Category: Friend 友情

  • 走之前想见的 一个人


    离开珠海市之前 我有两件想做的事。第二件事是 希望看到阿宾。好久没看见她了。以前我们一起天天在这条街玩。 在这好几天了 都没见到她。吃完酸辣粉 就慢慢闲逛步行街到车站 买票离开珠海。失望的心情向着车站走,突然看到阿宾 跟我招手。 好开心的 过去和她叙叙旧。

  • My Friend, Desmond

    Find A Friend - My Friend, Desmond

    This was my friend Desmond. During my depression days, he took good care of me. It was in China when we first met and over the years we became good friends because of common interests.

    He was a big eater. One person could have a meal of three persons. Looked at the Lobster Laska. That was his desert after the main course Mandarin Chicken Rice.

  • My Friend, Davin

    My Friend, Davin

    Find A Friend, Davin (Primary school classmate)

    My friend Davin. The guy on the right with the tongue sticking out and without the cap. He was my primary school classmate. We used to take school bus to school everyday and during our journey, we would play chess. We liked to play animal chess, english chess and chinese chese. And this was how we got through our boring time in the bus. He was my best companion during my primary school days. We kept each other entertained during boring time in school.

    This friend of mine did not speak at all until he was in secondary school. If he spoke, it would be very very soft and you could hardly heard him. Not even when teachers asked him questions. After PSLE, three years later, we met again and this time he spoke to me. This was the first time I heard him calling my name. I was overjoyed because I was expecting he would show me his sign language to communicate with him.

    We met a few times during the period and kept in contact through email. After “O” Level, we were separated again. I wondered how was he now.

  • Hang Ten!

    Hang Ten!

    Hang Ten Yuhui's Comic

    This is my friend Yuhui, one of the smartest guys I know. Seriously, I have problem blogging him here because he is too smart for me to describe him.

    Visit Yuhui at

  • My Friend, Bob

    Find a friend - Bob at Patong Beach, Phuket

    My Canadian friend, Bob, our friendship started five years ago from a supplier-client relationship. He travelled around the world for business and visited Singapore at least twice a year. Bob said to me, “Hosea, I don’t know why every time I come to Singapore you are the only want I want to meet.” He flashed back, there were so many people wanted to meet up with him but he chose to spend time with me after working hours than meeting his associates. Then spontaneously he added, “I think I know why because when you meet me you don’t talk business. You don’t go through the BS and solicit for business opportunities.”

    How many of us still make friends like that? It was a great comfort Bob said that to me.

    Our favourite pastime was to go Lat Pat Sat for a satay fest with lot of beers and the hotel VIP lounge for a beer session and drink till our hearts content with our computer notebook on our laps and chat till the lounge close.

    Bob, I miss you.

    Visit Bob at