Tag: lesson

  • Free Download Wifi Password

    As Featured On EzineArticles.com

    Every one of us will come to a time when we urgently need to go online but there is no internet access available. And we will try to move around within our proximity to scan for WIFI and betting on luck that we do not need a password to access it.

    Assuming you manage to find a WIFI but you need a password. What do you do?

    For me, I will identify the WIFI device and try the factory default password. During the dawn of wireless era, this trick usually works but now people are getting more sophisticated and know how to change the factory password. I used to surf all these products websites and get free download WIFI utility tools and default factory password, and compile a list of it.

    Nowaday what I will do is before I go to an unfamiliar place, I will google or ask around for information about free or paid WIFI available at where I am going and make the appropriate choice and backup plan if I ever need urgent internet access.

    There are times when I want to show off my skills to my peers or impress my new found girlfriend, I will use a stumbling software to scan the air for nearby wireless. A stumbling software can also detect hidden access point and display their SSID.

    After finding all available access points, the next thing you need is their respective passwords to get access. I can run the application to decipher the password but this method takes time. The process may take me from twenty minutes to more than an hour.

    A faster alternative is to run a packet capture application on the targeted wireless network. Most of the time it will free download WIFI password in the captured packets. Search through the contents of the packets and any sensible human can detect which one is the password. I just copy and paste, and I have access to the wireless.

    To use all these techniques and the required software, you need to practice and learn how to analyze a packet. You can start off by using your own WIFI as your training ground.

    Do you feel safe using wireless now? A simple solution to protect yourself from online theft is to use a VPN, Virtual Private Network. A VPN protects the information you transmit over the internet and keep it away from preying sniffers.

    Learn more, visit http://www.blockedipaddress.com/

  • Common Reasons For Blocked IP Address and How to Overcome It

    As Featured On EzineArticles.com

    If you are using a shared IP address on web hosting and this IP is being abused by spammer, political propaganda or computer viral activities, etc, most likely the IP address you are using will be blocked. Your site has contents that are not in favour to the other party and the party will blacklist your IP by blocking it to make it unreachable.

    To overcome the problems of being blocked, here is the list of things you can do.

    1. Contact your web host and ask if they can re-assign you to another set of IP. If you have budget, you can get your own IP address for your website. Having a dedicated IP address also improve your ranking with search engines.

    2. Use a IP spoof tool to change your IP address. You can google and read more about it?

    3. Use a paid VPN to get access. Most free VPN services use PPTP for communication. A paid VPN service offers you IPSec or SSL increase your chances of reaching the desired site is higher than PPTP.

    4. Use a free proxy server. Google “free proxy list” and try your luck. Use free proxy server for low demand browsing because they are over spam by advertisement banners and slow down your browser performance.

    5. Install another computer in another location or country, then use remote control software to get access to your computer and access the desired site. If you have extra cash, you can install your own VPN server in another location.

    6. Call your friends in another location and login and get access on your behalf.

    7. Most importantly, do not offer specific contents and keywords on your websites that speak ill or is against the country you have the most viewers from. Doing so will risk your IP being blocked.

    A typical good example to reduce being blocked, is the above point no. 2. Express your contents using commonly used words and offer an action that will lead the reader to find the specific answers you want to give.

    Do not use point no. 4 to express your thoughts in an article. The keywords in the sentence, if filtered, it may increase your probability of getting blocked.

    Here are the ways how I overcome blocked IP address in a hostile internet world.

    Learn more? http://www.blockedipaddress.com/

  • Using Non Woven Polypropylene For an Environment Friendly Bag

    As Featured On EzineArticles.com

    When you look all around you, what you will probably see are plastics. Especially when you go to the supermarket or just shopping around at the mall, when you buy something you will be going home with plastic bags in your hands. Now that is not really a good thing when we think about it. Because we are doing more harm than good with regards to our environment. Plastics are not good for nature. It hurts nature and usually just ends up as non-decomposing trash item in landfills. That is if they at least reach the landfills.

    It is a great thing that scientists are working hard to solve this problem. Because now they have come up with a new kind of plastic, one that is actually referred to as a plastic fabric, because it can be used in other items where fabric is normally used. This new plastic variant is called a non woven polypropylene which is gaining popularity especially in the eco friendly market.

    What is good about this new plastic? A highly recyclable plastic, non woven polypropylene is accepted by recycling plants and centers wherein they can easily break it down to create other useful things. It is strong and durable enough to be used as a daily shopping bag. It is very cheap to manufacture, and thus can be mass produced to completely replace the usual plastics we see in the supermarkets. It is very soft that it is even used as a surgical mask. It is lightweight which makes it ideal for other purposes.

