Tag: people

  • 我又写了一首华语歌

    I bought her the scarf from Zara

    下雪了 东北了 想着媚儿在广东
    我在这 她在那 为什么我们要分离
    手牵手 心连心 走在一起为什么 不是一条心
    一见钟情 我从没信 过了昨晚 我才信
    处处留情的我 不再留 就等你和我在一起
    我的情 你的爱 别再藏在你心里了

    抱着你 我哭了
    抱着我 你哭了
    天长地久 我们不会久
    从今拥有 又会有多久

  • My Friend, Davin

    My Friend, Davin

    Find A Friend, Davin (Primary school classmate)

    My friend Davin. The guy on the right with the tongue sticking out and without the cap. He was my primary school classmate. We used to take school bus to school everyday and during our journey, we would play chess. We liked to play animal chess, english chess and chinese chese. And this was how we got through our boring time in the bus. He was my best companion during my primary school days. We kept each other entertained during boring time in school.

    This friend of mine did not speak at all until he was in secondary school. If he spoke, it would be very very soft and you could hardly heard him. Not even when teachers asked him questions. After PSLE, three years later, we met again and this time he spoke to me. This was the first time I heard him calling my name. I was overjoyed because I was expecting he would show me his sign language to communicate with him.

    We met a few times during the period and kept in contact through email. After “O” Level, we were separated again. I wondered how was he now.

  • Hang Ten!

    Hang Ten!

    Hang Ten Yuhui's Comic

    This is my friend Yuhui, one of the smartest guys I know. Seriously, I have problem blogging him here because he is too smart for me to describe him.

    Visit Yuhui at yuhuibc.blogspot.com

  • My Friend, Bob

    Find a friend - Bob at Patong Beach, Phuket

    My Canadian friend, Bob, our friendship started five years ago from a supplier-client relationship. He travelled around the world for business and visited Singapore at least twice a year. Bob said to me, “Hosea, I don’t know why every time I come to Singapore you are the only want I want to meet.” He flashed back, there were so many people wanted to meet up with him but he chose to spend time with me after working hours than meeting his associates. Then spontaneously he added, “I think I know why because when you meet me you don’t talk business. You don’t go through the BS and solicit for business opportunities.”

    How many of us still make friends like that? It was a great comfort Bob said that to me.

    Our favourite pastime was to go Lat Pat Sat for a satay fest with lot of beers and the hotel VIP lounge for a beer session and drink till our hearts content with our computer notebook on our laps and chat till the lounge close.

    Bob, I miss you.

    Visit Bob at www.bobu.com

  • My Fried Rice Story


    About 12 years ago there was a young man, named Hosea, who was then sixteen years old. Hosea worked in a company that organised events and seminars. He liked his job and he very excited about what he was doing.

    During that time Hosea got to know a girl called Mimi (not her real name) that just graduated from polytechnic and helped out in the company where Hosea worked. Hosea did not really know Mimi but she treated everybody really nice. She was soft-spoken, very caring, attentive, all the characteristic a man would want from a wife. As times passed they became friends and get along well.

    One day Hosea had to be at an event. He and his team were getting the event ready and had not eaten since early morning. He gave his best to the job to make sure everything run smoothly. Evening came and he met Mimi at the event. Mimi saw the team was tired and had not eaten and offered to buy food for them and started asking them for their order.

    Mimi asked Hosea for his order but Hosea did not want to eat until the event ended. Mimi insisted that he should eat something and took the initiative to buy something for him to eat. After half an hour, Mimi came back with the food and distributed it. She passed a packet of fried rice to Hosea. Hosea did not appreciate it and rejected the fried rice. Mimi kindhearted soul persuaded him to eat. After a few conversations, the talk heated up and he scolded Mimi, until she cried, for pestering him to eat. Everybody near by took notice of the amplified talk and saw the caring Mimi crying.

    Hosea was angry, but embarrassed, and took the fried rice from Mimi. He quickly opened up and ate the fried rice to pacify her. Mimi saw that and stop crying.

    The event ended and Hosea went home to rest for the day. He took a long bath and thought about Mimi. Then he lied on the bed and pondered again. He could not sleep. He was disturbed. Tossing here and there, now he felt guilty. To give him an excuse to sleep he told himself that he had to apologise to Mimi.

    Next day Hosea quickly went to office and looked for Mimi but could not find her. His guiltiness made him very uncomfortable and could not work. He waited and waited and realized that she did not come to work today. Hosea was down and feeling very remorse. Not to get embarrassed again he prompt for an answer here and there for her absence.

    “Mimi and her family went to Malaysia to visit her relatives,” her best friend said. “She will be back next week.” Hosea was very disheartened. He said to himself “never mind, she will be back soon, just away for a couple of days.” But that night, he could not sleep again. He was very bothered by his guiltiness.

    Next day, Hosea went back to work again. Feeling bad and emotionally weary. The feeling was like a heavy big stone resting on his chest, breathlessly breathing. Feeling bad again, he comforted himself by saying “she’ll be back soon.” It was one o’clock, time for lunch.

    He was about to go for lunch and the office secretary suddenly answered a phone call with a shocking look. The secretary hanged up the phone and announced that Mimi will not be coming to work anymore. No reason was given. Everybody in the office was puzzled. Hosea did not go for lunch but waited for an answer. An answer that nobody knows. Perhaps he was not really keen for an answer but how to apologise to Mimi to clear his guilt.

    The secretary answered another phone call. The conversation was something like “Are you sure?”… “You sure?”… “Serious! You are not joking”… “OK!”… The secretary hanged up the phone and went into the boss room. After a while she came out and announced that Mimi and her whole family, except her little brother, died in a car accident in Malaysia.

    I was shocked because I was the young man, the Hosea. I was devastated. I could not believe what I heard. I told myself such a scene happened only on TV. “It is not real! It is not real!” I wrestled my mind with many logical explanations. After sometimes I calmed down and accepted the fact. Then one drop, one drop of tears slowly formed and slide down from my eyes, passed my mouth, to my chin and drop off. I cried silently and suddenly my guilt slipped in and it was like a two-edged dagger stabbed right through my heart and pushed in slowly.

    The pain, the agony, was unbearable. You just wished you had the power to turn back the clock. God I am not. I could only cry and looked into the coffin to see her one last time. I cried, I cried and I cried. That was all I could do. Now I know how weak we are even though we are created in the image of God.

    I looked at her, looking at her sleeping face. “Mimi, I am sorry! I don’t mean to make you cry the other day.” My tears were like flowing river and I was trying to speak properly, “ Will… you for…give me?” “I’m here to say sor…ry”. “Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” I was expecting a miracle that she would wake up and forgive me. Oh! How foolish I was!

    I whispered to her, like a pair of lovers would do in cinema, “Who’s gonna buy fried rice for me when I’m hungry?” My good friend came over and hugged me and walked me to a seat. I sat down and cried again.

    Twelve years already and till these days I cannot forgive myself for not saying sorry to her. Every time I eat fried rice I will cry. I will quickly think whom I have hurt today and forget to say sorry. I will quickly patch up with them.

    Years have pass and I grow stronger every each new day. If I hurt someone in the day I will say sorry to him before sunset. If I have a conflict with you in the evening I will sort it out with you before the sunrise. I will live a life whereby I will always express myself to those I admire and love and to forgive, forget and move on making each and every day a day of gratitude. I will also go out of my way to make someone’s else day a better day to give to those less fortunate than me. Let us make the best out of each day.

    Are you willing to do the same?

    This is my, the Hosea, fried rice story.