又是一个人的冬天。我开始睡在沙发上 因为一个人睡大床 好冷啊!好希望这个冬天有个伴。好希望 睡觉时 有人在我身边 给我软脚。好希望 有人贴在我胸口 溶化我的心。
Tag: ideology
《题都城南庄》 诗人:崔护
桃花依旧笑春风。慧,我们认识一年了。想起我们初次见面,真好笑!你还真的给我扒瓜子!我真的好希望 我们的结局是 桃花依旧笑春风。
三月里的春天 之 第一次
三月里的春天 之 不想放弃她
三月里的春天 之 我还是会爱你
三月里的春天 之 原来我是第三者
一套床单 两千元
我们的初次 -

一个一个的 都回老家 准备过年。有些不回来了 有些还不知道 有些老妈叫回家 又不回。我呢?你呢?会在哪过年?
今晚因该是玩的开开心的,不知道怎么的 就闹到派出所了。刚到家,刚天亮了,好累啊!自从慧离开我之后,倒霉的事就一个一个找上门来。
我想过个简单的生活 但是我的社会圈子不准许。二十来岁时,我为了打江山 我失去了人生自由。重出江湖的我 失去了人性感。
我为什么不能像平凡人一样,简简单单的过生活。每次快要过休闲的日子时 总是都会出些事 搞乱我的生活。在旁观者眼里 就会觉得我的人生是五彩缤纷。
眼睛看不到 心里会知道
今天盈盈知道是我过生日,她送我一份,眼睛看不到 心里会知道 的礼物。这份礼物是我最想要的,那就是 人情味。她二话不说 买个钱包给我,来传达 送给我的是 人间还有爱,人间还有情 的信息。她知道我很久很久没收到礼物了 就一定要送给我 就是要我知道 这社会还有温软的一面。今年的生日是很孤单 但很有味道。
寂寞的今夜 孤单的生日
等下 我就大一岁了。 小的时候,庆祝生日很开心的,有的玩 有的吃,都盼望明年的生日快点到。
现在大了,反而庆祝生日还觉得烦。年龄又再加多一岁,人生现在开始接近死亡。我的前辈们一个一个的都去了。我的晚辈们也开始成家立业,以前小朋友叫我哥哥 现在改叫叔叔。以前我的前辈们照顾我,现在我照顾我的晚辈了。
我已经走到人生的中点,回头看看我的人生真的是多姿多彩啊!活的比一般人潇洒。很多朋友们都羡慕我的生活方式 但是又有谁知道我是怎么熬出头的。
先苦后甜,大家现在都看到我的甜甜的生活,我苦苦的日子谁来和我共患难。我以前受过的委屈谁能知。苦日子的命已经过去了。现在该是我享受人生了 因为过不久 人老了 什么也没力气去体验了。现在的我,心已经累,身体开始衰落,体力也开始差了。
今天许的愿是 明年的今天 不会孤单的抱着枕头睡。
《夜雨寄北》 诗人:李商隐
《桃花庵歌》 诗人:唐伯虎
终于体验到风流才子唐伯虎的情感。看来我是没白活了 还过的比唐伯虎更潇洒。最喜欢这一句‘别人笑我忒疯癫,我笑别人看不穿’。
We Will Soar, We Will Roar
Serving my National Service (middle, fourth from the left)
Happy 43rd Birthday Singapore!I am a Singaporean Chinese, meaning born and breed in Singapore and my race is Chinese, and most importantly, completed my NS to make me a true blue Singaporean.
Isn’t that cool, to have gone through NS (National Service)? A status that cannot be replicated, cloned or emulated? When a PRC Chinese got his pink IC and say he is a Singaporean now. I will always shoot back, “Have you done your National Service?”
As I grow older I lost my identity, of who am I? What is the definition of being a citizen of Singapore? Singapore is a multi-racial society and rapidly changing over the years.
I cannot find my primary school anymore. My favourite playground is gone and a building erected over it. I feel lost, no more childhood memory. And our massive import of foreign trash, oops! I mean foreign talent make our little island more like a Toa Payoh Bus Interchange than a place call homeland.
Our island is too small for anything. So six years ago, I departed Singapore, give up everything and roam the world in solitary. Now I am living in China, writing this in Guangzhou.
After living in China, I find my identity as a Chinese, I feel my root and my heritage. The race of being a Chinese is alive in me. I feel like a real Chinese and I cannot experience that in a multi-cultural place like Singapore, where we are so mix up with so many cultural coherent.
After so many years of roaming, now I see Singapore from the stage of the world. We are much better than the Taiwanese, whining mindlessly over China sovereignty over Taiwan.
We are far more fortunate than the Hongkie and Macau people that end up being a SAR of China. Do they acknowledge themselves as citizen of China? or citizen of what, I wonder too?
Looking at the Uighur separatists of the Muslim majority in Xinjiang province of China that have been consistently waging insurgency against the Chinese government for so many years.
Although over the years, I am unhappy with PAPpy policies, I will still give credits to our government for making Singapore a better place than the rest of the world and a spotlight of the world.
We, Singaporean, regardless of race, is a peculiar group of people on this earth. And the world look up to us, Singaporean for many attributes and contributions to their nations. In fact, we are view as one of the first class citizens of the world.
Recently I found my identity back. A sense of belonging not to the government nor to my family or friends. What make me a Singaporean now is, I am born in Singapore and the way I live, the way I think and my contribution to the world and lastly writing this article with my powderful Singlish. All of these characteristics reckon by my friends, make me a Singaporean.
No matter how our PAPpy import foreigners and convert them to pink IC, true blue Singaporean will never be replaced. My friends of the world will never accept pink IC as the Singaporean. The world will never entrust tasks to a converted Singaporean.
I believe all of us have no revelation at all, if, when duty call will our Muslim Singaporean fight along with us? Neither do I know our converted pink IC Singaporean will join us in our fight? Will true blue Singaporean desert us too?
When my country calls, I will come back and fight along side, regardless of race, with my fellow citizens. And regardless of race too, I will headshot whoever betrays my country.
We have build this great nation since our separation from Malaysia. We have come this far. Now is the time, we are put to the test.