Tag: broadcast

  • 我也是一个老演员


  • 我的奥运美媚




    恭喜她在奥运蹦床女子决赛 为祖国第一次在蹦床项目赢了金牌。

  • 大战之争

    今晚最关注的 一场真正的颠峰之战羽毛球比赛, 林丹和李宗伟 焦战争羽毛球男单冠军。这不只是争奥运金牌,在羽毛球世界的眼光里 是两位高手 争武林盟主的之战。

    买了好多啤酒和薯片,准备一边喳喳的咬 一边醉醉的笑 痛快的看这场比赛。

  • 代你看世界

    Channel U programme, 代你看世界代你看世界

    Today I submitted my application for the Channel U’s Adventure Clicks.

    “What’s that?” I also do not really know. I think is something like the Amazing Race plus Ed TV kind of tour show, where the audience will dictate the hosts to run all over the earth like monkey with hi-tech gadgets that allow remote blogging and so forth?

    I have applied and hope to be selected to be one of the monkeys and make this Channel U program part of my ‘The World is My Home’ campaign.

    In the application form, I am ask “why choose me”. I say, I am the best and I meet all the criteria.

    Why I am the best? Because I meet all the criteria and I have the x-factor for such programme.

    The three criteria for the show are:

    1. You must be able to converse in Mandarin. No problem for me, Mandarin is the ‘in’ thing now.

    2. Have an interesting character, a mind of your own, an adventurous attitude and inquisitive mind. No problem too. Since I always have a mind of my own, why not let me be the producer of the show. How about let me select my own production crews too. So me and my team will produce alternative TV show that will capture high viewership.

    3. Being technology savvy with the latest communicative electronic gadgets would be advantageous. If I am a host for this show, I am gonna get my own sponsors. Will get myself Sony Ericsson to sponsor me M600i and K800i for photography, communication and tacit collboration. I will also get Apple to sponsor my team, MacbookPro and iPod to get our stuffs done. I will also get designer wears like, Nike for our entire attire for the trips.

    So now, let wait for an interview by TCS. Or is it now call Media Corp? What a lame name!

  • Quotes From LOTR: The Two Towers

    Quotes From The Two Towers

    Theoden: So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?

    Aragorn: Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them.

    Theoden: For death and glory.

    Aragorn: For Rohan. For your people.

    Theoden: The Horn of Helm Hammerhand will sound in the deep, one last time!

    Theoden: The crops can be re-sown, the homes re-built. Within these walls… we will outlast them.

    Aragorn: They do not come to destroy Rohan’s crops or villages. They come to destroy its people. Down to the last child.

    Theoden: What will you have me do? Look at my men. Their courage hangs by a thread.

    Haldir: I bring word from Lord Elrond of Rivendell. An Alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance.

    Aragorn: Mae govannen, Haldir. You are most welcome.

    Haldir: We are proud to fight alongside Men once more.

    Faramir: I think at last we understand one another, Frodo Baggins.

    Madril: You know the laws of our country – the laws of your father. If you let them go your life will be forfeit.

    Faramir: Then it is forfeit. Release them.

    Saruman: A new power is rising. Its victory is at hand. This night the land will be stained with the blood of Rohan. March to Helm’s Deep. Leave none alive. To war!

    (Dialogue in Elvish)

    Legolas: Look at them. They’re frightened. You can see it in their eyes.

    Legolas: And they should be. Three hundred… against ten thousand!

    Aragorn: They have a better chance defending themselves here than at Edoras…

    Legolas: Aragorn

    Legolas: They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!

    Aragorn: Then I shall die as one of them!

    All will be sacrificed… All will be lost… Unless all unite against evil. (Trailer)
    © MMV New Line Productions, Inc. “The Lord of the Rings,” and the names of the characters, events, items, and places therein, are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

  • Quotes From Black Hawk Down

    Blackhawk Down Poster

    Hoot: When I get home people will ask me, “Hey Hoot, why do you do it man? Why? You some war junkie?” You know what I’ll say? I won’t say a goddamn word. Why? They won’t understand. They won’t understand why we do it. They won’t understand that it’s about the men next to you, and that’s it. That’s all it is.

    Hoot: Y’know what I think? Don’t really matter what I think. Once that first bullet goes past your head, politics and all that shit just goes right out the window.

    Hoot: Sergeant, you got your men this far. You did it right today. Now you gotta start thinking about getting them out of here.

    Eversmann: Nobody asks to be a hero, it just sometimes turns out that way.

    Struecker: No one gets left behind, you know that.

    Copyright © Columbia Pictures

  • Dead in My Kitchen

    If you had visited my place and you felt that you had been here before then most probably you had watch our local drama True Files. My place had been used to film True Files a few times. The most prominent scene was the mocked up of a dead man died in my kitchen and blood all over the floor.

    I did not expect my humble home could be used as a place for shooting. Now I was resting on my oriental style furniture posting this blog. And this furniture was also aired on TV too.

  • 2006 My Top 10 Favourite Movies

    Gladiator (2000), Director: Ridley Scott

    The Rock (1996), Director: Michael Bay

    Saving Private Ryan (1999), Director: Steven Spielberg

    Air Force One (1997), Director: Wolfgang Petersen

    Black Hawk Down (2002), Director: Ridley Scott

    The Lord of the Rings – The Two Towers (2002), Director Peter Jackson

    We Were Soldiers (2002), Director: Randall Wallace

    A Bridge Too Far (1977), Director: Richard Attenborough

    The Man in the Iron Mask (1998), Director: Randall Wallace

    The Longest Day (1962), Director: Bernhard Wicki, Andrew Marton

    My nominated movies:
    Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970), Director: Richard Fleischer,Kinji Fukasaku
    Das Boot (1982) Director: Wolfgang Petersen
    Tears of the Sun (2003), Director: Antoine Fuqua
    A Better Tomorrow (1986) (Chinese), Director: John Woo
    Once Upon a Time in China Trilogy (2000), Director: Hark Tsui

  • To Love Or To Be Loved

    I was watching a drama from CCTV channel. Two women were discussing about love.

    One woman asked the other, would you choose ‘the man you love’ or ‘the man that love you.’

    The other woman responded, “What do you think I will choose?”
    “The man you love.”

    “How do you know?” replied the other woman.

    “Because no man love you.”

    Thanks for reading my lame joke!

  • Save Electricity

    l was watching the channel TVS3 in Zhuhai and came this advertisment.

    Two young couple were quarreling in their house and the quarrel was so bad that the guy opened the door and left. The next scene was the wife sat down on the sofa looking blank.

    After a while the guy came back, opened the door and stand between the doorway and compassionately looking at the wife. The wife stood up and smiled happily.  The guy reached out for the switch and turned off the light.

    And next came the text message save electricity.

    Ha ha! What an interesting advertisement!