Category: Ezine

  • How to Save Your Marriage – The Hosea and Gomer Way

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    Marriage is perhaps one of the hardest things that men and women have to deal with in this thing called life. What starts out as a phase of pure romantic bliss could turn into a world of unadulterated pain and suffering. Many people who decide to tie the knot have little idea of what they are really signing up for, which is why many married couples end up in divorce.

    If you’re having trouble with your marriage, know that you are not alone in this big old world. There are hundreds, even thousands, of couples out there who feel that all is lost when it comes to their marital relationship. But if you have faith in God, His will, and in yourself, then there’s nothing impossible. This article will show you how to save your marriage.

    Have you heard of the prophet Hosea? The story of Hosea can help you learn how to save your marriage. The Book of Hosea can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible. During the period in which Hosea prophesied, different kings ruled Israel and each of them enforced his chosen way of life, including religious inclinations, of which there were many. The kings turned away from God and listened to the rulers of rich neighboring nations, who worshipped other gods.

    Hosea, as ordered by God, married Gomer, who was later to turn into a prostitute. This marriage was how God showed his relationship with Israel at the time. Israel was likened to a prostitute who became a slave of money and became unfaithful to her husband. In the end, Hosea forgave Gomer, just as God forgave Israel.

    When you married your spouse in Christian rites, you pledged, with God as your witness, to love and honor each other till death do you part. The story of Hosea and Gomer teaches us the importance of love and honor in married life, but more importantly, it teaches us that we are human – and that we need forgiveness to live on. If your spouse did you wrong and strayed, learn to forgive. If you are the one who strayed, learn to ask for forgiveness. Like Hosea, you have to show mercy; like Gomer, you need to truly repent. This is how to save your marriage.

  • What Couples Can Learn From Hosea and Gomer

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    Hosea and Gomer are characters that can be found in the Bible – in the Old Testament, to be exact. They are husband and wife; the man, a prophet, and the wife, a prostitute. In the Bible, you can see that God often asks his prophets to do difficult things in His name. Hosea’s case was no different. He was asked by God to marry a woman who would, later on during their marriage, become a prostitute. This was how God wanted to exemplify His relationship with Israel at the time.

    The Israelites are said to be God’s people, but during the reign of the infamous seven kings, in which time frame Hosea tirelessly prophesied, they were everything but. During that period, Israel became a harlot in the sense that it welcomed different religions with open arms. The people of Israel worshipped the idol that their kings worshipped, gods from other lands ruled by kings who did not believe in Yahweh. They were divided into two kingdoms, the North and the South. Hosea spent his time prophesying to the Northern Kingdom, but the people of Israel were not keen on listening.

    Married life is not easy, but it was especially difficult for Hosea and Gomer. Their marriage was far from ideal, and they had more downs than ups. In the Bible, Gomer is described as a “quarrelsome wife,” which experts found to have the same meaning then as the modern phrase “adulterous wife.” One of their children, in fact, had a name that literally translates to “Not Mine.” That was how tainted Gomer and Hosea’s marriage was. But if there is something married couples of today can learn from the biblical story of Hosea and Gomer, it is the importance of love and forgiveness.

    Hosea sought out Gomer when she went away from the marital home. His love, like God’s love for Israel, made him forgive her sins, just as God forgave the sins of the Israelites. A love relationship is similar to the covenant God shares with His people. With love and forgiveness, there is nothing a couple can’t overcome, including adultery or infidelity. The party who has been jilted or cheated must learn to forgive.

    But of course, it must be a two-way street. The party who has done wrong must learn to repent. Gomer, like the Israelites, repented. True repentance, which consists not of empty promises but of real change, can turn any troubled love relationship into a happy one. It takes a lot to do this, but with love – and the knowledge that you have been forgiven and are being given the chance to become a better partner – all things are possible. Partners must work hand in hand in order to make their love relationship work.

  • Who Is the Prophet Hosea?

