Category: Dilemma

  • How to Save Your Marriage – The Hosea and Gomer Way

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    Marriage is perhaps one of the hardest things that men and women have to deal with in this thing called life. What starts out as a phase of pure romantic bliss could turn into a world of unadulterated pain and suffering. Many people who decide to tie the knot have little idea of what they are really signing up for, which is why many married couples end up in divorce.

    If you’re having trouble with your marriage, know that you are not alone in this big old world. There are hundreds, even thousands, of couples out there who feel that all is lost when it comes to their marital relationship. But if you have faith in God, His will, and in yourself, then there’s nothing impossible. This article will show you how to save your marriage.

    Have you heard of the prophet Hosea? The story of Hosea can help you learn how to save your marriage. The Book of Hosea can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible. During the period in which Hosea prophesied, different kings ruled Israel and each of them enforced his chosen way of life, including religious inclinations, of which there were many. The kings turned away from God and listened to the rulers of rich neighboring nations, who worshipped other gods.

    Hosea, as ordered by God, married Gomer, who was later to turn into a prostitute. This marriage was how God showed his relationship with Israel at the time. Israel was likened to a prostitute who became a slave of money and became unfaithful to her husband. In the end, Hosea forgave Gomer, just as God forgave Israel.

    When you married your spouse in Christian rites, you pledged, with God as your witness, to love and honor each other till death do you part. The story of Hosea and Gomer teaches us the importance of love and honor in married life, but more importantly, it teaches us that we are human – and that we need forgiveness to live on. If your spouse did you wrong and strayed, learn to forgive. If you are the one who strayed, learn to ask for forgiveness. Like Hosea, you have to show mercy; like Gomer, you need to truly repent. This is how to save your marriage.

  • What Couples Can Learn From Hosea and Gomer

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    Hosea and Gomer are characters that can be found in the Bible – in the Old Testament, to be exact. They are husband and wife; the man, a prophet, and the wife, a prostitute. In the Bible, you can see that God often asks his prophets to do difficult things in His name. Hosea’s case was no different. He was asked by God to marry a woman who would, later on during their marriage, become a prostitute. This was how God wanted to exemplify His relationship with Israel at the time.

    The Israelites are said to be God’s people, but during the reign of the infamous seven kings, in which time frame Hosea tirelessly prophesied, they were everything but. During that period, Israel became a harlot in the sense that it welcomed different religions with open arms. The people of Israel worshipped the idol that their kings worshipped, gods from other lands ruled by kings who did not believe in Yahweh. They were divided into two kingdoms, the North and the South. Hosea spent his time prophesying to the Northern Kingdom, but the people of Israel were not keen on listening.

    Married life is not easy, but it was especially difficult for Hosea and Gomer. Their marriage was far from ideal, and they had more downs than ups. In the Bible, Gomer is described as a “quarrelsome wife,” which experts found to have the same meaning then as the modern phrase “adulterous wife.” One of their children, in fact, had a name that literally translates to “Not Mine.” That was how tainted Gomer and Hosea’s marriage was. But if there is something married couples of today can learn from the biblical story of Hosea and Gomer, it is the importance of love and forgiveness.

    Hosea sought out Gomer when she went away from the marital home. His love, like God’s love for Israel, made him forgive her sins, just as God forgave the sins of the Israelites. A love relationship is similar to the covenant God shares with His people. With love and forgiveness, there is nothing a couple can’t overcome, including adultery or infidelity. The party who has been jilted or cheated must learn to forgive.

    But of course, it must be a two-way street. The party who has done wrong must learn to repent. Gomer, like the Israelites, repented. True repentance, which consists not of empty promises but of real change, can turn any troubled love relationship into a happy one. It takes a lot to do this, but with love – and the knowledge that you have been forgiven and are being given the chance to become a better partner – all things are possible. Partners must work hand in hand in order to make their love relationship work.

  • 大灾难-2012年12月地球毁灭是真的吗?







  • 云顶高原的第十七天:世上只有妈妈好



    妈妈为了我受了很多委屈 因为她是女人。自从我感情失败后,我对女人开始反感。不知道怎么的我不怎么和妈妈说话了。我有很多话想对我妈说可是我说不出口。妈妈别怪我,问世间,情为何物情,你儿子我也过不了这关。虽然已经七八年前的事了,失败的姻缘,这个阴影还是深深的缠着我。

    云顶高原的第九天:让我回忆 八十年代的新加坡
    云顶高原的第八天:我的闪耀希望 不在遥远了

  • 云顶高原的第十四天:再给我一次的爱上你


    在车上我重新思考了好多事也想起了好多以前的事。其中一件是我为什么会离开他乡?为什么 一走就七年?我当初是要去哪?今天我回到了我当初离开的那一天的心情。我不知道为什么当时我选择离开新加坡可是我知道那时候 我在逃避,我接受不了感情失败的原因。我在想当初我这样走掉是否是最好的选择?