    This non woven polypropylene helps in promoting a greener environment and in informing the general public that there is an alternative to using the highly polluting common plastics. It will also help in forging a new habit of re-using a shopping bag instead of simply using it once.

    It is not just recyclable in the sense that you can send it to recycling centers and have it processed, but this new kind of plastic can be recycled just in our very own homes. Since it is durable enough for daily use, you can just wipe it clean to use it again. Should it gain even dirtier, you can even use soap on it, rinse with cold water, and then let it hang out to dry in the air.

    These recycling features make it an ideal plastic to replace the old ones that we have been used to each day. Just imagine what it can do to our environment if we can greatly lessen all the plastic bags that we have been throwing out. Landfills will not easily be filled up, plus there will be fewer plastics to clog the sewers and just left lying in the roads where it will never easily decompose.

    When we only have one Mother Earth, taking care of her should be our top priority. And often all we need to do is to start small. Using recyclable plastics will be a huge contribution to keeping our planet green and clean for many years to come.

    There is only one earth. Do your part, save the earth. Start using eco friendly bags. http://www.bagtailor.com/

  • Create Your Own Personalized Canvas Bags

    As Featured On EzineArticles.com

    One of the most flexible and useful kind of bag is a canvas bag. It is made of strong, woven fabric that can be utilized to create other things like signage, tents, table mats, and more. But it is for bags which it is more commonly used for.

    But did you know that you can have your very own personalized canvas bags? It is a good thing especially since a plain bag is not really a fashionable thing to have. It looks so simple, laid-back, and seems like it is more for going to the market than for daily use.

    Since these bags are durable enough to last for a long time, you certainly want it to look more to your liking if you are going to use it very often. These are also very inexpensive so you can get for yourself a set of these bags and with a little bit of your very own creativity, you can have a set of attractive and unique personalized bags.

    With just some colorful paints and accessories, here is how you can make your bag fit your personality.

    1. Select the type of canvas bag that you would like for this small project. There is a wide variety to choose from, ranging from all sizes to colors. Also, choose the design that you want to recreate on your bag.

    2. In hardware stores or craft stores, you can buy some fabric paint. Just choose the colors that you will be actually using so you can save money on paint as well as you do not have to stock away unused colors in your house.

    3. Put wax on the inside of your canvas. What the wax does is it prevents the paint, which you will be applying on the outside, to sip through the canvas fabric.

    4. Now you can lay down your bag on a table and start painting with your previously selected design. You can simply use a small brush for this so you can have finer and firmer control on how the colors will paint on the canvas. Or if you are not good at this, you can simply use a template and outline the design using the brush all over it.

    5. When you are done painting, hang out your decorated canvas outside under the sun. When your canvas is already dry, then that is the best time that you can add other accessories such as beads, buttons, threads and even stickers.

    This is the simple way on how you can create your very own personalized canvas bags. You can use virtually every kind of accessory on your bag. Just make sure that you have a clear idea on what design or them you would like to see on your bag and you can start from there. Who knows, maybe your friends would like your new bags and request for their very own personalized bags from you. That could even be the start of your own small business.

  • How to Write Mission Statement That Will Inspire You and Others

    As Featured On EzineArticles.com

    Mission statements are usually just for organizations and establishments like schools and companies. However, if you want to have your own mission statement in life, you can do it too. A statement is like your motto in life that will lead you to greater heights. If you are ready, here are some tips on how to write a good one.

    Which is the most important thing to you? In a person, there are so many aspects of life. So, before writing your statement, get a pen and jot down the things that are important to you. Example, love, family, school, career, business, friendship, religion and so on. After writing it all down, rank now which one is the highest and which one is the lowest.

    Write a statement for each. Once you have ranked all the important aspects of your life, you are now ready to write a mission statement for each aspect. Make it short and simple. For instance, if your most important aspect is about your family, you can write “to have a loving relationship with my family until the next and the next generation”.

    Combine it all together. Once you are done with number two, look at your short and simple missions, which ones are really good or important missions? Combine all the missions together to make one cohesive statement for your life.

    When you have written your mission statement, it will inspire you to fulfill what you have convey in your statement and your life will be different. And then you can tell and inspire other people about how to write mission statement.

    Change your life at http://www.visionmissionstatement.com/

  • 7 Hidden Shortcuts In Mac OS X

    7 Hidden Shortcuts In Mac OS X

    The most common tasks we used

    1) You can hide individual windows or entire applications instead of closing them. When you work with multiple applications or documents, windows sometimes overlap and make it difficult to see your desktop or other items.

    • To hide all open windows in an application ( including any toolbars or panels), choose the Hide command from the application menu, or ⌘+H.

