Tag: ideology

  • 最疼的那个才是妻


    We are not talking about what we eat into the stomach is consider food or only what we wear is consider a shirt. What it mean is, the action we do and care for somebody, that come from our heart, will reveal to us who we really love.

    We have food everywhere but we do not eat everything we come across. We only eat what we like. We go shopping and only buy the clothing we like to wear. The actions of eating and buying arise from what our heart want.

    We desire to have so many lovers around us daily, but who we really love? We can buy flower to charm our lovers. We can spend our time to sweet talk them. But the one our heart’s desire, is the woman we show concern most and take action to care for.

  • Cheap, Quick & Good

    Sign at a car repair shop:





    When perfection is not perfect, we have to decide what is best for the situation. As an achiever, we always settle for the best but there are times, the best is not up to our expectation.

    In situation like this we have to make decision swiftly and pick the best and option out the bad to make effective decision for a better result.

  • What Is The Catalyst?

    What Is The Catalyst?

    What Is The Catalyst Published On 25 June 2006

    Due to the recent murder case in the tuina shop in Ang Mo Kio, our government stepped up the requirements and regulations for such joint.

    According to the newspaper, Zaobao published on 25 June 2006, the authority implemented three restrictions. No girls standing outside of the joint. No ‘less’ wear and the joint could not be curtained up. The authority was also stepping up to clamp down unlicensed joints.

    People like us knew that these tuina shops were actually fcuk shops. Implementing all these rules and regulations to shut down such joints sounded logical and achievable. Thinking deeper, we had not solved the root of the problem, that was, why such joints propagated so fast over the years and went into the heartland of our HDBs.

    Was it because we, men were getting more horny than before? Or our wives could not satisfied us, so we had to find our fulfilment else where? There must be some good reasons for such activities to grow and outbreak to HDB areas. If there was no demands for such supplies, the business would die and cease steadily long time ago.

    As my Canadian friend, Bob Urichuck always said, ‘the world revolves around sales’ and I add on, ‘sales is based on supplies and demand.’ Even the authority banned the tuina shops like banning chewing gum, these girls would find other means to survive in this sex trade. If there were demands, no matter how we regulated the trade, these girls would carry on until the demands were no more. If tuina shop could be opened, they could open a cosmetic shop, hair salon, spa and so on.

    For such outbreak of prostitution in Singapore, I could only say, we were approaching a family crisis here that would lead to other social problems, that would affect our economy in the near future.

    I think to solve the problem is to solve the answer to this question, ‘What is the catalyst of this business?’

  • We, The Willing

    Many friends had asked me how come I had the zeal, the strength, to do extraordinary things and explore the unknown. Many people portrayed me as a daring person, an entrepreneur, adventurous guy, trill seeker, etc.

    Many did not know how much I had sacrificed to come this far.

    All summed up in this statement below I came across fifteen years ago.

    We, the willing,
    led by the unknowing,
    are doing the impossible,
    for the ungrateful.

    We have done so much
    for so long,
    with so little,
    we are qualified
    to do anything,
    with nothing.

  • Quotes From Black Hawk Down

    Blackhawk Down Poster

    Hoot: When I get home people will ask me, “Hey Hoot, why do you do it man? Why? You some war junkie?” You know what I’ll say? I won’t say a goddamn word. Why? They won’t understand. They won’t understand why we do it. They won’t understand that it’s about the men next to you, and that’s it. That’s all it is.

    Hoot: Y’know what I think? Don’t really matter what I think. Once that first bullet goes past your head, politics and all that shit just goes right out the window.

    Hoot: Sergeant, you got your men this far. You did it right today. Now you gotta start thinking about getting them out of here.

    Eversmann: Nobody asks to be a hero, it just sometimes turns out that way.

    Struecker: No one gets left behind, you know that.

    Copyright © Columbia Pictures

  • I Am Dying, Singapore, Dying

    Fifteen years ago, I was asked many times where was Singapore. I told them it was at the end of Malay Peninsula. I gave them all the geographical description to pin point where was it on the map and a quickie on our young history. Some foreigners thought Singapore was a town or province in China because I was a Chinese. Many also thought Singapore was a third-world country with poor people and old villages. Singapore was too small to be printed on the map.

