Tag: ideology

  • 男人爱他的女人才会去找代替品

    其实男人不花心也不需要三妻四妾,不去寻找代替品的。只要他爱的女人会捉住他的心,一个女人就够了。其实有两个女人是很烦的。三个更不用说了。时常听我朋友们说,” 我老婆这样对我就好了,我也不用出来偷吃”,“有老婆陪我也不用出来玩”,等等。这些话我都听惯了。当我爱上慧时,我为了一棵树放弃了整个森林。意思不是说我花心,我是要表达有慧陪伴我一生就够了。




  • 花花公子的代价



    因为男人付出真爱时是把他的一生希望和未来的计划围着他的女人筹划。他会投入全部的精神,全不的资源,全部的感情在他最爱的女人身上。 所以当他的女人离开他,他会产生被出卖的感觉。就这样男人不敢再付出真爱。







  • 男人花多少钱才是真的爱你?

    我想知道 男人花多少钱才是真的爱你? 你能告诉我吗? 爱情可以不用金钱来横量吗? 把你男人的钱花光了你是不是会离开他?

  • 我们成为了最熟悉的陌生人


    如果有一天你能到我的心里去, 你一定会流泪因为里面全是你给的伤。如果有一天我能到你心里去,我也一定会流泪因为里面全是你的无所谓。我们的认识本来就是一个错误,不是吗?



  • 香港始终有你

    Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong


    十年前的我还以为中国回收香港是件坏事,没想到香港回归中国给香港带来了更美好的将来。我也看到了一国两制的存在。 现在的香港居民不象以前回归的时候,不知道自己的民族身份。中央政府对香港的付出,耐心和不辞辛劳的精神,已经赢到香港居民的心。现在的香港居民已经接受了中国是祖国。




  • 二五而立
















  • 2007: Year Of The Pig

    Year Of The Pig Backpacking In Dongbei

    2007: A Good Start
I am looking forward to the end of the year of the pig because I am expecting this is a good year for me. I have a good start for the year although things are slowing down now, I am maintaining the momentum of my life. I will accelerate everything as much as possible to shorten my ten-year plan.

    2007: What Have I Accomplished
The only goal I do not complete last year is , writing the book. Now this goal is number one on my priority list.

    There is nothing much for me to reflect and plan for this year. Nothing much to blog about my thoughts and decisions. My master plan, my goals, and so forth, I have already sort them out during my last two years. This year is all about action, action and action. Focus on it and execute.

    2007: The New Year
I am looking forward to the end of year to see what I have accomplished. May my Jehovah Jireh be with me.

  • 男人三十一条龙








  • A Premier To Terrorise Singapore (Part 2 of 2)

    A Premier To Terrorise Singapore (Part 1 of 2)

    What is terrorism? How are we going to prevent ourselves from such attack?

    The answer is simple. Do not let technology to be integrated into your lifestyle. Technology only compliments our lifestyles and not replacement.

    Seriously we have to ask ourselves:
    1. Can I contact my friend if I do not have my mobile phone with me.
    2. If I do not have a computer, can I get my document send out?
    3. If I do not have a cashcard (problem passing through the ERP gantry), can I still drive and go to the CBD?
    4. Do I have a problem travelling with public transport without the linkcard?
    5. Can I make payment without NETS and VISA cards?

    These questions sound trivia but will disable our lifestyles and give us hell if our lifelines are depending on it. If your answers to the above questions are all ‘no’, you have a serious problem with your lifestyle. If some are ‘no’, you are still ok. If ‘yes’ is all your answers, good!

    In Singapore, we are so dependent on technologies and if one day not available to us, we will stop our life, our work. I am serious. I have ask around what happen when you computer breakdown or when your corporate network becomes unavailable for a day. Most will tell me, they cannot work. Some companies even have policy to request staffs to go on compulsory leave.

    If one day you are on the street and you forget to bring your mobile phone out or the battery is flat and you need to make a phone call. If you are in Singapore then you are in deep shit because you hardly find public phone on the street anymore. If you manage to find one, you will be shocked you need a prepaid card to use it. Adding more shock to it, you have to buy a $10 prepaid card to make a ten-cent call.

    In Singapore, even you have the key to a car, does not mean you can drive. You need a cashcard too. What happen if your cashcard value is low or the card is damage? You will be as good as a cripple or handicap having a car. So your cashcard is damage and you need a replacement. Do you know where to get it? 7-11 store? Are you sure you they are selling it?

    Recently I am back to Singapore and have been visiting our civil department. All these department no longer accept cash payment. You have to use NETS or cashcard. Some may offer payment through credit card. Sound cool, huh! Our government looks high-tech. Imagine a guy like me back to Singapore without all these cards or expired cards to facilitate payment. I am so handicap and cannot even make a $15 cash payment for my identity card renewal. By the way, why do I have to pay for my identity card? I have to borrow a stranger’s card to make my payment. Imagine a network disconnection in such department. The whole unit cannot transact?

    In our present times, nothing is eternal. Everything is volatile. HP can takeover Compaq, IBM sells the notebook division to Lenovo. New York’s twin tower flatten to ground. Enron’s disgrace. Singapore is a safe place to live, do not mean no risk. We cannot take life for granted.

    I remember once, I park my car at Raffles City. My cashcard is low and I top up at a top-up machine in the carpark. Then come along an American lady making payment for her parking fee.

    She also wants to top up her card to make payment for her parking fee. But her ATM card cannot work with the machine. It is late in the night and there is no customer service officer at the counter to assist her. She is so helpless and rushing to go off to fetch her little child. So I decide to help her by using my ATM card, but she only have a $50 bill and I do not have change for that. In the end, she write me a cheque of $10.

    With all these unspoken problems I mention. How much worst can it be to affect our life if one day a terrorist strikes the electronic heartbeat of Singapore. This is what is terrorism all about in our modern age!

  • Power of Conviction

    When you tell a lie you have to believe what you say is true.

    If we tell a lie with conviction, it will become a truth and the distorted truth will give you the power to negotiate. I am not teaching you to lie. I am teaching you the power of conviction, to persuade someone into believing something.

    When someone start to believe in you, you have the power to negotiate to your advantage to get what you want.