Category: Now

  • Canton Fair 2007

    Canotn Fair 2007
    Went to the Canton Fair, China, Guangzhou, This year nothing spectacular but actually kind of disappointed. The exhibition centre was as big as before but lot of items I was looking for were not exhibited. As usual, the exhibitors were not interested selling to us until I started speaking in English.

    At the registration place, I was not very welcome when I was in the process of registering. The staffs were chatting away in their own dialect. They served the westerners well and promptly but when came my turn, I was kind of ignored and I had to take initiative to query about my registration. When processing my application, these staffs were gossiping about me in their dialect. Then when they looked at my registration, they realised that I was multilingual. By then, it was too late to save their embarrassment.

  • 2007: Year Of The Pig

    Year Of The Pig Backpacking In Dongbei

    2007: A Good Start
I am looking forward to the end of the year of the pig because I am expecting this is a good year for me. I have a good start for the year although things are slowing down now, I am maintaining the momentum of my life. I will accelerate everything as much as possible to shorten my ten-year plan.

    2007: What Have I Accomplished
The only goal I do not complete last year is , writing the book. Now this goal is number one on my priority list.

    There is nothing much for me to reflect and plan for this year. Nothing much to blog about my thoughts and decisions. My master plan, my goals, and so forth, I have already sort them out during my last two years. This year is all about action, action and action. Focus on it and execute.

    2007: The New Year
I am looking forward to the end of year to see what I have accomplished. May my Jehovah Jireh be with me.

  • My Christmas Wish List 2006 (1.1)

    My Christmas Wish List 2006 (1.1)

    Here is the update of my wish list for Christmas.

    • Apple Macbook

    • Apple iMac 17”

    • Apple iPod Nano

    • Apple Macbook Pro

    • Nike Plus with the Nike shoes

    • Nintendo Wii

    • Nintendo DS Lite

    • Sony Ericsson K800i

    • Sony Ericsson M600i

    • Honda Civic ’92 Coupe

    • Sony Playstation Portable

    • A Small Comfy Yacht

  • 代你看世界

    Channel U programme, 代你看世界代你看世界

    Today I submitted my application for the Channel U’s Adventure Clicks.

    “What’s that?” I also do not really know. I think is something like the Amazing Race plus Ed TV kind of tour show, where the audience will dictate the hosts to run all over the earth like monkey with hi-tech gadgets that allow remote blogging and so forth?

    I have applied and hope to be selected to be one of the monkeys and make this Channel U program part of my ‘The World is My Home’ campaign.

    In the application form, I am ask “why choose me”. I say, I am the best and I meet all the criteria.

    Why I am the best? Because I meet all the criteria and I have the x-factor for such programme.

    The three criteria for the show are:

    1. You must be able to converse in Mandarin. No problem for me, Mandarin is the ‘in’ thing now.

    2. Have an interesting character, a mind of your own, an adventurous attitude and inquisitive mind. No problem too. Since I always have a mind of my own, why not let me be the producer of the show. How about let me select my own production crews too. So me and my team will produce alternative TV show that will capture high viewership.

    3. Being technology savvy with the latest communicative electronic gadgets would be advantageous. If I am a host for this show, I am gonna get my own sponsors. Will get myself Sony Ericsson to sponsor me M600i and K800i for photography, communication and tacit collboration. I will also get Apple to sponsor my team, MacbookPro and iPod to get our stuffs done. I will also get designer wears like, Nike for our entire attire for the trips.

    So now, let wait for an interview by TCS. Or is it now call Media Corp? What a lame name!

  • What Is The Catalyst?

    What Is The Catalyst?

    What Is The Catalyst Published On 25 June 2006

    Due to the recent murder case in the tuina shop in Ang Mo Kio, our government stepped up the requirements and regulations for such joint.

    According to the newspaper, Zaobao published on 25 June 2006, the authority implemented three restrictions. No girls standing outside of the joint. No ‘less’ wear and the joint could not be curtained up. The authority was also stepping up to clamp down unlicensed joints.

    People like us knew that these tuina shops were actually fcuk shops. Implementing all these rules and regulations to shut down such joints sounded logical and achievable. Thinking deeper, we had not solved the root of the problem, that was, why such joints propagated so fast over the years and went into the heartland of our HDBs.

    Was it because we, men were getting more horny than before? Or our wives could not satisfied us, so we had to find our fulfilment else where? There must be some good reasons for such activities to grow and outbreak to HDB areas. If there was no demands for such supplies, the business would die and cease steadily long time ago.

    As my Canadian friend, Bob Urichuck always said, ‘the world revolves around sales’ and I add on, ‘sales is based on supplies and demand.’ Even the authority banned the tuina shops like banning chewing gum, these girls would find other means to survive in this sex trade. If there were demands, no matter how we regulated the trade, these girls would carry on until the demands were no more. If tuina shop could be opened, they could open a cosmetic shop, hair salon, spa and so on.

