Category: Eros 爱恋

  • 伤心的碎心

    爱你 不是我的错
    想你 是我的寂寞
    有你 一生都不够
    疼你 今生我的错

    为你 不需要理由
    没你 日夜想着你
    牵你 是想感觉你
    放弃你 我无法选择

    哭了 我还是爱你
    累了 还是想念你
    痛了 因为我爱错
    忘了 解脱我的痛

    原来 你没爱过我
    输了 因为你骗我
    骗过 不敢再动情
    伤了我 不说对不起

    天天 挂念你
    天天 爱你多一点
    换来的 是我的一相情愿
    心跳 为你跳
    呼吸 为你不停息
    换来的 是个伤心的碎心

    伤了心,静了下来,手拿着吉他,一边弹 一边唱,这首歌就这样的 写出来了。

  • 我吹过


    我是风 看不见
    摸不到 只能感觉到
    我是风 春风吹 西北去
    无忧的我 开心果
    排山倒海 过四海
    自由的我 像只鸟
    四海为家 闯天下
    我吹过 不留我
    对你好 再也找不到


  • 我们成为了最熟悉的陌生人


    如果有一天你能到我的心里去, 你一定会流泪因为里面全是你给的伤。如果有一天我能到你心里去,我也一定会流泪因为里面全是你的无所谓。我们的认识本来就是一个错误,不是吗?



  • Why I Like To Eat Kidney Beans

    My Secret Love Recipes With Kidney Beans

    GF: Dear, do you know what is this call?

    ME: Bean loh!

    GF: Ya! What kind of bean?

    ME: Err… big red bean?

    GF: No! Guess again?

    ME: Arr… I don’t know.

    GF: Is call, kidney bean, dear.

    That was how I knew this was called kidney bean. When I dated her, she loved to eat kidney beans. When we went for salad buffet, we would fill our stomach with a big bowl of it. That was how I began to like to eat kidney bean.

    I got myself a big spoonful of the bean and while I was eating it, my heart suddenly felt lonely, wanted to cry and I thought of her again. I thought of the joy we shared together eating the beans, forked one bean at a time feeding one another. This is our love recipes with kidney beans.

  • Sex With Her: Priceless

    I turned off the television and rolled over her and kissed her. That was how it started.

    Fast forward, skipping the erotic foreplay details, and cut into the orgasm scene…

    She was so responsive to my cathbath and me spooning her clit, I could feel her exploding inside of her a couple of times.

    She enjoyed the foreplay so much that I did not want to stop until I gave her my finale. That was, teasing her cunt with my stick. I positioned myself in missionary, not going to consummate her but teased more with my smooth soft stick, smoothing her wet arose cunt, up and down and circling in sensual motion.

    At the same time I was licking and nibbling her harden nipple. She was so enjoying that she grabbing my hair on my head and guiding me to give her more.

    She could not take it any more when I massaged her protruded raisin with my scrotum. Her juice was all over my balls. Wow! Then she grab my flatten flaccid flap and stroke it and positioned herself. I thought she gonna gave me a good blowjob. I was wrong, she was selfish. When I got my erection, she hold it tight and find the way in. Wow Wow Wow! Without thinking…

    What the hack!

    Once outside, in position,

    I pushed it in with all my might,

    Pumped to my greatest height.

    Wet and juicy, I described.

    Reached my orgasm, how to ascribe.

    Looking at her expression I know she was satisfied.

    We hugged for the night, while it was still inside.

    I could feel my warm flowing inside,

    In our missionary in the sight.

    She gave me a good stroke on my back,

    Signifying her fulfilment I achieved.

    Then the nightmare came. She pushed me away and quicken to wash up. It was silent and only the noise of the air-con blowing we could hear. I knew what was happening and I asked when was her last period. She answered in a hash tone. I computed and told her we were in the ‘safe’ period. We were relieved for a while, then she told me her menses was every two weeks for the past few months. Now we were worried but there was nothing we could do now.

    This was my first sex in 2006 and turned out to be the best and most enjoyable one ever since my depression. But it was also my nightmare because her next period did not come.

    Nevertheless, sex with her: priceless.

  • No One Can Replace You

    This month April, marks two years of my break up with my 6-year old spouse. I still miss her very much. i should say I still love her as much as before. I have been crying recently again. But today I really cry my heart out. I don’t know why may be because this is the month we break off.

    My whole life until now, one thing I regret. That is, not being able to be with her forever.

    The legacy she left for me are fond memories of us together. I will treasure all these memories as long as i remember.

    It is really my honour knowing her. I really enjoy her companionship and really thank her from the soul of my heart for being my soulmate all these years.

    I am sorry to disappoint you in one way or another. I am sorry we are separated. My dear Shufen I want to tell you this, many men can replace me but no one can replace you. You will always have a room in my heart. I should stop now, else I gonna break down again.