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    Where does the name Hosea come from?
    Hosea is a name that is of Hebrew origin. Its meaning is one that provides hope for those who have lost it; it gives a chance to people who have gone astray to come back to their true home. Hosea simply means “salvation,” that elusive word that many people in this world want to find. Perhaps you have heard of the prophet Hosea, one of the most famous people bearing the name.

    Who is Hosea?
    Hosea was a prophet from the Bible’s Old Testament. Bible Hosea was a son of Beeri, and he lived and prophesied about Israel and its destruction around 722 BC. At the time, Israel was divided into two kingdoms; Hosea was focused on preaching to the Northern Kingdom.

    The Book of Hosea contains Hosea’s prophecies and the story of his marriage to Gomer, a marriage commanded by God to show the relationship between His covenant and the people of Ephraim, the largest tribe in Israel and also referred to as Israel itself.

    Hosea is believed to be the very first prophet who used marriage in his book to show the relationship between God and His people. You see, the marriage of Hosea and Gomer was not a smooth one; it was, in fact, quite the opposite. This reflected the kind of relationship that God and the Israelites had at the time.

    What happened between Hosea and Gomer?
    As a prophet, bible Hosea preached – until the destruction of Israel – during the Reign of the Seven Kings. This was a chaotic period for the Kingdom of Israel, especially in terms of religious beliefs.

    During this period, different kings ruled with varying religious positions – that is, they implemented whatever was most profitable for them. Earthly pleasures were shamelessly pursued, and the kings’ – as well as their people’s – spirituality suffered greatly. God was forgotten as the Kingdom turned to idolatry.

    Hosea was instructed by God to marry, but the marriage, God warned, would not be perfect for the woman would turn into a prostitute to show the current state of Israel. Hosea married Gomer. There are different opinions as to the nature of Gomer; some say that Gomer was a prostitute even before, while others maintain that it was only during the course of her marriage to Hosea that she became one. At any rate, Gomer was a quarrelsome and adulterous wife.

    What does Hosea mean to me?
    I have gone through many hardships in life. Like the Israelites, I too have lost my way and my faith. The story of Hosea is perhaps one that best describes my marriage. What comforts me is that the Book of Hosea ends not in hopelessness, but in forgiveness and love. Bible Hosea sought out Gomer and forgave her sins, just as God forgave His people.

    I never thought I could find myself whole again and especially not with the help of the Church. But there really is a God, and I feel His love as He gives me the opportunity to live life with faith and trust in His will. When I joined the Church, the pastor gave me the name “Hosea,” and I felt I have truly come home.

  • Finding the Right Pair of Tight Jeans

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    Tight jeans look sexy and make a statement if worn properly. They look good on both skinny body types and the more voluptuous. Tight jeans that fit you well make a good addition to your wardrobe. You can wear them with a loose or flowing blouse and different kinds of footwear like platform shoes, wedges, or flats. As can be seen in many celebrities today, wearing a thong with tight jeans easily make up for a sexy, foxy look.

    The tricky part is finding the right pair that fits you well in all the right places – one that you can wear in almost any occasion and with almost anything. Looking for the right fir, cut, and color can be tiring so it is best to do your tight jeans-hunting when you are feeling refreshed.

    Some women stick to a particular brand of jeans for the sole reason that it manufactures pairs that fit them perfectly. If you already have a pair of tight jeans that fits you snugly, buy the same one by all means. Call up stores to see if they are still selling the same pair. You can also check online stores like eBay for pairs with the same style number as the pair you own.

    Online shoppers are now offered the option to use size calculators when purchasing jeans online. This new technology saves up time and effort otherwise consumed in browsing rack after rack, shop after shop and trying on one pair of jeans after another only to go home empty-handed.

    Online size calculators like considers all the measurements you enter and your body type in displaying results of suitable pairs of jeans for you. Within a few minutes, your choices are narrowed down to jeans that will fit you perfectly.

