Category: Inspire

  • Hope Deferred Makes The Heart Sick

    I was promised to be given a chance
    at the end of the twelfth month.
    “What a wondrous pleasure,” I thought.

    This promise was my esprit
    but now an affliction.
    It encouraged when I am discouraged
    but now it drained my virtue.
    It also turned my sorrow into a merry heart
    but now where’s the joy?

    The twelfth month came
    but the promise did not.
    Meaningless! Utterly meaningless!
    Everything was meaningless without the promise.

    Three sentiments I have suffered,
    four, I am being pricked:

    My soul dries up,
    my emotions dominate.
    My self-esteem is gone
    and my heart is no God but God.

    How silly I am to believe in positive confession.
    Why does the present truth churches embrace it?

    Am I so worthless that I don’t stand a chance?
    What have I, what have I done to deserve this?

    Have I demanded too much
    the companionship of my beloved?
    How much is too much?

    Lord, you have taught me agape
    and keeping the integrity of a promise.
    Will you also teach her?

    Lord, I have decided once to fulfil my calling.
    Will you for once let her find favour in me?

    Lord, your kingdom come, you will be done
    till you grant me my prudent wife.

    Once truth I have found.
    One truth I have learned.
    One truth I never accept,
    today I have to;

    A promise must be fulfilled.
    A christian may not keep his promise.

    I wrote this when Sarah broke her promise to me. With a very disappointed heart, I wrote this.

    Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13v12)

  • 2006 My Top 10 Favourite English Phases

    10. Marry the man you love or love the man you marry.

    9. Parents are a gift from God. But thank God, I can choose my friends.

    8. Every morning is the dawn of a new error.

    7. Keep your money in the pocket, not in your heart.

    6. If you cannot find a way, make one.

    5. There are two very difficult things in the world. One is to make a name for oneself and the other is to keep it. (Robert Schumann)

    4. Not tonight honey, I got a modem!

    3. The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. (Winston Churchill)

    2. When you tell a lie you have to believe what you say is true.

    Drum rolling …. And the number one is…

    1. A good name is better than fine perfume.

  • Time And Tide Wait For No Man

    What is your greatest regrets if you die before doing it? What is it that you really wanna do but no time for it? Or you are just giving yourself excuses?

    In life, we are so busy with the little things that we procrastinate the big purposes of our life and miss the important things of what we want to do that is deep down in our heart. I used to say this during school days, “we major in minor and minor in major.”

    Is there something you really want to do for your kids? Is there something you wanna tell your dad or your mum? Is there something you wanna do at your prime while you can?

    Close your eyes and visualise now, for whatever reason, you only have less than 24 hours to live. Use your heart, feel it, tomorrow this time, you know you will stop breathing. Take your time do not rush yourself. Put your right hand over your heart, feel your heartbeats and think again.

    Remember! We only live once and everyday the earth is spinning and the clock is ticking. Time and tide wait for no man.

  • I Want To Be A History Maker

    As a dreamer and do-er of my word, i have fulfilled many of my dreams. Line by line, precept upon precept, my dreams grow bigger and bigger. Now I dream to be a history maker, I want my name to be pen in the history pages.

    Many guys like me when graduated and join the working world, one of the first things in our mind is to own a car. First you just want a car and then you want a bigger car, and later a bigger faster car because you are dreaming and your dream of owing your ultimate car motivate you to work harder for a bigger pay cheque to own your ultimate driving machine.

    Start small, and get yourself started in fulfilling your small little dreams. As your confidence level grow, you will dream bigger and bigger. Like me, at first I wanted a one year holiday in China, but then my dream cannot be contained because over the years I have been exercising my dreaming muscles and traveling to China for a year is not enough. My dreaming muscles did not stop here because I know I can do more. I am extending my sabbatical holiday to three year and I am planning my trip from China to Russia to Middle East to Europe, from North Pole to Canada, etc… and back to China.

    Whether my dream is feasible or not I am still planning. Even dreamers dream, we have to be practical too. I have to settle cross-borders issues such as traveling Visa, my fitness to travel North Pole, accommodation, food, medical support, etc.

    My point is, you have to exercise your dreaming muscles and start fulfilling them and your muscles will grow and you will dare to dream bigger and bigger. As your muscles grow, there is no dream too big that you cannot conquer it. Once you set your mind on it, next is to plan and execute it. I have been exercising my muscles so much for the past twenty years, now i am planning to be a history maker. I want the world to know me, I want my name to be recorded in the history pages.

    I welcome you to dare to dream with me and live your life to the fullness.

  • Live Your Dreams

    When I was a kid, I dreamed to be a fighter jet pilot, imagining myself siting in the cockpit, flying one of the world most sophisticated jets, shooting down enemies planes.

    As we grew up, and got more involved with society, we slowly, slowly got distracted by the weary things of the world. And as we matured in life, the world shaped us and we conformed to the world. And we become what we are now.

    We lost our childhood dreams, we do not dream any more. We lost our creativity and don’t think as far as we could now. Are you happy who you are now? Are you living the lifestyle you wanted to?

    Imagine you are dead and from above seeing yourself in the coffin of your own funeral. Your friends and people that you know attending your funeral are ask to give testimonials of you. What are your friends going to say? Anything good to say about you? Worst still, do you have something worthy for your friends to come and bid you farewell at your funeral?

    Without dreams your soul is dead. Dreams and visions are food that keep our spirit alive. When your spirit is alive, your body and mind will response by working on your dream. If you have no dream you are as good as dead man, just waiting in this world for your body to rot and be buried. So stop giving yourself excuses for not dreaming.

    Where are your dreams? What are they?

    Start thinking today and live your dreams.