As a dreamer and do-er of my word, i have fulfilled many of my dreams. Line by line, precept upon precept, my dreams grow bigger and bigger. Now I dream to be a history maker, I want my name to be pen in the history pages.
Many guys like me when graduated and join the working world, one of the first things in our mind is to own a car. First you just want a car and then you want a bigger car, and later a bigger faster car because you are dreaming and your dream of owing your ultimate car motivate you to work harder for a bigger pay cheque to own your ultimate driving machine.
Start small, and get yourself started in fulfilling your small little dreams. As your confidence level grow, you will dream bigger and bigger. Like me, at first I wanted a one year holiday in China, but then my dream cannot be contained because over the years I have been exercising my dreaming muscles and traveling to China for a year is not enough. My dreaming muscles did not stop here because I know I can do more. I am extending my sabbatical holiday to three year and I am planning my trip from China to Russia to Middle East to Europe, from North Pole to Canada, etc… and back to China.
Whether my dream is feasible or not I am still planning. Even dreamers dream, we have to be practical too. I have to settle cross-borders issues such as traveling Visa, my fitness to travel North Pole, accommodation, food, medical support, etc.
My point is, you have to exercise your dreaming muscles and start fulfilling them and your muscles will grow and you will dare to dream bigger and bigger. As your muscles grow, there is no dream too big that you cannot conquer it. Once you set your mind on it, next is to plan and execute it. I have been exercising my muscles so much for the past twenty years, now i am planning to be a history maker. I want the world to know me, I want my name to be recorded in the history pages.
I welcome you to dare to dream with me and live your life to the fullness.