Category: Legend 传奇

  • 感悟人生的蛋炒饭故事:珍惜身边每一个朋友

    English version of this story.

    这篇文章是我在二零零五年写的。今天我朋友林淋 帮我翻译中文版。我的感悟人生的蛋炒饭故事发生在一九九三年的六月。

    大概十二年前, 有一个叫香蕉的年青人。那时候他才十六岁,香蕉任职于一间公司,他很喜欢他的工作并且非常喜欢他所做的一切。

    在那个时候,香蕉认识了一个叫美美的女孩子(她的化名)。美美刚从学校里毕业 ,现在正在香蕉任职的公司里帮忙。一开始香蕉和美美并不熟,只知道美美 对公司里的每一个人都很友好。美美的温柔、体贴、爱心、等等,这些特性都是每个男人希望做妻子的都有。慢慢地,他们成了好朋友。





    事情忙完了,疲倦的香蕉回家休息了。当他任由热水洗刷他的疲倦的时候,不知怎么地,他满脑袋了都是美美 因为自己而委屈的样子,香蕉感到非常的内疚和不安,因此他翻来覆去的睡不着,自己的无礼困扰着他。香蕉感到非常的后悔,他觉得他应该要和善良的美美说声对不起。




    我懊恼着,后悔着,难过着!因为我就是那个年轻人-香蕉。我不相信我听到的这一切。我对自己说 这种情节只有在电视剧看到,不可能在现实中发生的。我对自己说:“不是真的!不是真的!”我用着种种理由告诉自己这不可能是真的。可是,事实就是善良的美美真的是离开我们了,永远的离开我们了。我冷静下来也接受了这个事实,可眼泪不知不觉从我的眼里流出来了,流过我的面夹,流过我的嘴里,再轻轻的滴下。苦涩的眼泪,伤心的眼泪,内疚的眼泪。



    我轻轻地耳语着她熟睡的脸庞,就像在电影院里的一对恋人:“我饿的时候谁还会给我买蛋炒饭?” 我好的朋友过来把我搀扶到一张凳子坐了下来,可我还是哭着,伤心的哭着。

    十二年过去了,我还是不能原谅自己 没对她说声对不起。可每当我吃蛋炒饭时 我还是会默默的哭。我会迅速的想我伤害了谁 又还没跟他说对不起。我会快快的很他合好。

    时间的消逝让我成长让我成熟,使我懂得了人与人之间是关爱和宽恕。假如我伤害了你 我会在太阳下山之前跟你道歉。假如天黑后 我和你有摩擦,天亮前 我会和你合好。我所要做的是 好好珍惜在身边活着的朋友,教会彼此关爱与原谅,好好活着 让身边的每一个人 都没有遗憾的 过的更好。



  • Ten Dollars Blowjob, Thirty Dollars Sex

    After 36 hours of restless sleepless nights, I finally when home to rest. Late in the night, dark on the street, I was on my way home, walking up the slope to where I stayed. A girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere and said hello to me and start conversing with me. I stopped the conversation, curiously responded, “Do I know you?”

    After some dialogues with her, she popped the question, “I give you blowjob for ten dollars.” I was freaked out and rejected her on the spot. I doubled my pace and suddenly she was nowhere to be found.

    Then after a good bath and a short rest, I went out for supper. Walking down the slope again my mind still analysing on the ten dollars blowjob. Something amiss! Her reason given to me for doing that was to raise some money to return home.

    After supper I walked home and was approached by another girl. thirty dollars for sex, including massage. I was shocked again. Now I wanted to know how this curiosity gonna kill the cat! I was not really interested to have sex but to find out what could thirty dollars offered?

    For ten nanoseconds, my logical mind was computing what was going on here. Was it a trap? Would I be kidnapped? Would I be robbed? Another ten nanos I convinced myself I had nothing much too lose except my belongings with me. Another five nanos I decided to let curiosity killed me and I went with her.

