Author: Hosea

  • 最疼的那个才是妻


    We are not talking about what we eat into the stomach is consider food or only what we wear is consider a shirt. What it mean is, the action we do and care for somebody, that come from our heart, will reveal to us who we really love.

    We have food everywhere but we do not eat everything we come across. We only eat what we like. We go shopping and only buy the clothing we like to wear. The actions of eating and buying arise from what our heart want.

    We desire to have so many lovers around us daily, but who we really love? We can buy flower to charm our lovers. We can spend our time to sweet talk them. But the one our heart’s desire, is the woman we show concern most and take action to care for.

  • Cheap, Quick & Good

    Sign at a car repair shop:





    When perfection is not perfect, we have to decide what is best for the situation. As an achiever, we always settle for the best but there are times, the best is not up to our expectation.

    In situation like this we have to make decision swiftly and pick the best and option out the bad to make effective decision for a better result.

  • Smelly Tofu

     Huo Gong Dian (火宫殿) Smelly Tofu

    Suddenly I had craving for Hunan’s (湖南) smelly tofu. And now I flew to Changsha (长沙) to look for my smelly tofu. I went to the Huo Gong Dian (火宫殿) to have my tofu and at the same time savouring Hunan local dishes.

    I also met up with my QQ friends and they took me around for a city tour. In the night after dinner, we went clubbing till dawn.

  • Pearl River Delta Summer Tour 2006

    Pearl River Delta Summer Tour 2006

    It had been a month since I last blogged. Whole of my July, I had been on a summer tour around the Pearl River Delta region (aka 珠三角) visiting friends and finished my unfinished agenda. To travel swift and easy, I only bring a few clothing and disposable undies. I did not carry any gadget with me except my mobile and my iPAQ.

    This summer was really tiring and because of the long distance between the towns I was traveling. This summer tour was great and I loved it except at the end of July, there was a flood flooded a major railway track and some major roads in the southern part of China that caused some inconvenient to my travel.

    So now I was back to Zhuhai, my second home. Will be around the region till October and then move north-east for my winter campaign, Winter of Dongbei (东北之冬).

  • What Is The Catalyst?

    What Is The Catalyst?

    What Is The Catalyst Published On 25 June 2006

    Due to the recent murder case in the tuina shop in Ang Mo Kio, our government stepped up the requirements and regulations for such joint.

    According to the newspaper, Zaobao published on 25 June 2006, the authority implemented three restrictions. No girls standing outside of the joint. No ‘less’ wear and the joint could not be curtained up. The authority was also stepping up to clamp down unlicensed joints.

    People like us knew that these tuina shops were actually fcuk shops. Implementing all these rules and regulations to shut down such joints sounded logical and achievable. Thinking deeper, we had not solved the root of the problem, that was, why such joints propagated so fast over the years and went into the heartland of our HDBs.

    Was it because we, men were getting more horny than before? Or our wives could not satisfied us, so we had to find our fulfilment else where? There must be some good reasons for such activities to grow and outbreak to HDB areas. If there was no demands for such supplies, the business would die and cease steadily long time ago.

    As my Canadian friend, Bob Urichuck always said, ‘the world revolves around sales’ and I add on, ‘sales is based on supplies and demand.’ Even the authority banned the tuina shops like banning chewing gum, these girls would find other means to survive in this sex trade. If there were demands, no matter how we regulated the trade, these girls would carry on until the demands were no more. If tuina shop could be opened, they could open a cosmetic shop, hair salon, spa and so on.

    For such outbreak of prostitution in Singapore, I could only say, we were approaching a family crisis here that would lead to other social problems, that would affect our economy in the near future.

    I think to solve the problem is to solve the answer to this question, ‘What is the catalyst of this business?’

  • Sex With Her: Priceless

    I turned off the television and rolled over her and kissed her. That was how it started.

    Fast forward, skipping the erotic foreplay details, and cut into the orgasm scene…

    She was so responsive to my cathbath and me spooning her clit, I could feel her exploding inside of her a couple of times.

    She enjoyed the foreplay so much that I did not want to stop until I gave her my finale. That was, teasing her cunt with my stick. I positioned myself in missionary, not going to consummate her but teased more with my smooth soft stick, smoothing her wet arose cunt, up and down and circling in sensual motion.

    At the same time I was licking and nibbling her harden nipple. She was so enjoying that she grabbing my hair on my head and guiding me to give her more.

    She could not take it any more when I massaged her protruded raisin with my scrotum. Her juice was all over my balls. Wow! Then she grab my flatten flaccid flap and stroke it and positioned herself. I thought she gonna gave me a good blowjob. I was wrong, she was selfish. When I got my erection, she hold it tight and find the way in. Wow Wow Wow! Without thinking…

    What the hack!

    Once outside, in position,

    I pushed it in with all my might,

    Pumped to my greatest height.

    Wet and juicy, I described.

    Reached my orgasm, how to ascribe.

    Looking at her expression I know she was satisfied.

    We hugged for the night, while it was still inside.

    I could feel my warm flowing inside,

    In our missionary in the sight.

    She gave me a good stroke on my back,

    Signifying her fulfilment I achieved.

    Then the nightmare came. She pushed me away and quicken to wash up. It was silent and only the noise of the air-con blowing we could hear. I knew what was happening and I asked when was her last period. She answered in a hash tone. I computed and told her we were in the ‘safe’ period. We were relieved for a while, then she told me her menses was every two weeks for the past few months. Now we were worried but there was nothing we could do now.