    At that time we were so insignificant to the westerners but we, Singaporeans knew that we were a small but powerful country. Powerful not just in term of military defence, but in economic, international diplomacy, nation building and so on. By this time we were recognised by the world of our world class seaport, indisputable number one Changi Airport, government efficiency, etc.

    Then ten years later, I asked foreigners if they knew where Singapore was. This time many westerners knew there was this hidden country called Singapore some where on the map. By now Singapore had spread it great name to the end of the earth. We were well respected and welcomed to foreign lands.

    Add another five years, which was now, I asked this question again, “Where is Singapore?” but this time I asked my fellow countryman. Our forefathers, which was my grandfather, immigrated here and toiled together. Forty years had past, now we were coming into our third generation.

    The third generation Singapore would be led by my generation. We would continue to run the race with the baton that was passed on to us. We understood how our nation was developed because we gone through the process side by side with our forefathers. We had seen how they toiled and learned from them. We had inherited their spirit of fervency, and grew up seeing and feeling their hardship and how they built our nation.

    Forty years from now will be fourth generation Singapore. If I ask this question again “Where is Singapore?” forty years later. I am questioning the future of the nation. The leaders after my generation, how will they lead the nation like our forefathers?

  • 2006 My Top 10 Favourite English Phases

    10. Marry the man you love or love the man you marry.

    9. Parents are a gift from God. But thank God, I can choose my friends.

    8. Every morning is the dawn of a new error.

    7. Keep your money in the pocket, not in your heart.

    6. If you cannot find a way, make one.

    5. There are two very difficult things in the world. One is to make a name for oneself and the other is to keep it. (Robert Schumann)

    4. Not tonight honey, I got a modem!

    3. The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. (Winston Churchill)

    2. When you tell a lie you have to believe what you say is true.

    Drum rolling …. And the number one is…

    1. A good name is better than fine perfume.

  • 2006: Year Of The Dog

    2006: Year of the Dog
    What will this year be for me? Another disastrous year? Only the end of the year will I know. Now, I am going to chart my own destiny, fight the good fight and recover all that I have lost.

    2006: Genesis
    2006 will be the beginning of a renew hope. The hope that will sustain me to live on and fulfil my destiny for the next 10 years.

    The goals are:
    1. Complete writing the book and publish by 2006.
    2. Blueprint my retirement at 40.
    3. Learn a third language. (elective)

    I hope to complete writing the book by this year. Lot of research on the topic need to be done and sort out my chaotic thoughts before I penned.

    Where will I be in life when I am 40. This is the important question for the next chapter of my life. Now like 10 years ago, another year of solitary life, living in solitude help me think clearly of what I want in life, how I want to live, what I want to accomplish and my thoughts will not be influenced by peer pressure.

    Finally shalom has come to me, now everything come together in one harmony, writing the book and charting the next chapter of my life, all on the subject of decision-making.

    If I have time left, I wish to learn a third language to broaden my linguistic anthropology. So should I take up Russian or Arab? Or should I polish up my Greek I learn twelve years ago?

    I think these goals are good enough to keep me busy for the year. Well! It is time for me to get my world revolving again.

    Here I wish all Chinese a happy and prosperous dog year.

    Godspeed to all.

  • My Friend, Bob

    Find a friend - Bob at Patong Beach, Phuket

    My Canadian friend, Bob, our friendship started five years ago from a supplier-client relationship. He travelled around the world for business and visited Singapore at least twice a year. Bob said to me, “Hosea, I don’t know why every time I come to Singapore you are the only want I want to meet.” He flashed back, there were so many people wanted to meet up with him but he chose to spend time with me after working hours than meeting his associates. Then spontaneously he added, “I think I know why because when you meet me you don’t talk business. You don’t go through the BS and solicit for business opportunities.”

    How many of us still make friends like that? It was a great comfort Bob said that to me.

    Our favourite pastime was to go Lat Pat Sat for a satay fest with lot of beers and the hotel VIP lounge for a beer session and drink till our hearts content with our computer notebook on our laps and chat till the lounge close.

    Bob, I miss you.

    Visit Bob at www.bobu.com

  • 2005: Year Of The Chicken

    2005: Chronicle
    From year 2003-2005 were the dark ages of my soul. Everything I did, ventures embarked, project I led, etc, everything started to fail and failed damned badly. Year 2005 was the darkest of my entire life. I felt abandoned by God, rejected by society and forsaken by friends.

