Tag: macintosh

  • NAS For My Home

    After Setting Up A Wireless Router, Airport Extreme glows in the dark

    Got myself a 802.11n compatible router, the new AirPort Extreme.

    Beside running my network on N version, faster speed and covering longer distance, another cool reason was I could run a NAS (Network-Attached Storage) on it.

    The new hardware is cool. I just plugged in my USB harddisk to the Extreme and I had my storage over the network. I could configured to access the harddisk over the internet through Apple File Protocol (AFP). The Extreme could be enabled for Wide-Area Bonjour too but I could not find any in-depth documentation on the topic so I did not configure it.

    Great! After setting up a wireless router at home, now I had my own NAS. My friends could do big files sharing with me when I was offline. This also benefited my mac clients for not lagging and hogging my network bandwidth.

  • iSight in Parallels

    iSight in Parallels
    The first thing I wanted to test when I got my Macbook Pro was iSight running in Parallels. Googling the web, I found the extract of iSight driver for Windows. To run the iSight Windows driver, I need to have Parallels Build 3188 and above.

    It was fantastic, iSight worked perfectly in Parallels after I installed the driver. I could run the webcam in QQ.

  • My MacBook Pro Live In NAC 2007

    Macintosh Laptops - My MacBook Pro Live In NAC 2007

    This year my job was doing powerpoint presentation. Still another on-the-fly job and with the same team but this time I teamed with Eddie. Using one of my Macintosh laptops, my MacBookPro was used to do presentation on the three big screens. I was glad that the dual display on my mac did not fail me and yet the audio-video functionality was far better IBM-compatible machine.

    Although it was another long sleepless stressful event, we had lot of fun too. We joked together while working on our tedious tasks. This year was a ten-day event, running the show from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore and straight into another four-day event, World Internet Mega Summit.

  • Hello! Mac

    Apple Mac User And Lover - Mac Power On Button
    This section is dedicated to all Apple Mac user and lover. There are already many sites out there sharing about Mac. We will not be duplicating their contents. This site is more of a hobby than a geek playground. Puat Wei and I will be sharing our own tips and related insights.

    Update 25 Nov 2009: Our Mac blog is now merge with hosealim.com.

  • My New MacBook Pro

    This Is My New MacBook Pro

    Finally, I got myself a MacBook Pro after five months without any computer.

    I went to Hong Kong and purchased because it was cheaper than in Singapore. I got it SGD$600 cheaper off the retail shelf.

    My new MacBook Pro was similar to my previous MacBook but with more powerful processing power, high definition screen, illuminated keyboard with ambient light sensor, etc. I could go on and on with all these cool features but you could read them on the Apple website.

    The coolest thing to do on my mac was to run Microsoft Windows through Parallel in coherence mode. So what was this? I was to run Windows application without the Windows Desktop. It gave you the feeling of running Windows application in the OS X.

    What I did not like was the 15” screen that was too big for me. It made the unit form factor too big for me to carry around. The power adapter was slightly bigger than my previous PowerBook.

    For now, I was happy with this machine and hoped it would be a good companion and as faithful as my PowerBook. Loving my new MacBookPro.

  • My New Macbook

    This Is My New Macbook

    I have been using my MacBook for almost a month. In fact it is a good performance and portable notebook. However for a guy like me that have been using high performance and ultra portable computer, I need something small and powerful as my pervious PowerBook.

    The machine that comes close to it now is MacBookPro. And of course MacBookPro is the successor of PowerBook. My problem of owning it, is the smaller size is 15” and is consider too big for me to travel around with it. Although there are rumors on the web that there may be a 12” MacBookPro, I will not put my hope in it.

    I am not saying that MacBook is not a good machine. Another good fact is, Macbook runs Windows better and faster than any other Windows based machines. It is a computer above the rest of all IBM compatible computers. The only hardware that comes close to its performance is Compaq Armada series.

    As for now, I am happy with my new MacBook.

  • In Remembrance Of My Powerbook

    In Remembrance Of My Macintosh PowerBook

    The time has almost come for me to retire my Macintosh PowerBook. I really cannot bear to let it go.

    Although it gets weird once a while it has been faithful to me and my best travelling companion among all my portable devices.

    I am replacing it with the new macbook.

    In remembrance of my powerbook, I have taken pictures of it and exhibit here. So this page is dedicated to my powerbook for keeping me company during my solitary time.

  • What Is Sparse Image?

    What Is Sparse Image?

    Sparse Image Screenshot

    Recently I updated my Carbon Copy Cloner to version 3.0-b5. When cloning, there was a new option to clone a harddisk to a sparse image.

    So what is a sparse image?

    A sparse image is a file that can be mounted like any other disk, and the disk size will grow as you put more data in it. It is a dynamic disk image. It will reduce in size if data are taken out of the image.

    A dmg image is another kind of disk image. It is a fixed size image and can be either read-only or read-write. If you created the image size 10GB, it will be fixed at 10GB, even if you only store 10MB of data. A .dmg is not dynamic but a fixed size image.

  • Logos Bible Software for the Mac

    Logos Bible Software for the Mac

    Logos Bible Software for Mac

    Finally my long awaited software for mac, Logos Bible Software.

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Is gonna make available for OS X this year late fall. I gonna have access to ton of bible references. Check it out at http://www.logos.com/mac

    But then we have the freeware version, MacSword from The Sword Project, an open source under the GNU General Public License. You can get more information at http://www.crosswire.org/sword/