    She took me to a dark lane, darker and darker until I could not see my own hand in front of my eyes. I wanted to turn back but my mobile phone rang and I answered it and unconsciously I walked along with her.

    The place was pitch dark and the room was only the lighted place. She quickly striped herself naked and hurried me to get on to the bed. I undressed and put my clothing on the table beside the door and asked was the door locked because I did not feel it safe. Her reply was locked and I took her words.

    I followed her tempo and got into the bed. I laid on my chest and she sat on my butt and gave me a nice warm back massage. The rub was good and we chatted. When I almost dozed off she said to me she was going out to take some water and she dressed up and left.

    After a while, my mind suddenly got alerted and I jumped up and checked my belongings. Too late! I knew I was robbed.

    As I recalled, every move she made was precise. the lightbulb, the bed, everything was positioned well to conceal her partner from stealing my belongings.

    If I had not been sleepless for the past few days, I could have figured out that there was a syndicate operating in my neighbourhood. That day I was too restless.

    What an experience! Come to think of it, really cool to encounter such. Glad I was safe.

  • 古惑仔 之 天地人间

    One of my stories in Zhuhai…

    One of the disco places I frequent was 天地人间.

    0200 Hour
    One of my trips there, I brought my sister over. Cut the story short, two chaps trying to abduct my sister. When I realised she disappeared from my present, I quickly hunted for them but I did not managed to find her but found one of the guys. The guy said she was in the toilet and I asked him to take me there. I dashed into the toilet but did not find her. I asked the guy where she was again and he took me on a merry-go-round and I finally got pissed off and told him I gonna call 110 if he still fooled around with me.

    I took out my mobile and dialled 110 and he ran away. I chased after him but lost him because he knew the place better than me. I was pissed off for losing him and I quickly backtracked and checked checked out who these guys were.

    0237 Hour
    Since I made the call to 110, the police came over. With the police assistance I traced these guys background further but the police was reluctant. So I got pissed off again with the police’s sissy attitude, I left the police and traced these guys on my own. I managed to find out their mobiles and called them but these people were rude to me on the phone.

    0805 Hour
    Tired and restless but I finally found out where these guys were from. They belonged to a hunan gang. A gang that I should be careful when dealing with them. I called my Big Brother for manpower and explained my situation.

    I requested for twenty 兄弟 (brothers) with tools but Big Brother said so early many brothers still sleeping. At most ten people for now. I said I would make do with ten. So I wasted no time and gathered my army to the two guys place.

    0948 Hour
    Fearless but worried, I went for my confrontation. bashing the door and demanding for my wanted guys. Fcuk! I was really in the wrong place because I was in someone’s turf. I was outnumbered although I had my gang with tools. I talked in chinaman style, loud and noisy demanding for an explanation what are the two guys trying to do. The place was like a wayang, lot of shouting and banging tables and I brain fcuked the two guys and asking them where was my sister. I was scared too but I got to do what I got to do. Then after all the noise and argument, outside came more footsteps. I said “die liao!” This time may be die in China. I was surrounded. Then my Big Brother said to me, “our men are here”. Phew! Take a deep breath and I relaxed.

    1110 Hour
    Then the two guys’ boss came out and talked on their behalf and we settled the matter.

    1223 Hour
    Then as I walked out of the place, I was surprised that we actually outnumbered them.

    So, this is my first 古或仔 story at 天地人间 in China.

  • Cancer Of The Kiss

    “Hello! Hello! Is that you Dan Dan“ talking over my mobile phone.

    After a short silent came the reply “I’m Dan Dan’s sister.” Silent again. “She won’t be calling you any more.”

    “What happen? Why?” I asked anxiously. “We suppose to meet the last time and she suddenly disappear. Now is past 3 weeks.”

    Her sister said in a soft restrained tone, “”She won’t be calling you any more, not any more in the future.”

    “Why? Why? What have I done wrong?” I questioned her impatiently.

    “She is dying.”