    Shopping online for the right pair of tight jeans is no longer as inconvenient as it used to be. Look for online stores that have favourable return policies and if possible, free return shipping with a provision of at least 30 days to return a purchased item. Once you find a store you feel confident about, look for a style you like then compare your measurements to the retailer’s size chart. Various brands have different sizing systems.

    Last but not least, stay in shape so that your perfect-fit jeans stay that way as long as you like them to. Exercise regularly and eat healthy so you feel beautiful inside out.

  • The Status of the HIV Virus in 2009

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    The problem with HIV is that through the years, it is consistently increasing in every regions of the world. This is despite of all the efforts of the governments and various world organizations to curtail the spread of this virus and to properly educate people on how to prevent themselves from getting it or if they already have it, from spreading it.

    There are currently about 34 million people living with HIV all around the world. This is the statistics on HIV as reported by the United Nations. Around 32 million of these are adults, with an equal distribution between male and female victims of this virus.

    However, the saddening part of these statistics is that over 2 million children aged 15 and below are affected. These cases are mostly from poor countries, particularly in Africa, where babies were born with the virus after contracting it from their mothers.

    It is a growing concern because no definite cure has been found. About 2 million people have died from this disease starting from 2008 to the present statistics on HIV. An alarming figure considering the number of people who have the virus.

    The majority of the people who have the virus remain to be homosexuals, mostly gay men who have active sexual relations with other men. On those who are bisexuals, most of them acquired the virus through having promiscuous sex or having many different sexual partners.

    This is an alarming trend as the morals of people from all nations, particularly in more developed countries, is said to be breaking down, mostly being blamed on mass media. Some moralists have claimed that the television and the movies have the lasting and strong influence on how the young people are thinking and what they believe in.

    Another thing to get us worried about is that each year, thousands of cases of new diagnoses have been recorded. Since 2008 up to 2009, there are around 8,000 new positive diagnoses. What is disturbing is that this is a very small percentage as compared to the greater number of HIV infected people who are not diagnosed. The reason behind this is because most of those undiagnosed individuals are living in far flung places, mostly in poor countries, where there are limited access to medical centres.

    The numbers clearly show the current status of the HIV. And it is a horrible figure. Further studies have to be made to help legislators come up with laws to help combat this virus and how it is being spread in the society. Furthermore, education regarding this matter should begin in schools so children will learn as early as possible about the dangers of HIV and how they can prevent from being infected with it.

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  • Eat Vegetables and Lose So Much Fat

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    If there is one thing that people should be doing more each day, but they are actually doing less of it, is to eat more vegetables. There are so many benefits of adding vegetables to one’s diet and one of which is that you can lose so much fat by just doing it.

    Vegetables are among the foods that we have learned to hate as a child. Why? Simply because they seldom taste good. Sadly, we tend to carry that dislike for vegetables as we grow up, which is a very poor habit. That is because we deprive ourselves of the many vitamins and minerals that can be naturally found in vegetables.

    We all know that vegetables are good for our health, but how can it help us lose so much fat? Well, for one thing vegetables are rich in fiber. Fiber plays an important role in making us feel full quickly and for a longer period of time. When we are full, we eat less often. So for example, if we have vegetables for lunch, since we will naturally already feel full, there is less chances that we will have an afternoon snack. We crave less because of this.

    Another way that vegetables help us lose so much fat is because vegetables have zero to very little fat to begin with. That means when we eat these health foods, we put less to none additional fat into our bodies. When there is less fat going in, it will be easier for us to burn off the existing fat within us.

    Aside from that, vegetables add variety to merely eating meat and other processed foods. Eating nothing but meat is dangerous because of the fat and the cholesterol that is abundant in most meats. And you know exactly what that translates into: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and possibilities of strokes and heart attacks.

    Vegetables also contribute to better mental health. These can help boost our memory, help us think more clearly, and retain more information. The vitamin C that is found in most vegetables alone is already great for keeping our mental faculties healthy. It is perhaps due to is immunity boosting properties.