    This was my first sex in 2006 and turned out to be the best and most enjoyable one ever since my depression. But it was also my nightmare because her next period did not come.

    Nevertheless, sex with her: priceless.

  • How To Count The Day

    Do you know which day is it on the 9 of August 2006 without referring to a calendar?

    If you work in an environment that which day to you matter, then remember this formula and you will be able to count the day by heart.

    1. Memorise 033614625035. These numbers are in the order of the month. For the of month of August, the number is 2.

    2. This year is 2006 so take the last number of the year, which is 6, and add 2 (August) to it and give you 8.

    3. Add the 8 to the number of the day which is 9, give you 17.

    4.Take the 17 and divide by 7 and you get a reminder of 3

    5. The remainder refers to the day. That is, 1-Monday, 2-Tuesday, 3-Wednesday … 0-Sunday.

    6. The day, 9 of August 2006, falls on Wednesday.
    The formula:

    1. Memorise 033614625035 to get the number for the month.

    2. Take the last number of the year and add the month number from (item.1).

    3. Add (sum of item.2) to the number of the day.

    4. (Sum of item.3) divide by 7 to get the reminder.

    5. The remainder refers to the day. That is, 1-Monday, 2-Tuesday, 3-Wednesday … 0-Sunday.

  • We, The Willing

    Many friends had asked me how come I had the zeal, the strength, to do extraordinary things and explore the unknown. Many people portrayed me as a daring person, an entrepreneur, adventurous guy, trill seeker, etc.

    Many did not know how much I had sacrificed to come this far.

    All summed up in this statement below I came across fifteen years ago.

    We, the willing,
    led by the unknowing,
    are doing the impossible,
    for the ungrateful.

    We have done so much
    for so long,
    with so little,
    we are qualified
    to do anything,
    with nothing.

  • A Premier To Terrorise Singapore (Part 1 of 2)

    In conjunction with the CommunicAsia 2006, our Media Development Authority launched another new IT masterplan, pushing Singapore to another higher level of world class infocomm. It was great to hear our government bla bla bla on all these crappy great ideas and made us on the world spotlight again.

    Yes, we singaporean were knowledge-based workers. We could multitask, cross-train, bilingual, IT literate, etc. We singaporean were one of the best breeds of the human race. But we had a reset button somewhere. If somebody did a Ctrl-Alt-Del, we would be like Microsoft Windows, restarted and maybe take a minute to startup again. Worst still, we might not have the password to login after restart.

    Ok, so you said, we have gurkas guarding the reset button. Fine but having gurkas would not prevent a ‘blue screen of death’ that invoked by the user himself, that could happen anywhere in our little island.

    What was the reset button I was talking about? The reset was electronic. All we had to do was to EMP the targeted place. Using EMP device sounded too bombastic? Actually we had a easier way to do it, just turned off the switch. Think creative and you would know how to power off the building of ICA at the flip of your finger.

    A frequency jammer could had similar damaged effects as EMP. We need not to be a PhD in computer to figure out how our ERP (Electronic Road Pricing) gantry worked and what frequency it used. During my younger days, I had accidentally experimented how to pass the gantry for free.

    To do the ‘blue screen’ was much easier than the reset. To prove my point, our recent case, money stolen from our DBS Bank ATM machine. If your mind was thinking now, how about having a surprise blackout party at national stadium for this year National Day Parade? I would not elaborate on it. Use your brain juice and you could come out with more innovative ideas better than stealing from ATM machine.

    Another good place to strike was at subway station. Those senior citizens wearing security uniform, with flabby tummies, patrolling the station. Could they catch up with the suspect? And those wearing thick glasses, I wondered what were they trying to spot? Could they recognise clearly the look of a suspect because of their short-sightedness.

    Think again, what is terrorism? Are you really safe from a domestic terrorist?

    A Premier To Terrorise Singapore (Part 2 of 2)

  • Quotes From LOTR: The Two Towers

    Quotes From The Two Towers

    Theoden: So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?

    Aragorn: Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them.

    Theoden: For death and glory.

    Aragorn: For Rohan. For your people.

    Theoden: The Horn of Helm Hammerhand will sound in the deep, one last time!

    Theoden: The crops can be re-sown, the homes re-built. Within these walls… we will outlast them.

    Aragorn: They do not come to destroy Rohan’s crops or villages. They come to destroy its people. Down to the last child.

    Theoden: What will you have me do? Look at my men. Their courage hangs by a thread.

    Haldir: I bring word from Lord Elrond of Rivendell. An Alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance.

    Aragorn: Mae govannen, Haldir. You are most welcome.

    Haldir: We are proud to fight alongside Men once more.

    Faramir: I think at last we understand one another, Frodo Baggins.

    Madril: You know the laws of our country – the laws of your father. If you let them go your life will be forfeit.

    Faramir: Then it is forfeit. Release them.

    Saruman: A new power is rising. Its victory is at hand. This night the land will be stained with the blood of Rohan. March to Helm’s Deep. Leave none alive. To war!

    (Dialogue in Elvish)

    Legolas: Look at them. They’re frightened. You can see it in their eyes.

    Legolas: And they should be. Three hundred… against ten thousand!

    Aragorn: They have a better chance defending themselves here than at Edoras…

    Legolas: Aragorn

    Legolas: They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!

    Aragorn: Then I shall die as one of them!

    All will be sacrificed… All will be lost… Unless all unite against evil. (Trailer)
    © MMV New Line Productions, Inc. “The Lord of the Rings,” and the names of the characters, events, items, and places therein, are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.