    Then I remembered…

    Two months ago, I got to know Dan Dan through our friend, Lingling. Lingling lost her mobile and was sharing Dan Dan’s until she got herself a new one. Then one late night I woke up by a SMS sent from Dan Dan’s mobile saying “I’m unhappy”. I called and to my surprise, the SMS was sent by Dan Dan herself. In my sleepiness, I tele with Dan Dan and chat to our hearts content. We talked about everything we could find under the sun. We never met but conversed over the phone or instant messaging over QQ. She poured out her unhappiness on me. I consoled her and cheered her up, trying to make her feel good again. In return, she listened to my life complaints.

    After two months of tele-conversation, we finally met when I passed by her town. We went shopping and dinning. Although was our first time meeting each other, we felt like we knew each other for years. After dinner, we went drinking in a bar. We were so passionate with each other, I finally took the initiative to kiss her. I smooched her upper lip then lower, kissed again and frenched her. It was the best sensual kiss I ever frenched since I broke up with my ex three years ago.

    This three seconds french led us back to my hotel, naked. We continued chatting. We had so much to share that we wished we could stop the time and never see day break because I would be gone. Our night were solemn but not speechless. It was a short night but we felt like eternal. While I was telling her stories, she pacelessly motioned into my embrace and rested on my shoulder.

    Her soft silky hair lightly brushed over my skin, signalling me she wanted to be loved, to be cared just like a sparrow had found a nest to rest. She tilted up her head and looked into my eyes, a gesture to me she wanted to be touched. The rhythm of her heartbeats proposed to me she wanted it now.

    I gave her the affirmation by taking a deep breath and kissed her inch by inch backward to peck her ear. I unwrapped the towel to uncover her naked body. After giving her a firm rub on her belly, I finger-walked from her belly button to her breast and cup it fully in my palm. Then I circled her breast with my index finger, slowly, softly, sensually. Circling countlessly, her body arched and she snuggled tightly to me. By then I was necking her and I could hear her breathing, hard and deep.

    I nibbled inch by inch, lips by lips southward to replace my finger on her breast. Then I stopped to hear her heartbeat pounding in excitement. Moving south again, I exhaled my warm breath on her nipple. My fingers were now positioning outside her restricted lips. It was wet and slippery and any slight movement from my finger, I could hear her moan lightly.

    I paused, I thought, I stopped, because I could not forget the last love I once had.

    I caressed her back to give her my passionate affection. We started talking again, joking, complaining and laughing happily. Suddenly she revealed to me that she was about to die. She had cancer. I did not take it seriously, although I saw tears in her eyes. We talked about her finally days and making mockery out of it.

    I felt helpless and despaired when I knew she was gone but I did not cry. Maybe, perhaps, because I had given my last teardrops to my last love. I felt I could do something meaningful for her when she was alive.

    Life is precious and fragile. We only live once, so give your best shot.

  • My Fried Rice Story


    About 12 years ago there was a young man, named Hosea, who was then sixteen years old. Hosea worked in a company that organised events and seminars. He liked his job and he very excited about what he was doing.

    During that time Hosea got to know a girl called Mimi (not her real name) that just graduated from polytechnic and helped out in the company where Hosea worked. Hosea did not really know Mimi but she treated everybody really nice. She was soft-spoken, very caring, attentive, all the characteristic a man would want from a wife. As times passed they became friends and get along well.

    One day Hosea had to be at an event. He and his team were getting the event ready and had not eaten since early morning. He gave his best to the job to make sure everything run smoothly. Evening came and he met Mimi at the event. Mimi saw the team was tired and had not eaten and offered to buy food for them and started asking them for their order.

    Mimi asked Hosea for his order but Hosea did not want to eat until the event ended. Mimi insisted that he should eat something and took the initiative to buy something for him to eat. After half an hour, Mimi came back with the food and distributed it. She passed a packet of fried rice to Hosea. Hosea did not appreciate it and rejected the fried rice. Mimi kindhearted soul persuaded him to eat. After a few conversations, the talk heated up and he scolded Mimi, until she cried, for pestering him to eat. Everybody near by took notice of the amplified talk and saw the caring Mimi crying.

