Category: Dilemma

  • 男人花多少钱才是真的爱你?

    我想知道 男人花多少钱才是真的爱你? 你能告诉我吗? 爱情可以不用金钱来横量吗? 把你男人的钱花光了你是不是会离开他?

  • 香港始终有你

    Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong


    十年前的我还以为中国回收香港是件坏事,没想到香港回归中国给香港带来了更美好的将来。我也看到了一国两制的存在。 现在的香港居民不象以前回归的时候,不知道自己的民族身份。中央政府对香港的付出,耐心和不辞辛劳的精神,已经赢到香港居民的心。现在的香港居民已经接受了中国是祖国。




  • 二五而立
















  • 男人三十一条龙








  • Why I Don’t Work Anymore

    I just want to work no more! Why work when I can save more without working? I used to run my own businesses and make a lot of money but I also spend a lot too. The more I work the more money I make and the more things I buy and in the end I also get into what we call the rat race.

    Then as age is catching up and I am getting tired of being a racing rat, I lost myself, I lost my spouse, I lost my health. I lost my God. The most important of all is, time. I lost time. To make more money I just want to work, I allocate more time to making money and I end up having lesser time for other activities.

    This is when I start to think when I break up with my spouse. With so much money I make and so little time for her, I lost our relationship. This event is very devastating to me. It takes me three years to resilient from it.

    During my resilient years, I start to rethink about my life and re-evaluate my financial goals. Then I go through my books and study my expenses. I realise the more I work, the more I spend. For every one thousand dollars I earn, I spend one thousand two hundreds. So I decided not to work anymore. I don’t want to be a boss or an employee anymore because my massive income cannot upkeep with my expenditure.

    I consolidate my wealth and redesign my whole life again. Three years later, which is today, I make money works for me and I have the whole world in my hand again. Now everyday I have the time to do what I want to do. I have the time to waste without worrying for tomorrow.

    Last time, taking public transport is a waste of time because time is money. Now is a leisure, a pastime, a sight-seeing trip. I enjoy taking public transport now, feeling the pulses of life, hearing the melodies of life. I have gain back my life freedom. I can now do what I want to do.

    When I just want to work no more, I have so much time at hand, I have the time to think, to plan, to decide. When opportunities knock on my door, I have the time to respond and not let opportunities pass away. I have the time to grab it. Is this what those seminars call the “financial freedom”? Have I attain it?

    Where I am today is not by chance or luck. It is a lot of hard works and commitment to plan my destiny and with tremendous pain and focus to execute it. Where I am today take me ten years to achieve it. I chart my life when I am nineteen. I look glamourous among my peers because of my present carefree lifestyle. Do you know how much I have sacrifice? Do you know how much painstaking experiences I go through? Now looking back, is it worth it?

    Today, I am thirty. I am proud to be where I am today. I have attain the destiny of my life, vision and goals I have set my eyes upon, I have achieve it. Thank you God, for your grace and mercy.

    This year, first of July, I chart my destiny again for the next ten years. I call it the Vision 40. 40 stands for where my life will be when I reach forty years old.

    Looking at the momentum of my life, my acute focus in commitment and my past history of achievements, I think I should achieve my Vision 40 in the next five years instead of ten.

    I have plan my life and live to the fullest. I just want to work no more! Have you?

  • Return To The Altar Of My God

    Return To The Altar Of My God
    It had been two years since I visited Batam Island. Yesteryears, I used to visit Batam regularly. It was a busy little island filled with gamblers around the region, gathered here for sex, drugs and casinos.

    Those busy streets I used to roam, now dead and quiet. Hotels used to be packed over the weekend, now offering free breakfast to lure customers.

    One thing I enjoyed and still enjoying today was the journey to the island. I would sat at the edge of the back of the ferry and enjoy the nature of the big sea and the breezy wind that blew against me, I felt relaxed and a sense of freedom. Freedom from stress. Freedom from the world. Freedom from myself.

    Out floating on the big sea, looking up the big blue sky and guessing the depth of the deep blue sea, I meditated upon the Word of the Lord.

    For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

    As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.
    As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.

    But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children – with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.

    (Psalm 103 v11-18, NIV)

    Now living in a world where chaos reigned and persona ruled, without Christ what would I become? Without the love of God, I would have lost my humanity.

    I wished to return to the Lord, returned to the altar of my God and worshipped Him as David did.

  • A Premier To Terrorise Singapore (Part 2 of 2)

    A Premier To Terrorise Singapore (Part 1 of 2)

    What is terrorism? How are we going to prevent ourselves from such attack?

