Category: Inspire

  • Creating a Vision and Making it a Reality

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    Everyone dreams. It is the only thing in life that is free. However, most people are just stuck on their dreams and are not stepping up to live it. If you are already tired of just dreaming, then you have to start creating a vision. If you have a concrete vision of your life, you will be able to fulfill that dream in no time.

    What are the steps to creating a vision? What is your most important dream? When you are determining your dream, make sure that it is something that you are passionate about so that it can be attainable.

    Create a vision. Once you have determined your dream, create a vision statement like “a vision to serve the country by giving back”.

    Imagine the dream. They always say that when you believe, you actually become. So, visualize your self fulfilling that dream. Imagine the life you will lead if you have fulfilled that dream or vision.

    What are the effects? After your dream has been fulfilled, imagine the after effects of it. What will happen to your life after the dream was fulfilled?

    Make a plan. Now, it is time to make a plan. Organize your thoughts and think of the ways wherein you will be able to make this vision attainable.

    Take action now. You can have the greatest vision in the world but if you do not take action and fulfill it, it is as good as day dreaming. Do not procrastinate. Take action now.

    Always remember that everything is possible in life if you just believe. But believing is not the only thing that is important. You should create that vision and that dream into reality as well.

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  • How to Write Mission Statement That Will Inspire You and Others

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    Mission statements are usually just for organizations and establishments like schools and companies. However, if you want to have your own mission statement in life, you can do it too. A statement is like your motto in life that will lead you to greater heights. If you are ready, here are some tips on how to write a good one.

    Which is the most important thing to you? In a person, there are so many aspects of life. So, before writing your statement, get a pen and jot down the things that are important to you. Example, love, family, school, career, business, friendship, religion and so on. After writing it all down, rank now which one is the highest and which one is the lowest.

    Write a statement for each. Once you have ranked all the important aspects of your life, you are now ready to write a mission statement for each aspect. Make it short and simple. For instance, if your most important aspect is about your family, you can write “to have a loving relationship with my family until the next and the next generation”.

    Combine it all together. Once you are done with number two, look at your short and simple missions, which ones are really good or important missions? Combine all the missions together to make one cohesive statement for your life.

    When you have written your mission statement, it will inspire you to fulfill what you have convey in your statement and your life will be different. And then you can tell and inspire other people about how to write mission statement.

    Change your life at

  • Feed The Children

    Feed The Children Donation
    I was involved in the World Internet Mega Summit and I came across this speaker call Stephen Pierce. He demonstrated live to the audiences on internet marketing and within three days, which was the second last day of the event, he raised more than one hundred thousand and donated the money to feed the children in Africa. Impressive! Just to prove his making money techniques using internet.

  • Who Is James Skinner?

    James Skinner And I
    I got to know this guy called James Skinner last year NAC. This year he spoke again. I heard him spoke twice and I was amazed at his speech. This guy offered no product for you to buy but he got a big heart message for all of us.

    If you ever had a chance to hear him speak, go for it. His message would touch your heart and gave you a paradigm boost in your thinking.

    His message really changed my inner thoughts and gave me lot of new unusual ideas and made me thinking distinctly.

  • Power of Conviction

    When you tell a lie you have to believe what you say is true.

    If we tell a lie with conviction, it will become a truth and the distorted truth will give you the power to negotiate. I am not teaching you to lie. I am teaching you the power of conviction, to persuade someone into believing something.

    When someone start to believe in you, you have the power to negotiate to your advantage to get what you want.

  • 最疼的那个才是妻


    We are not talking about what we eat into the stomach is consider food or only what we wear is consider a shirt. What it mean is, the action we do and care for somebody, that come from our heart, will reveal to us who we really love.

    We have food everywhere but we do not eat everything we come across. We only eat what we like. We go shopping and only buy the clothing we like to wear. The actions of eating and buying arise from what our heart want.

    We desire to have so many lovers around us daily, but who we really love? We can buy flower to charm our lovers. We can spend our time to sweet talk them. But the one our heart’s desire, is the woman we show concern most and take action to care for.

  • Cheap, Quick & Good

    Sign at a car repair shop:





    When perfection is not perfect, we have to decide what is best for the situation. As an achiever, we always settle for the best but there are times, the best is not up to our expectation.

    In situation like this we have to make decision swiftly and pick the best and option out the bad to make effective decision for a better result.

  • We, The Willing

    Many friends had asked me how come I had the zeal, the strength, to do extraordinary things and explore the unknown. Many people portrayed me as a daring person, an entrepreneur, adventurous guy, trill seeker, etc.

    Many did not know how much I had sacrificed to come this far.

    All summed up in this statement below I came across fifteen years ago.

    We, the willing,
    led by the unknowing,
    are doing the impossible,
    for the ungrateful.

    We have done so much
    for so long,
    with so little,
    we are qualified
    to do anything,
    with nothing.

  • Take Time To Rest

    There were three wood-cutters. Matthew, Mark and Luke.

    Matthew was a hardworking cutter who worked day and night. On the other hand, Mark worked for an hour and rested for ten minutes. Luke who was the laziest worked for ten minutes and took a break of ten minutes.

    At the end of the day, they gathered together and see who had the most woods. Mark had the most woods after calculation.

    Matthew: ”Why I worked so hard and so many hours than you and yet you had more woods than me?”

    Mark: ”During my rest, I sharpened my axe”

    After a year of resting, I recovered from my mental breakdown. Now I was more acute then I was before. Ever since I started joining the workforce and taking the responsibility of adulthood, life was getting weary as years went by. Sitting down and looking back my past achievements, it was a relieve that I came this far but not worth the sacrifice i had made to achieve what I had today.

    During my sabbath year, I really rested my whole being. I took my time to renew my life, my missions, my destiny, etc. I took the time to evaluate my goals I had set ten years ago and set new goals for my next decade. My body was weak and I took the time to get back my health by losing weight, keeping fit and healthy diet. Now my body was in good condition again to accept new challenges in life.

    My Sabbath year was ending soon and my whole being was energized again. Now, time for me to step out, step up, and conquer the world again.

    So when was the last time you took a good break?

  • In God I Trust

    Once a upon a time, there was a man. He was an acrobat. After many years of practices, this man went to the Nigeria Fall to perform his stun.

    There were two large crowds on the both sides of the Fall. He hooked a rope across the Fall, and said to the people: “I’m going to walk across this river.”

    The man walked slowly and steadily to the other side of the Fall. The crowds cheered and clapped for his great performance.

    The man: “Do you think I can do it again?”

    The crowds: “Yes.” (The crowds whistled and clapped)

    The man: “Do you think I can do it again?”

    The crowd: “Yes.”(The crowds whistled and dance)

    The man: “Does anyone want me to carry him across the Fall?”

    There was a great silence in the crowds, as quiet as a hunting dog when it is near a bird.

    Then a young boy came out and said: “Carry me.”

    The man carried the boy swiftly and safety to the other side. The crowds were amazed by the boy.

    The crowd: “Why did you allow him to carry you across?

    The boy: “Because he is my father and I believed and trusted in him that he would carry me through.”

    How many of us still have the child-like faith in God, just believe and trust in the Lord. Although I go to church irregularly nowadays, my heart is still with my Father God. Past three years, I have live the darkest night of my life and during those troubled days I still put my trust in God that He will walk me through.

    I have fallen but now I rise up and take heart and be strong again. I continue to put my trust in the Lord for all the days of my life and all can be summarised in Psalms 23 verse 4 … I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me, Your rod and staff they comfort me.