    Hosea was angry, but embarrassed, and took the fried rice from Mimi. He quickly opened up and ate the fried rice to pacify her. Mimi saw that and stop crying.

    The event ended and Hosea went home to rest for the day. He took a long bath and thought about Mimi. Then he lied on the bed and pondered again. He could not sleep. He was disturbed. Tossing here and there, now he felt guilty. To give him an excuse to sleep he told himself that he had to apologise to Mimi.

    Next day Hosea quickly went to office and looked for Mimi but could not find her. His guiltiness made him very uncomfortable and could not work. He waited and waited and realized that she did not come to work today. Hosea was down and feeling very remorse. Not to get embarrassed again he prompt for an answer here and there for her absence.

    “Mimi and her family went to Malaysia to visit her relatives,” her best friend said. “She will be back next week.” Hosea was very disheartened. He said to himself “never mind, she will be back soon, just away for a couple of days.” But that night, he could not sleep again. He was very bothered by his guiltiness.

    Next day, Hosea went back to work again. Feeling bad and emotionally weary. The feeling was like a heavy big stone resting on his chest, breathlessly breathing. Feeling bad again, he comforted himself by saying “she’ll be back soon.” It was one o’clock, time for lunch.

    He was about to go for lunch and the office secretary suddenly answered a phone call with a shocking look. The secretary hanged up the phone and announced that Mimi will not be coming to work anymore. No reason was given. Everybody in the office was puzzled. Hosea did not go for lunch but waited for an answer. An answer that nobody knows. Perhaps he was not really keen for an answer but how to apologise to Mimi to clear his guilt.

    The secretary answered another phone call. The conversation was something like “Are you sure?”… “You sure?”… “Serious! You are not joking”… “OK!”… The secretary hanged up the phone and went into the boss room. After a while she came out and announced that Mimi and her whole family, except her little brother, died in a car accident in Malaysia.

    I was shocked because I was the young man, the Hosea. I was devastated. I could not believe what I heard. I told myself such a scene happened only on TV. “It is not real! It is not real!” I wrestled my mind with many logical explanations. After sometimes I calmed down and accepted the fact. Then one drop, one drop of tears slowly formed and slide down from my eyes, passed my mouth, to my chin and drop off. I cried silently and suddenly my guilt slipped in and it was like a two-edged dagger stabbed right through my heart and pushed in slowly.

    The pain, the agony, was unbearable. You just wished you had the power to turn back the clock. God I am not. I could only cry and looked into the coffin to see her one last time. I cried, I cried and I cried. That was all I could do. Now I know how weak we are even though we are created in the image of God.

    I looked at her, looking at her sleeping face. “Mimi, I am sorry! I don’t mean to make you cry the other day.” My tears were like flowing river and I was trying to speak properly, “ Will… you for…give me?” “I’m here to say sor…ry”. “Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” I was expecting a miracle that she would wake up and forgive me. Oh! How foolish I was!

    I whispered to her, like a pair of lovers would do in cinema, “Who’s gonna buy fried rice for me when I’m hungry?” My good friend came over and hugged me and walked me to a seat. I sat down and cried again.

    Twelve years already and till these days I cannot forgive myself for not saying sorry to her. Every time I eat fried rice I will cry. I will quickly think whom I have hurt today and forget to say sorry. I will quickly patch up with them.

    Years have pass and I grow stronger every each new day. If I hurt someone in the day I will say sorry to him before sunset. If I have a conflict with you in the evening I will sort it out with you before the sunrise. I will live a life whereby I will always express myself to those I admire and love and to forgive, forget and move on making each and every day a day of gratitude. I will also go out of my way to make someone’s else day a better day to give to those less fortunate than me. Let us make the best out of each day.

    Are you willing to do the same?

    This is my, the Hosea, fried rice story.