    The answer is simple. Do not let technology to be integrated into your lifestyle. Technology only compliments our lifestyles and not replacement.

    Seriously we have to ask ourselves:
    1. Can I contact my friend if I do not have my mobile phone with me.
    2. If I do not have a computer, can I get my document send out?
    3. If I do not have a cashcard (problem passing through the ERP gantry), can I still drive and go to the CBD?
    4. Do I have a problem travelling with public transport without the linkcard?
    5. Can I make payment without NETS and VISA cards?

    These questions sound trivia but will disable our lifestyles and give us hell if our lifelines are depending on it. If your answers to the above questions are all ‘no’, you have a serious problem with your lifestyle. If some are ‘no’, you are still ok. If ‘yes’ is all your answers, good!

    In Singapore, we are so dependent on technologies and if one day not available to us, we will stop our life, our work. I am serious. I have ask around what happen when you computer breakdown or when your corporate network becomes unavailable for a day. Most will tell me, they cannot work. Some companies even have policy to request staffs to go on compulsory leave.

    If one day you are on the street and you forget to bring your mobile phone out or the battery is flat and you need to make a phone call. If you are in Singapore then you are in deep shit because you hardly find public phone on the street anymore. If you manage to find one, you will be shocked you need a prepaid card to use it. Adding more shock to it, you have to buy a $10 prepaid card to make a ten-cent call.

    In Singapore, even you have the key to a car, does not mean you can drive. You need a cashcard too. What happen if your cashcard value is low or the card is damage? You will be as good as a cripple or handicap having a car. So your cashcard is damage and you need a replacement. Do you know where to get it? 7-11 store? Are you sure you they are selling it?

    Recently I am back to Singapore and have been visiting our civil department. All these department no longer accept cash payment. You have to use NETS or cashcard. Some may offer payment through credit card. Sound cool, huh! Our government looks high-tech. Imagine a guy like me back to Singapore without all these cards or expired cards to facilitate payment. I am so handicap and cannot even make a $15 cash payment for my identity card renewal. By the way, why do I have to pay for my identity card? I have to borrow a stranger’s card to make my payment. Imagine a network disconnection in such department. The whole unit cannot transact?

    In our present times, nothing is eternal. Everything is volatile. HP can takeover Compaq, IBM sells the notebook division to Lenovo. New York’s twin tower flatten to ground. Enron’s disgrace. Singapore is a safe place to live, do not mean no risk. We cannot take life for granted.

    I remember once, I park my car at Raffles City. My cashcard is low and I top up at a top-up machine in the carpark. Then come along an American lady making payment for her parking fee.

    She also wants to top up her card to make payment for her parking fee. But her ATM card cannot work with the machine. It is late in the night and there is no customer service officer at the counter to assist her. She is so helpless and rushing to go off to fetch her little child. So I decide to help her by using my ATM card, but she only have a $50 bill and I do not have change for that. In the end, she write me a cheque of $10.

    With all these unspoken problems I mention. How much worst can it be to affect our life if one day a terrorist strikes the electronic heartbeat of Singapore. This is what is terrorism all about in our modern age!

  • A Premier To Terrorise Singapore (Part 1 of 2)

    In conjunction with the CommunicAsia 2006, our Media Development Authority launched another new IT masterplan, pushing Singapore to another higher level of world class infocomm. It was great to hear our government bla bla bla on all these crappy great ideas and made us on the world spotlight again.

    Yes, we singaporean were knowledge-based workers. We could multitask, cross-train, bilingual, IT literate, etc. We singaporean were one of the best breeds of the human race. But we had a reset button somewhere. If somebody did a Ctrl-Alt-Del, we would be like Microsoft Windows, restarted and maybe take a minute to startup again. Worst still, we might not have the password to login after restart.

    Ok, so you said, we have gurkas guarding the reset button. Fine but having gurkas would not prevent a ‘blue screen of death’ that invoked by the user himself, that could happen anywhere in our little island.

    What was the reset button I was talking about? The reset was electronic. All we had to do was to EMP the targeted place. Using EMP device sounded too bombastic? Actually we had a easier way to do it, just turned off the switch. Think creative and you would know how to power off the building of ICA at the flip of your finger.

    A frequency jammer could had similar damaged effects as EMP. We need not to be a PhD in computer to figure out how our ERP (Electronic Road Pricing) gantry worked and what frequency it used. During my younger days, I had accidentally experimented how to pass the gantry for free.

