Tag: gaming

  • Shoot Me Up!

    Shoot Me Up!

    Make a game | Shoot Me Up! | Free games | Pictogame (Links removed)

    Got bored in the office? Take a few minutes break to loosen up your boredom or stress! Pick up the gun now and frag me!

  • 送给你们的生日礼物


    今天是我的生日 就送给大家香蕉吧!还有十二个钟左右 就可以来收获。大家准备好!十月八日 凌晨七点十分左右来偷哦!先到先得,送完为止!先来的 请你留些给别人,不要一个人全都自己要了。

  • 你养的什么狗!






  • 谁偷了我的鸡蛋?



  • 赤壁:QQ农场之战




  • 偷菜不偷情


    我也开始玩QQ农场了。MM们一开口 就听到他们说 别偷我的菜 还是 给你的狗咬了。QQ农场好玩吗?不觉得,简直是浪费时间 和精神。那干嘛我还要玩?沟女呗!有个农场 就很容易 和靓女 有共同语言。有了共同话题就容易和靓女搭上了。


  • Addicted To Mario Kart

    Ever since I get the Mario Kart game, I have been playing every day and night and addicted to it. The game is very fun and challenging. The speeding, the drifting, the sabotaging… WOW! The game will make me want more of it and satisfy my ego.

    My friend code is 249195152566. Let’s wifi mario kart! I am waiting for you!

    That’s it! I am back to karting.

  • My New Toy: Nintendo DS Lite

    Me And My Nintendo Lite DS

    What do Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong have in common? They are all games available on Nintendo. Yup! I just get myself a Nintendo Lite DS and I am happily entertained by it. I feel like a kid again, playing Super Mario.

    The cool thing about this portable console is, I can play over Wi-Fi and over the internet to challenge other players or collaborate on a mission.

    Is a good thing I sold away my Xbox360 and get myself a NDS. This entertaining portable device is going to keep me entertain during my long lonely travel.