Tag: creative

  • How To Count The Day

    Do you know which day is it on the 9 of August 2006 without referring to a calendar?

    If you work in an environment that which day to you matter, then remember this formula and you will be able to count the day by heart.

    1. Memorise 033614625035. These numbers are in the order of the month. For the of month of August, the number is 2.

    2. This year is 2006 so take the last number of the year, which is 6, and add 2 (August) to it and give you 8.

    3. Add the 8 to the number of the day which is 9, give you 17.

    4.Take the 17 and divide by 7 and you get a reminder of 3

    5. The remainder refers to the day. That is, 1-Monday, 2-Tuesday, 3-Wednesday … 0-Sunday.

    6. The day, 9 of August 2006, falls on Wednesday.
    The formula:

    1. Memorise 033614625035 to get the number for the month.

    2. Take the last number of the year and add the month number from (item.1).

    3. Add (sum of item.2) to the number of the day.

    4. (Sum of item.3) divide by 7 to get the reminder.

    5. The remainder refers to the day. That is, 1-Monday, 2-Tuesday, 3-Wednesday … 0-Sunday.

  • Hope Deferred Makes The Heart Sick

    I was promised to be given a chance
    at the end of the twelfth month.
    “What a wondrous pleasure,” I thought.

    This promise was my esprit
    but now an affliction.
    It encouraged when I am discouraged
    but now it drained my virtue.
    It also turned my sorrow into a merry heart
    but now where’s the joy?

    The twelfth month came
    but the promise did not.
    Meaningless! Utterly meaningless!
    Everything was meaningless without the promise.

    Three sentiments I have suffered,
    four, I am being pricked:

    My soul dries up,
    my emotions dominate.
    My self-esteem is gone
    and my heart is no God but God.

    How silly I am to believe in positive confession.
    Why does the present truth churches embrace it?

    Am I so worthless that I don’t stand a chance?
    What have I, what have I done to deserve this?

    Have I demanded too much
    the companionship of my beloved?
    How much is too much?

    Lord, you have taught me agape
    and keeping the integrity of a promise.
    Will you also teach her?

    Lord, I have decided once to fulfil my calling.
    Will you for once let her find favour in me?

    Lord, your kingdom come, you will be done
    till you grant me my prudent wife.

    Once truth I have found.
    One truth I have learned.
    One truth I never accept,
    today I have to;

    A promise must be fulfilled.
    A christian may not keep his promise.

    I wrote this when Sarah broke her promise to me. With a very disappointed heart, I wrote this.

    Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13v12)

  • Hang Ten!

    Hang Ten!

    Hang Ten Yuhui's Comic

    This is my friend Yuhui, one of the smartest guys I know. Seriously, I have problem blogging him here because he is too smart for me to describe him.

    Visit Yuhui at yuhuibc.blogspot.com

  • 一起过春夏秋冬

    Last night I cried in the dark, thinking of those fond memories I had. There was once a true love place in front of me and I did not treasure it. If God ever gave me one more chance, I did not know if I would choose to reconcile with her.

    Sobbing alone in the dark, I wrote this song.




    This is my first time writing song in Chinese. I think I will write more songs in chinese than english.

    What is the title of this song? Any suggestions?