    To do the ‘blue screen’ was much easier than the reset. To prove my point, our recent case, money stolen from our DBS Bank ATM machine. If your mind was thinking now, how about having a surprise blackout party at national stadium for this year National Day Parade? I would not elaborate on it. Use your brain juice and you could come out with more innovative ideas better than stealing from ATM machine.

    Another good place to strike was at subway station. Those senior citizens wearing security uniform, with flabby tummies, patrolling the station. Could they catch up with the suspect? And those wearing thick glasses, I wondered what were they trying to spot? Could they recognise clearly the look of a suspect because of their short-sightedness.

    Think again, what is terrorism? Are you really safe from a domestic terrorist?

    A Premier To Terrorise Singapore (Part 2 of 2)

  • I Am Dying, Singapore, Dying

    Fifteen years ago, I was asked many times where was Singapore. I told them it was at the end of Malay Peninsula. I gave them all the geographical description to pin point where was it on the map and a quickie on our young history. Some foreigners thought Singapore was a town or province in China because I was a Chinese. Many also thought Singapore was a third-world country with poor people and old villages. Singapore was too small to be printed on the map.

    At that time we were so insignificant to the westerners but we, Singaporeans knew that we were a small but powerful country. Powerful not just in term of military defence, but in economic, international diplomacy, nation building and so on. By this time we were recognised by the world of our world class seaport, indisputable number one Changi Airport, government efficiency, etc.

    Then ten years later, I asked foreigners if they knew where Singapore was. This time many westerners knew there was this hidden country called Singapore some where on the map. By now Singapore had spread it great name to the end of the earth. We were well respected and welcomed to foreign lands.

    Add another five years, which was now, I asked this question again, “Where is Singapore?” but this time I asked my fellow countryman. Our forefathers, which was my grandfather, immigrated here and toiled together. Forty years had past, now we were coming into our third generation.

    The third generation Singapore would be led by my generation. We would continue to run the race with the baton that was passed on to us. We understood how our nation was developed because we gone through the process side by side with our forefathers. We had seen how they toiled and learned from them. We had inherited their spirit of fervency, and grew up seeing and feeling their hardship and how they built our nation.

    Forty years from now will be fourth generation Singapore. If I ask this question again “Where is Singapore?” forty years later. I am questioning the future of the nation. The leaders after my generation, how will they lead the nation like our forefathers?

  • Shalom! The Peace Living In Harmony

    The once pure and happy heart was no longer pure and happy but as time aged, worries clogged my arteries and shrewdness intoxicated my heart. My heart was poisoned by worldliness. In the day I was busy with my chaotic routines, in the night my mind was busy plotting tomorrow. Life got weary and heavy laden. The peace, known as shalom, I once had no longer with me.

    This wholesome peace was with me but slowly faded away as I stepped into the working world. I began to worry about my future, what would I become. Then when I decided to be a businessman and built my businesses, I started to worry about my enterprising expansion, my heart was burdened managing the business. Next came along my love life and I enthralled the other half of my exhausted heart upkeeping the relationship.

    Years after years, as life got matured and bond with the world, our childhood friendship and kinship no longer pure. We associated with one another because of our hidden agenda. Friends betrayed friends to strengthen our status quo. We cashed out kinship by borrowing from them. We manipulated righteousness to conceal our deceitfulness and played politics to climb corporate ladder.

    Nowadays when we meet new friends, we tactfully asked questions to check out their family backgrounds and financial worth. We associated to find out their social status and determined if socializing with them worth our time and dining with them worth our investment. Now friendship was forged because of business opportunities. Dinner treat was offered for financial benefits. Life was so fake. We schemed our life and compromised our integrity. We no longer made friends like kids looking for fun and companionship.

    More than ten years had passed. I left all behind and came to china to rest my whole, heart, mind, soul and strength. Almost a year of resting. During the year, I rested by isolating my soul from the world. I forged new friends to rebuild my circle of friends. I gave up my present lifestyle for the shalom I used to have when I was young and innocent.

    What is shalom?

    Shalom is peace. Peace with God. Peace with man. Peace with nature. Peace with self. Shalom is the peace of our whole being living in harmony with everything. With this peace, then we have the mental calmness, emotional stability, that give us the sound will to do what we have set out to accomplish.

    Shalom is so important to me because when I have this peace, my will is like a house build on a strong foundation. When an earthquake comes I know I can stand firm and not shaken to do what I set out to do.

    This peace I once lost, I found it again.

    Shalom be with you!