    In 2003, I anticipated that years ahead may be a big disaster for me so I started to make provision for the upcoming tough years. The worst ever happened to me was my 6-year-old girlfriend left me. Ever since that happen, it seem like the whole world was against me. I lost focus in my business and lost big time. Kinships and friendships began to break up and by the beginning of 2005 I lost myself, I lost my health, I lost friendship and everything I had seem gone, disappeared, vaporised into thin air.

    The provision I made was to take a year break in 2005 and happened to be in conjunction with my sabbatical plan, I planned 10 years ago.

    In 2005, Now, I was alone but fearless as before. I braced up again, putting all the past behind and looking forward, I went for a year tour and declared 2005 my Sabbatical Year.

    2005: Sabbatical
    This is my resting year because it was the darkest year of my life. I thought doing nothing was the best thing I could do to keep myself alive. I did try to jumpstart some ventures during the year but the favour of God was not with me.

    My original plan was to go Canada for my sabbatical break but then a year before my departure I decided to go China. After Chinese New Year, I took my passport and my baggage and travelled around neighbouring countries and finally retreated to Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province of China.

    In Guangzhou, the favour of God was not with me again and I moved from town to town and finally ended up in Zhuhai. Here I found peace and new friendship. I was happy and about to settle down, the wind of God changed and blew me to Chongqing province (an hour flight from Guangzhou airport or 30 hours of train ride).

    2005: Reflection
    I knew this year was the toughest year of my life, nevertheless I still set goals for it but simple and achievable.

    The four goals were:

    1. Go for my Sabbatical Break.

    2. Complete writing the book I decided to write 4 years ago.

    3. Restore my health by losing weight from 100kg to 75kg, restore my physical and mental fitness back to my peak state.

    4. De-gadget my life.

    Go for my Sabbatical Break. Yes I had accomplished it. Leaving all behind, breaking away from support system and leaving your comfort zone were not easy tasks. It was a state of mind, an emotionless calm mind. To some, I might be an irresponsible person running away from responsibilities. To others, seem to be a cool thing to do.

    As for me, taking this break, it took me one year to decide and this decision did not come easy. I had to struggle within myself to unify my heart, my mind, soul and strength as one. The fruit of the decision was not the enjoyment of my one year holiday. It was to destroy the “soulish ties” and rekindle the “passion of life” in me. Do not be bothered if you do not understand, I am talking theology.

    The book… Sad to say I did not complete or near completion. At least I started to pen now.

    Yes! Yes! Yes! From 100kg to 75kg, what an achievement! It took me almost three years to get back in shape. Huh! What was the secret recipe? Go vegetarian, that was my secret. I was not a die-hard vegetarian. Had vegetable meals as possible as you can and avoid meat if you can. Another secret was to eat enough and not eat full.

    I was not physically fit as before but I am much stronger now. Five years ago, I injured my back and was bed-ridden for ten days. It took me till now to be able to walk upright. As a semi-pro sportsman since childhood, my muscles started to ache as my age was catching up.

    Two years ago my mind started to weaken and I lost the will to live. My mind was so weak that I even gave up driving because I almost had accident almost everyday. My mental health resilient from the break. I was thinking again and thinking of things that were beyond comprehension.

    I was proud to say that I had achieved the fitness level that I wanted to attained. In fact I was more acute that before. I was ready to get myself into peak state again.

    As a techno geek, I was always the guy that had the latest gadgets, hi-tech devices, etc at hand. Always an early adopter of technology. In 2004, I made a decision to de-gadget myself, reducing my dependency on devices by 2005. It was tough to change my habitual lifestyle but I finally made it. From four mobile phones reduce to one (but now back to two). Remember schedules than depend on Pocket Outlook reminder alarm but I did miss Avantgo and reading ebook on my IPAQ. I was glad to say my stay in China had let me break away from all this hi-tech toys and left it all back in Singapore. Finally I also free myself from the “upgrade” curse, whatever new in the market, upgrade, upgrade upgrade. Switching to Mac platform helped break the curse.

    Although it was a lousy year for me, I was satisfied with my achievement.

    Thank you God for your grace and mercy.