    云顶高原的第九天:让我回忆 八十年代的新加坡
    云顶高原的第八天:我的闪耀希望 不在遥远了

  • 如果 我有老人痴呆症

    如果 我有老人痴呆症
    踩我空间的你们 都会问我 为什么我对慧 还不放手,怎么还老是写 我和她之间的事。

    我妈妈两年前病了 就像她过世的妈妈一样的病。我爸爸现在的状态 就像我过世的公公一样。我也怀疑 早有心理准备 可能也会遗传给我。就在这时候 我开始把我现实中的生活 详细的纪录,开心的,不开心的,特别的,有趣的,等等,只要是美好的回忆,就会写在我的博客。

    因为我知道 如果有一天 我也得了老人痴呆症,什么都不记得的时候,我的博客就是我最好的回忆。等到那一天,看我拍过的照片,我写过的文章,原来 我以前 是那么潇洒的。

  • 2009 重出江湖






    短短的二十年里,我已经走过人生的中点了。回头看我走过的路,有喜有乐 有哀有悲 有起有落 有富有亏的。在生活,感情,学业,事业,等等 都收取了很多不平凡的经历。从个充满自信的我 慢慢的开始累了。斗智力也慢慢的降低了。精神也开始崩溃了。

    就在这时候,决定,退休。从这世界舞台,下台,退出,过我自己 不受任何人 干扰的生活。就这样的,休息,玩了 七年。在我休息期间,经神恢复了,感情方面 也做好调整了。

    今年2009,我要再一次的 踏上 这斗智斗力的舞台,大显身手,大展宏图,再一次创造奇迹,创造我自己的天下。我失去的 太多了。该是时候,把我失去的 找回来,欠我的 抢回来。

    这是我人生 最后一次的挑战。我要好好的走完 我的路 因为这是我人生 最后一站,我的终点站。这样,史书上 才会写上我的名。我的成就,我的贡献 才会传给下一代。

  • We Will Soar, We Will Roar

    Serving My National Service

    Serving my National Service (middle, fourth from the left)
    Happy 43rd Birthday Singapore!

    I am a Singaporean Chinese, meaning born and breed in Singapore and my race is Chinese, and most importantly, completed my NS to make me a true blue Singaporean.

    Isn’t that cool, to have gone through NS (National Service)? A status that cannot be replicated, cloned or emulated? When a PRC Chinese got his pink IC and say he is a Singaporean now. I will always shoot back, “Have you done your National Service?”

    As I grow older I lost my identity, of who am I? What is the definition of being a citizen of Singapore? Singapore is a multi-racial society and rapidly changing over the years.

    I cannot find my primary school anymore. My favourite playground is gone and a building erected over it. I feel lost, no more childhood memory. And our massive import of foreign trash, oops! I mean foreign talent make our little island more like a Toa Payoh Bus Interchange than a place call homeland.

    Our island is too small for anything. So six years ago, I departed Singapore, give up everything and roam the world in solitary. Now I am living in China, writing this in Guangzhou.

    After living in China, I find my identity as a Chinese, I feel my root and my heritage. The race of being a Chinese is alive in me. I feel like a real Chinese and I cannot experience that in a multi-cultural place like Singapore, where we are so mix up with so many cultural coherent.

    After so many years of roaming, now I see Singapore from the stage of the world. We are much better than the Taiwanese, whining mindlessly over China sovereignty over Taiwan.

    We are far more fortunate than the Hongkie and Macau people that end up being a SAR of China. Do they acknowledge themselves as citizen of China? or citizen of what, I wonder too?

    Looking at the Uighur separatists of the Muslim majority in Xinjiang province of China that have been consistently waging insurgency against the Chinese government for so many years.

    Although over the years, I am unhappy with PAPpy policies, I will still give credits to our government for making Singapore a better place than the rest of the world and a spotlight of the world.

    We, Singaporean, regardless of race, is a peculiar group of people on this earth. And the world look up to us, Singaporean for many attributes and contributions to their nations. In fact, we are view as one of the first class citizens of the world.

    Recently I found my identity back. A sense of belonging not to the government nor to my family or friends. What make me a Singaporean now is, I am born in Singapore and the way I live, the way I think and my contribution to the world and lastly writing this article with my powderful Singlish. All of these characteristics reckon by my friends, make me a Singaporean.

    No matter how our PAPpy import foreigners and convert them to pink IC, true blue Singaporean will never be replaced. My friends of the world will never accept pink IC as the Singaporean. The world will never entrust tasks to a converted Singaporean.

    I believe all of us have no revelation at all, if, when duty call will our Muslim Singaporean fight along with us? Neither do I know our converted pink IC Singaporean will join us in our fight? Will true blue Singaporean desert us too?

    When my country calls, I will come back and fight along side, regardless of race, with my fellow citizens. And regardless of race too, I will headshot whoever betrays my country.

    We have build this great nation since our separation from Malaysia. We have come this far. Now is the time, we are put to the test.

  • 男人爱他的女人才会去找代替品

    其实男人不花心也不需要三妻四妾,不去寻找代替品的。只要他爱的女人会捉住他的心,一个女人就够了。其实有两个女人是很烦的。三个更不用说了。时常听我朋友们说,” 我老婆这样对我就好了,我也不用出来偷吃”,“有老婆陪我也不用出来玩”,等等。这些话我都听惯了。当我爱上慧时,我为了一棵树放弃了整个森林。意思不是说我花心,我是要表达有慧陪伴我一生就够了。




  • 花花公子的代价



    因为男人付出真爱时是把他的一生希望和未来的计划围着他的女人筹划。他会投入全部的精神,全不的资源,全部的感情在他最爱的女人身上。 所以当他的女人离开他,他会产生被出卖的感觉。就这样男人不敢再付出真爱。