    So in case you are one of the many number of people who are not into eating vegetables, you can start incorporating these in your daily meals in very little portions as a start. For example, instead of just eating steak, you can include a small bowl of green salad. You can also include mixed vegetables to any grilled or fried meal. Through such small portions, you can slowly train your palate to learn to love these healthy vegetables.

    There are many ways to lose weight, but as always, it is through a proper diet that you can benefit from the most. And you can do that by having more vegetables each day. Not only can you lose fat, but through the vitamins and minerals present in vegetables, your mind and body will become healthier. Just remember to include as many types of vegetables as you can on your daily meals.

  • Genital Warts and Its Stages

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    Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus, which is somewhat similar but quite different from the virus that causes common warts on the skin. Warts are contagious and can be transmitted to and by both men and women during sexual contact. If sexual partners engage in oral sex, warts can grow in the mouth and the throat.

    Knowing the various stages of the disease, especially the beginning stages, is important in getting the necessary treatments for the condition. Sometimes, people who have grown warts in the genital area do not know that they already need medication simply because they were not aware of the signs and that they already are infected. Genital warts at their earlier stage are treated faster and more easily.

    Between two and nine months after being infected, genital warts only show signs of redness. The infected area may feel sore and itchy. It is best to consult your doctor immediately once you feel irritation in your genitals as this may be a sign that you already have warts.

    The next stage of the growth is the formation of red, gray, or flesh-colored bumps that appear flat or slightly raised. They usually emerge around the vaginal or anal areas. During this stage, it is not uncommon for bumps to grow in the throat and the mouth as well.

    Eventually, the warts will continue to grow bigger and in groups within or around a given area. They will be identified as full-grown warts if they take the form and roughness as that of a cauliflower. If untreated, it can affect normal cells surrounding them, which may lead to various cancers. This does not happen all the time but some cases of anal, cervical, vaginal, and even penal cancers were caused by warts.

    Most of the time, however, the warts die and fall off by themselves after a period of time. There are many exceptions to this, however, and anyone who has detected possible signs of warts in the genital area in the earlier stages should seek treatment immediately. Doctors can easily remove warts during the first or second stages. There is a wide array of treatments designed for various genital warts stagesbut the problem is better addressed early on.

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  • How To Prevent Theft Online

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    One of my favourite pastimes I like to do in Starbucks is eavesdropping on everybody’s conversation online. Since Starbucks offers free internet access, everybody will be busy sipping their coffee and texting messages with their devices. None of these coffee drinkers really know how vulnerable they are and how to protect themselves from theft online like me.

    I turn on my Mac and run an application to collect data over the wireless network. Then I go queue up for my coffee. By the time I am back, I have collected enough data for me to read. Most of the data are instant messaging conversations. Sometimes I do intercept email and photos.

    If I find something interesting about a conversation, I will lift my head up and try to identify who the person is. One time, my coffee buddy says, “Give him another ten minutes and we can leave.” I subconsciously reply saying, “Take his time, we can leave once he is done with his wife.” He looks up to me and asks how I know he is chatting online with his wife.

    What if you are transmitting important information over an unsecured connection and I happen to stumble upon it? How to prevent a thief like me that is snooping what is in the air?

    The easiest and fastest way on how to prevent theft online is to get yourself a VPN, short for Virtual Private Network. VPN creates a secure network by encrypting your data between you and your destination site over a public network such as the internet. There are many flavors of security standard known as protocols. The commonly used protocols are IPsec, L2TP, and SSL/TLS. These VPNs can be configured for use in PDA such as iPhone too. For the highest security, use SSL/TLS or sometime also label as SSL VPN.

    Get yourself familiar with VPN technologies today, ask for a trial package from your provider and start learning how to prevent theft online.

    Feeling insecure?

