Category: Cinema

  • 湖南卫视我们约会吧越做越烂






  • 2010年好看的电影-我的最爱排行榜


    Kick-Ass/海扁王,导演:马修·沃恩,主演:亚伦·约翰逊 / Garrett M. Brown

    Clash of the Titans/诸神之战,导演:路易斯·莱特里尔,主演:萨姆·沃辛顿 / 杰玛·阿特登


    人在冏途,导演:叶伟民 ,主演:徐峥/王宝强




    全城热恋,导演:夏永康, 主演:陈国辉,张学友/刘若英/谢霆锋




  • 云顶高原的第十三天:跟周润发学泰语


    在合艾都呆了那么多天,开始觉得无聊了。闲逛的来到了一间戏院正在播《蘇乞兒》和《孔子》。想也没想就买票看《孔子》。周润发什么时候学会说泰语了。哎哟!看的我头都晕了!幸好有中文字幕。假如我想退票 我也不知道该怎么说。

    云顶高原的第九天:让我回忆 八十年代的新加坡
    云顶高原的第八天:我的闪耀希望 不在遥远了

  • The Unit

    The Unit Full Episodes TV Show

    One of the best military dramas I had watched so far. It had been a long time since I watched a decent story based on present military life and modern warfare.

    Waiting for the third season.

  • So Say We All

    Battlestar Galactica, So Say We All

    I really enjoyed watching Battlestar Galactica. The story is good, scenes were captivating and I was so addicted, after the first two episodes, I went sleepless and chase episodes after episodes.

    The drama was more like a war show but added with lot of politics and unromantic romance. I liked everything about the show except a few stupid plots in the show like, the stupid religious voodoo beliefs in the Gods of Kobol and how it would led them to find earth.

    Second stupid plot in the show was those love scenes in the first season. Those scenes were more like blue flim foreplays than love scenes.

    Thirdly was the screw-up politics on the fleet and soldiers kept breaking the chain of command. Adding these nonsense made the show messy and demonstrate how weak the fleet was. Interestingly the colonies fought among themselves in politics rather than in one heart fighting the Cylon.

    Surprisingly, the show did not have much battle scenes in the space, like Vipers versus Cylon spacecrafts dogfight. The whole show was more about politics than wars in space.

    Nevertheless, I enjoyed watching the series. So say we all?

  • Initial D: Starts Your TV

    Initial D, Drifting Scene

    You got to watch Initial D with Dolby 5.1. Watching the cars racing with the 5.1 sound and DVD-9 encoding, I felt liked I was watching the live race. The engine sounds were so real when the engines started and the cars drifted.

    Watching the series really stirred me up to run my own workshop with my buddy and mod our own cars and rules the streets. Seem like a far away dream, but it was not. For me, just a matter of commitment.

  • More Than Meets The Eyes

    With great disappointment after watching Michael Bay’s Transformer. Ahhh… I should say Michael Bay’s transformable robots… I decided to go to my favourite DVD shop and bought the Transformer G1 cartoon and watched to my heart contented.

    Now I felt like I had watched the Transformer, heard the original music “Transformer… more than meets the eyes… robots in disguise…” and felt the authenticity of transformer characters and their robotic behaviours.

    I felt good after watching all four seasons, total of 98 episodes.

  • Transformable Robots

    Transformers Movie Poster - Transformers Robots In Disguise

    I watched the Transformer movie four times and I did not get the feel of the origin. This Michael Bay’s Transformer was really a big disappointment for me. So was his movie Pearl Harbour.

    The most disappointment of all, there was no original transformer soundtrack in the movie, not at all. Stupid of me to to even expect a techno or remix.

    In the movie, the character of the Autobot leader, Optimus Prime greatly differ from the origin. So was the character of Megatron, the Decepticon leader. When the transformers transformed, the transforming sound was also not the same form the origin and that made the transformer so fake, like pirated stuffs.

    In the movie, lot of main characters were missing from the beginning especially from the Decepticon. To make it more like the transformer rather than other sci-fi movie, the Decepticon main characters only appeared almost at the end. I find this damn lame.

    Another icon of the Transformer was Starscream always trying to lead the Decepticon was missing. The main human characters in the original Transformer was father and son, not boyfriend with sporty Bumble Bee flirting with babe.

    When you watched Resident Evil, you could feel the origin of the video game. Mission Impossible kept the theme song and icon stunts from the origin.

    When I watch this movie again, I would not consider as a Transformer movie. I would treat it like another robot show fighting to save the world.

    My verdict, it was a movie about transformable robots and not Transformers. What a transformers robots in disguise.

  • 4 8 15 16 23 42

    Lost, Season One

    Yeah! Another drama marathon, completed three seasons in one breath, watching while eating egg tarts and orange juice on my cozy couch.

    The story was typical, was a combo of lot of movies and computer games stories into a long drama but the scenes were well constructed and that was what made the drama so anticipating, so mysterious, so addicting that I just wanted to keep watching episode after episode.

    My favourite character was the fat guy, Hugo Reyes also known as Hurley, played by Jorge Garcia. He turned out to be a millionaire after his lottery windfall.

    Another favourite of mine was Vincent, the labrador dog. The dog was adorable and fun. When I saw Vincent running up and down the beach, how I wished I was there to play with him.

    In the drama, take note of this set of numbers, 4 8 15 16 23 42.

  • Save The Cheerleader, Save The World

    Heroes - Save The Cheerleader, Save The World

    “Save the cheerleader, save the world” that the story of NBC drama, Heroes, all about saving New York from an explosion by saving the cheerleader, Claire Bennet played by Hayden Panettiere, and kill the bad guy called Sylar that killed superpower people to get their powers.

    As the story escalated and coming to an end, it got more emotional and the show also injected family values. Not just about saving the world. All these heroes, some had to save their individual families, for the bigger picture, to save the world.

    As I got engrossed into the drama, I also fell in love with the cheerleader, Claire. Her beauty captivated my eyes.

    I now looking forward for the next season of Heroes.