was helpful and got my registration done instantly. This guy was good, he powered up the computer to get it done. Whoever this guy was, I thanked you very much for making it my day.

    So What, if 7-11 always open? Time to change their tag line, “always open, not always have”

    Starhub should rename to Starhuh soon if they were to keep partnering with these mediocre mobile proprietors.


    Finally I had retired my SonyEricsson T630. This phone was very faithful to me and I loved it very much. One of the best mobile phones I ever used.

    Few days ago, I had replaced it with the Motorola SLVR L6. I had difficulty using it because of the user interface different from SonyEricsson. I believed I would get used to it soon.

    Personally I was not really satisfied with the phone. The battery power could not last longer than my expectation. The speaker would not produced good sound quality if the audio was of low quality. The LCD screen looked cool and bigger but display quality not even closed to my present T630. Keypad too small to press comfortably and created a lot typo errors.

    The software was customised for China Mobile. Meaning i had some standard features were not available to me, like my softkey function was disabled.

    The only cool feature of the phone was, the sensory keypad. It would detect if there was enough light to see the keypad, if not it would light up. The main reason why i bought the phone was, it was a bimbo phone. My set was bundled with an additional battery and desktop charger.

    And to shock everybody, i bought a pink one.