  • Welcome to the New Generation of Honda Engines

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    The King Motorsports / Mugen Civic Si made its debut at the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) convention in Las Vegas. The car showed off its K20 DC5R engine which has a limited slip differential and a 6-speed transmission. The engine had been modified to produce 240hp. The K20 represents Honda’s next generation engine. It does not run on a timing rubber belt. It runs by a timing chain. The engine heads are reversed so that intake and exhaust swap position. Three additional versions of the K20 (K20A, K20B, K20C) engine are available; each sporting subtle variations in their power train assembly.

    The new Honda Insight has improved immeasurably since it was first launched back in 1999. Today’s difficult economic times makes the Insight the right answer for the customer on a budget. There has been an obvious slowdown in car sales which is the first reason why the Insight could be the next big thing. The Insight’s base sticker price is significantly lower than any competitor model with similar features. Even if a buyer splurges for a fully loaded Insight, it won’t cost much more than a base model competitor.

    Auto makers are making considerable improvements in hybrid engine technology. It now looks as though hybrid is the way of the future and more consumers are turning to these cars to help save them money. Hybrids not only save consumers money at the gas tank but at tax time as well. Depending on the Hybrid, consumers could see up to a $3000 tax credit, and who doesn’t like a break from the government?

    Honda’s release of the CR-Z concept car pushes the limits on the marriage of a true sports car to the latest in technology. The new class of vehicle is ready to move Honda even further from its competition in the market for hybrid engines. Honda even calls the CR-Z its lightweight sports car; an indication of Honda’s confidence in the CR-Z’s ability to match its performance to its sporty good looks. The look and feel of a Sporty Hi-Tech vehicle is all that can be said about the CR-Z interior design.

    Finally, production of the stimulating “green” cars has been confirmed by Honda. The hydrogen fuel cell based FCX car along with a low weight hybrid sports car will both go into production. This now makes its debut in the near future a reality. Then, the FCX concept will be used in the all new FCV being marketed to both retail and fleet customers in Japan and the U.S.A. The FCV provides the safety comforts which everyone expects from Honda vehicles.

    Specifications for the Honda V Flow fuel cell have not yet been provided. However, Honda assures us that the fuel cell stack provides performance equal to almost all current sedans. At the same time, zero emissions are produced except for heat and water.

    It’s obvious; customers have a lot to look forward to as Honda continues to look far into the future of hybrid vehicle engineering in support of an entirely new generation.

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  • Cheat Your Engine Control Unit to Free Up to 20% Horsepower

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    Every car has an ECU to control the performance of the car engine. ECU is Engine Control Unit. The standard performance of a car is set by the manufacturer through the ECU. Manufacturer will not program the ECU to the highest output so that the car will get the best fuel consumption.

    For those who aim to race, understand that the more power you need, the more fuel you have to burn. Racer like me will not be concern about fuel consumption for the ride.

    To squeeze more horsepower from the ECU, I have to cheat the ECU to push the engine to a higher explosion, to get higher output. This trick works only with Fuel Injection car and not on old car with carburetor engine.

    First, you need to locate the IAT sensor of the car. IAT stands for Intake Air Temperature. The IAT sensor is the sensor that sends the air temperature signal to the ECU, telling the ECU to manage the amount of fuel for combustion. Generally the IAT sensor is located on the intake tube or somewhere before the throttle body from the intake manifold.

    After you found the IAT, remove the adapter from the IAT sensor and you will see the connector with two holes on it. It looks like a normal electric plug label plus (+) and minus (-) signs. Go to an electronic shop and get a resistor of 110 ohm and plug it into the connector.

    Before removing the connector, make sure your car engine is off and the key is plug out first, to prevent the check engine indicator light up on your dashboard. After placing the resistor on the IAT connector, remember to wrap it up with a wire tape and make sure the resistor is not loose and not easy to drop off. Next, cover up the exposed two holes on the IAT sensor with wire tape to make yourself feel more secure.

    For your reference, Engine Control Unit also known as ECM, Engine Control Module.

    After all done, time to test drive.

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