Category: Now

  • Buy Me A Beer For My Birthday

    Buy Me A Beer For My Birthday

    I wish for 100 bottles of Budweiser for my birthday this year. My birthday is on 07 October! Would you like to buy me a beer for my birthday? $3.00 for a bottle of Budweiser. Quick! Click the ChipIn button and buy me a beer now!

    Wonder how many beers I could get this year!

    (ChipIn widget was removed because the service is no longer available.)

  • I Introduce You, Hosea 2.0

    I Introduce You, Hosea 2.0

    I started my website, Home of Hosea in 1995 (picture above). Today, it is fourteen year old. Over the years my cyber life has been evolving until now. From ICQ to QQ, POP to IMAP server, Windows to OS X, Friendster to Facebook, etc. Since the birth of my website Home of Hosea, it has been moving from one ISP to another and so is my first email address from hosea(at) to my new domain at *(at)

    The internet has so much growth and changes over the years that I am lost in the sea of information and technologies standards. At that time I decided to stop evolving and focus on what is the future. Since then, I have been following closely to the development of Web 2.0.

    Until two years ago I started planning to move my e-life to Web 2.0 because the time is almost ripe. Over the past months, I have been busy shifting my cyber life to Web 2.0 by deploying present internet technologies, the dynamic of social networking and so on, how I can converge all these into my life, sorting out which technologies to adopt, what standard to conform to, and integrate into my lifestyle.

    Today, I have reach my new milestone, which mark my new internet life. I introduce you, Hosea 2.0. Welcome to

  • 2008 Hosea Awards

    Medal of Friendship (Penis)
    Alvin Tan

    Medal of Friendship (Vagina)

    Safari Award
    iTunes Store

    Techno Award
    Apple TV

    Oscar Award
    Iron Man (Jon Favreau)

    Psalm Award (China)
    死性不改 (Twins / Boy’Z)

    Psalm Award (England)
    A Shoulder To Cry On (Tommy Page)

    Medal of Friendship is given to my new friend found during the year. Among all my new friends, the one that I am bond to or have affection with. This is really a tough one to decide with so many friends I make this year.

    Safari Award is given to the website that I like most during the year and access it frequently. The Safari name come from the Mac OS X web browser that I like to use and is my number one web browser after Camino.

    Techno Award is given to the recent technology I am fascinated with and impacted my life.

    Oscar Award is given to the movie I like to watch during the year.

    Psalm Award is given to the song I like to hum or sing during the year.

  • 天狗吞日


    五百年一次的天狗吃太阳 今天终于给我等到了。今天一早吃了早餐就在阳台望着蓝蓝的天空等着天狗吃太阳。可惜的是没情人在我身边陪我一起看。



  • 2009 新年旺旺!


    祝我好朋友们,我所有的情人,网友们, 仇人们,讨厌的人,2009 新年旺旺!心想事成!身体健康!黄金满堂!

  • 再见2008

    08年最开心的事 是认识了慧 也是我 08年最悲哀的一件事。
    2008年 真不好过。年头肩膀就骨折了 在家好好的养伤,休息了大半年。养伤的这段日子 认识了慧。花了好多资源和时间 去追她。和慧 牵牵拉拉的 又花了六个月。付出了百分百的感情,精神,等等,最后 还是赔了老婆又折竿。金融危机又来了。赔了老婆的我 一时失去了判断力. 又在短短的六个月 我的净值损失了七成。2008年 认识的新朋友们 差不多 每一个 都为了女人 出卖我。

    2008年有遇到好事吗?想了又想 因该是没有。但是08年最开心的事 是认识了慧 也是我 08年最悲哀的一件事。

  • 肩膀开始痛了


    去年的这个时候 为了保护朋友们,肩膀受伤了。冬天了!开始冷了,肩膀也开始痛了。

  • 我的奥运美媚




    恭喜她在奥运蹦床女子决赛 为祖国第一次在蹦床项目赢了金牌。

  • 大战之争

    今晚最关注的 一场真正的颠峰之战羽毛球比赛, 林丹和李宗伟 焦战争羽毛球男单冠军。这不只是争奥运金牌,在羽毛球世界的眼光里 是两位高手 争武林盟主的之战。

    买了好多啤酒和薯片,准备一边喳喳的咬 一边醉醉的笑 痛快的看这场比赛。

  • 2007 The Hosea Awards

    So the winners for the year 2007 The Hosea Awards…

    Medal of Friendship (Penis)
    Chiang Mun-Kein aka MK

    Medal of Friendship (Vagina)
    小雪 (JY)

    Safari Award
    Ebay (US)

    Techno Award
    SonyEricsson Bluetooth Headset (HBH DS980)

    Oscar Award
    墨攻 (刘德华)

    Psalm Award (China)
    当你孤单你会想起谁 (张栋梁)

    Psalm Award (England)
    Girl You Know Its True (Milli Vanilli)

    Medal of Friendship is given to my new friend found during the year. Among all my new friends, the one that I am bond to or have affection with. This is really a tough one to decide with so many friends I make this year.

    Safari Award is given to the website that I like most during the year and access it frequently. The Safari name come from the Mac OS X web browser that I like to use and is my number one web browser after Camino.

    Techno Award is given to the recent technology I am fascinated with and impacted my life.

    Oscar Award is given to the movie I like to watch during the year.

    Psalm Award is given to the song I like to hum or sing during the year.