    For such outbreak of prostitution in Singapore, I could only say, we were approaching a family crisis here that would lead to other social problems, that would affect our economy in the near future.

    I think to solve the problem is to solve the answer to this question, ‘What is the catalyst of this business?’

  • Dead in My Kitchen

    If you had visited my place and you felt that you had been here before then most probably you had watch our local drama True Files. My place had been used to film True Files a few times. The most prominent scene was the mocked up of a dead man died in my kitchen and blood all over the floor.

    I did not expect my humble home could be used as a place for shooting. Now I was resting on my oriental style furniture posting this blog. And this furniture was also aired on TV too.

  • Prophecy From Prophet Chuck Flynn

    On the 12th day of September 1992, Prophet Chuck Flynn prophesied to me and here is the transcript of the prophetic words.

    Because of the anointing that flow through you
    with the prophetic zeal of the house of the Lord,
    I have seal you in your forehead as I seal Ezekiel.

    In the countenance of Ezekiel flow in that anointing,
    I have you prophesy to the wind
    and the wind shall move over this country
    and many countries shall hear your voice
    and my peace shall be upon thee as the prophetic anointing.

    I will prosper thee and thou shall be strong to go forth in my name
    for you will be very and then even creative
    many shall be set free and great miracles ye shall follow thee
    for the peace and the glory of our God

    Because you will know my word
    and I will give you the desire of your heart
    and your love yield that emulate situation shall be hailed
    in the coming harmony with what my purpose is
    and we will rejoice together. Amen.

    I received this prophetic words fifteen years ago. Today looking back at it, half the prophecy was fulfilled. That was “the wind shall move over this country and many countries shall hear your voice” And now I started to travel internationally. I was trying to find another transcript prophecy from Bishop Bill Hamon. Putting the two prophecies together, I could see clearly where my mission was.

    I recalled, when the prophecies were released to me, I was told I would be starting to travel at the age of thirty. True enough, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away”, the word of the Lord had come to pass. At the age of thirty I was travelling and now transcending territorial borders and making the world as my home.

    “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him.” We would never comprehend God’s intention for us. I had been running away from my calling for many years and now i was back to square one; back to where the prophecy had paused. Is just a matter of time for my prophecy to be fulfilled and ordained into the tribe of priesthood.

    Now I understood and felt what Paul meant when he said he was given a thorn in his flesh (12v7) in his second letter to the Corinthians. Over the years I also prayed to God thrice to take it away from me. And today God gave me the same answer He gave to Paul long time ago, “My grace is sufficient for you and for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”

  • Starhuh! Cannot Hub

    Since I came back from China a two weeks ago, i do not have a local mobile contact because we have to register our particulars to use the mobile services. Two days ago i got myself a Starhub mobile prepaid card from an unauthorised reseller and was told to register my pre-paid card within three days of my purchase.

    On the second day, I went to 7-11 shops to register. To my horror, most of the shop staffs gave excuses and rejected my registration, telling me machine breakdown, the person in-charge not here, etc. Then I seek alternative. I went to those Starhub dealer shop. same old bullshits again. i did not know how many shops i have visited to get my registration done, but i could firmly tell you at least 20 shops.

    I was very disappointed to receive such treatment from my fellow citizens.

    With this type of services and lukewarm attitudes, Singaporean please stop dreaming of being a world class in quality service. Hong Kong had already stepped up their standard, progressing fast and we Singapore still playing marbles at the back of our courtyards and saying to ourselves, “I am good!”

    Finally I tried my luck in Cheers at Orchard Cineplex. To my surprise, the guy was helpful and got my registration done instantly. This guy was good, he powered up the computer to get it done. Whoever this guy was, I thanked you very much for making it my day.

    So What, if 7-11 always open? Time to change their tag line, “always open, not always have”

    Starhub should rename to Starhuh soon if they were to keep partnering with these mediocre mobile proprietors.

  • Welcome To My .Mac

    My Internet Cafe, dCentral

    Finally I got a .mac account. I will be transferring my old blogs from Friendster and other websites of mine to here. Gonna take me sometime to settle down in my new cyber home here. Do come here often to keep in touch with me. Ciao!

  • Finally I Got My .Mac Account

    From the movie, Jerry Maguire, “I love him! I love him for the man he wants to be. And I love him for the man he almost is.“

    That’s the feeling of wanting a .mac account.

    I had been preying on a .mac account for quite sometime. Finally my friend got a spare account and gave it to me. The feeling was good. I was overjoyed and spent my whole day exploring the website and it membership features.

    Soon I would be migrating my blogs, photo, etc, to my new .mac home. And the cool factor was, i got a mac email address (

    Osée is my french name for Hosea. Hope all of you like my new email address.

    So should i keep a duplicate blogs in Friendster?
    (email address not valid anymore, see blog, Change of My .Mac Account)