    • To hide everything except the current application, choose Hide Others form the application window, or ⌘+Option+H.

    2) You can take a picture of a window using the shortcut ⌘+Shift+3.

    • If you don’t need a picture of your entire screen, you can capture just part of the screen using ⌘+Shift+4.

    • To take a picture of a window, a menu, the menu bar, or the Dock, press ⌘+Shift+4, then press the Space bar. Move the pointer over the area you want so that it’s highlighted, then click. To drag to select the area instead, press the Space bar again. To cancel, press Escape.

    3) Making the screen image appear larger

    If you have difficulty seeing or reading objects on your screen, you can make items on your screen appear larger by setting zoom options in the Universal Access pane of System Preferences.

    When zoom is turned on, you use keyboard shortcuts to enlarge and reduce the screen image.

    • ⌘+Option+equal (=) makes the screen image appear larger (zoom in).

    • ⌘+Option+hyphen (-) makes the screen image appear smaller (zoom out).

    4) You can view and modify information about files, applications, and volumes in the Info window.

    • To see information for one or more items, select the items and press ⌘+I

    5) When you finish your work in an application, you may want to quit the application to make more memory available for other applications. This is commonly mistaken with the close window command. When you close a window, the program is still running in the background, taking up computer resources.

    • To close a window in the Finder or application, press ⌘+W.

    • To Quit an application, press ⌘+Q.

    6) You can right-click. Windows users are used to having a right mouse click. Mac does come with this feature, but is hidden, as there is only a single click button on the computer.

    To activate the menu list

    • for portables, hold down the Control (ctrl) button while you click on the trackpad button

    • for desktops or mouse users, go to Mouse option in the Keyboard & Mouse preferences

    7) Moving items to trash and emptying the trash

    • To move the selected item to the Trash, press ⌘+Delete.

    • To empty the Trash, press ⌘+Shift+Delete.

    • To empty the Trash without any warning or when it contains locked files, press ⌘+Shift+Option+Delete.

    (Co-author with Puat)

  • What Is PRAM?

    MagSafe connecting to Macbook Pro
    PRAM stands for Parameter RAM. PRAM stores certain system and device settings in a location that The Mac OS can access quickly. The information is store in a small area of non-volatile RAM (NVRAM).

    What does PRAM stores? Zapping your PRAM? How to do it? Exactly which settings are stored in the computer’s PRAM varies depending on the type of computer as well as the types of devices and drives connected to the computer.

    Some information stored in PRAM includes:
    • Display and video settings such as refresh rate, screen resolution, number of colors
    • Time zone setting
    • Startup volume choice
    • Speaker volume
    • Recent kernel panic information, if any
    • DVD region setting

Note: Mac OS X stores your preselected DVD region choice in PRAM for easy access. Resetting PRAM does not allow you to change the DVD region.

    Unlike prior versions of the Mac OS, Mac OS X does not store network settings in PRAM. If you experience a network issue, resetting PRAM will not help.

    If PRAM is reset, you may need to verify your time zone, startup volume, and volume settings using System Preferences. Certain firmware updates may reset PRAM as a normal part of their installation process.

    When to use PRAM? There are times when the computer faces some problems. Instead of rushing the computer to the service centre, you may try these resuscitation methods for the computer. The few problems that PRAM could help,

    1. Computer has no startup chime, and the sleep light may or may not be turned on. You can still hear the computer has something running inside, which means there is power in the computer.

    2. Screen is distorted or flickering, or resolution of the screen is not right.

    3. External devices are not able to be detected.

    Usually PRAM is ran for 3 cycles, which means you hold the 4 keys simultaneously (Command, Option, P, and R) until you hear 3 startup chimes. Another thing that we should note is that zapping PRAM should not be used unnecessarily.

    When ever the PRAM is used, zapping PRAM, you will reset your clock setting to 1970. And this will disrupt the proper flow of power to into the computer. If PRAM does not solve the problem, do not keep trying too many times, it is really time to send the computer for servicing.

    Co-author with Puat.

    This article is based on Apple Support, http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1242

  • What Is Sparse Image?

    What Is Sparse Image?

    Sparse Image Screenshot

    Recently I updated my Carbon Copy Cloner to version 3.0-b5. When cloning, there was a new option to clone a harddisk to a sparse image.

    So what is a sparse image?

    A sparse image is a file that can be mounted like any other disk, and the disk size will grow as you put more data in it. It is a dynamic disk image. It will reduce in size if data are taken out of the image.

    A dmg image is another kind of disk image. It is a fixed size image and can be either read-only or read-write. If you created the image size 10GB, it will be fixed at 10GB, even if you only store 10MB of data. A .dmg is not dynamic but a fixed size image.