Do you really believe in the vision you conceive? Your mission statement you created, do you do it for the sake of doing it because you read it somewhere you need a mission statement to complete your vision?
You have to feel the vision. If you can feel it in your blood then that is a vision that you are truly motivated to do it. A real vision will bring you inner joy in your heart, like a baby in a pregnant woman. Your unborn vision will kick you and bring you little excitement just like a pregnant mother feels in her tummy.
Your friends may not understand you, mistaken you in some ways for your stupidity in believing in your vision but deep in your heart, you can feel the heartbeats of your vision. Like a rushing flood, rushing your blood and get your whole body excited, you can feel the tingle in your skin. Truly you have an unborn vision waiting for you to give birth.
The next thing to do is to find the right people to help you. One very important step is to find a suitable mentor that have the knowledge or experience to help you achieve your goals. Having a mentor is like going to a foreign country with a local tour guide. You may have one or more, depending on the scale of your project.
You need to build a support group, the inner circle of friends, like the night of the roundtable. This is the group that will support and motivate you until you fulfill your vision. Find people that are close to you and can be fully trusted. It has to be people with different skill set to compliment you. Things you are not familiar with, they are the one that will hold your hands firmly to help you. Choose wisely. This is the the circle of friends that will help or break you.
After choosing your team, the inner circle of friends, you need to craft out a plan in detail and how you can fulfill it with your available resources and with the support from circle of friends. At this stage you may want to add a few more trusted friends or remove from it. Get your mentor to be involved, show him your proposal if you have. Redraft your plan based on his commentary and show the redrafted copy to circle of friends for more stringent comments. Redraft until you are satisfy and your skin tingle again.
Every plan needs to spend money or some kind of resources, be it money, time or special skills. Based on my experience, you have to make provision, allocate at least three times the resources you need. For example, you want to start a business and need a capital of ten thousand dollars. You have to have at least thirty thousands in reserve. You never know what will happen when you start executing your plan. Without three times or more than the projected resources, go back to your planning table again.
Time to take action now, unleash you passion, get your hands dirty, make the phone call if you have too. Do whatever you need to get it started and going. Set yourself a time frame for evaluation. Approach your mentors and circle of friends periodically. Create the synergy to get yourself highly motivated and in tip top condition so that you will not lose your focus on the vision mission statement.
At this stage you are going through the labour of pain. Take heart, press forward, the time will come and you will see your vision mission statement fulfill.
Have you fulfill your destiny?
Everyone dreams. It is the only thing in life that is free. However, most people are just stuck on their dreams and are not stepping up to live it. If you are already tired of just dreaming, then you have to start creating a vision. If you have a concrete vision of your life, you will be able to fulfill that dream in no time.
What are the steps to creating a vision? What is your most important dream? When you are determining your dream, make sure that it is something that you are passionate about so that it can be attainable.
Create a vision. Once you have determined your dream, create a vision statement like “a vision to serve the country by giving back”.
Imagine the dream. They always say that when you believe, you actually become. So, visualize your self fulfilling that dream. Imagine the life you will lead if you have fulfilled that dream or vision.
What are the effects? After your dream has been fulfilled, imagine the after effects of it. What will happen to your life after the dream was fulfilled?
Make a plan. Now, it is time to make a plan. Organize your thoughts and think of the ways wherein you will be able to make this vision attainable.
Take action now. You can have the greatest vision in the world but if you do not take action and fulfill it, it is as good as day dreaming. Do not procrastinate. Take action now.
Always remember that everything is possible in life if you just believe. But believing is not the only thing that is important. You should create that vision and that dream into reality as well.
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Mission statements are usually just for organizations and establishments like schools and companies. However, if you want to have your own mission statement in life, you can do it too. A statement is like your motto in life that will lead you to greater heights. If you are ready, here are some tips on how to write a good one.
Which is the most important thing to you? In a person, there are so many aspects of life. So, before writing your statement, get a pen and jot down the things that are important to you. Example, love, family, school, career, business, friendship, religion and so on. After writing it all down, rank now which one is the highest and which one is the lowest.
Write a statement for each. Once you have ranked all the important aspects of your life, you are now ready to write a mission statement for each aspect. Make it short and simple. For instance, if your most important aspect is about your family, you can write “to have a loving relationship with my family until the next and the next generation”.
Combine it all together. Once you are done with number two, look at your short and simple missions, which ones are really good or important missions? Combine all the missions together to make one cohesive statement for your life.
When you have written your mission statement, it will inspire you to fulfill what you have convey in your statement and your life will be different. And then you can tell and inspire other people about how to write mission statement.
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