Author: Hosea

  • Why I Don’t Work Anymore

    I just want to work no more! Why work when I can save more without working? I used to run my own businesses and make a lot of money but I also spend a lot too. The more I work the more money I make and the more things I buy and in the end I also get into what we call the rat race.

    Then as age is catching up and I am getting tired of being a racing rat, I lost myself, I lost my spouse, I lost my health. I lost my God. The most important of all is, time. I lost time. To make more money I just want to work, I allocate more time to making money and I end up having lesser time for other activities.

    This is when I start to think when I break up with my spouse. With so much money I make and so little time for her, I lost our relationship. This event is very devastating to me. It takes me three years to resilient from it.

    During my resilient years, I start to rethink about my life and re-evaluate my financial goals. Then I go through my books and study my expenses. I realise the more I work, the more I spend. For every one thousand dollars I earn, I spend one thousand two hundreds. So I decided not to work anymore. I don’t want to be a boss or an employee anymore because my massive income cannot upkeep with my expenditure.

    I consolidate my wealth and redesign my whole life again. Three years later, which is today, I make money works for me and I have the whole world in my hand again. Now everyday I have the time to do what I want to do. I have the time to waste without worrying for tomorrow.

    Last time, taking public transport is a waste of time because time is money. Now is a leisure, a pastime, a sight-seeing trip. I enjoy taking public transport now, feeling the pulses of life, hearing the melodies of life. I have gain back my life freedom. I can now do what I want to do.

    When I just want to work no more, I have so much time at hand, I have the time to think, to plan, to decide. When opportunities knock on my door, I have the time to respond and not let opportunities pass away. I have the time to grab it. Is this what those seminars call the “financial freedom”? Have I attain it?

    Where I am today is not by chance or luck. It is a lot of hard works and commitment to plan my destiny and with tremendous pain and focus to execute it. Where I am today take me ten years to achieve it. I chart my life when I am nineteen. I look glamourous among my peers because of my present carefree lifestyle. Do you know how much I have sacrifice? Do you know how much painstaking experiences I go through? Now looking back, is it worth it?

    Today, I am thirty. I am proud to be where I am today. I have attain the destiny of my life, vision and goals I have set my eyes upon, I have achieve it. Thank you God, for your grace and mercy.

    This year, first of July, I chart my destiny again for the next ten years. I call it the Vision 40. 40 stands for where my life will be when I reach forty years old.

    Looking at the momentum of my life, my acute focus in commitment and my past history of achievements, I think I should achieve my Vision 40 in the next five years instead of ten.

    I have plan my life and live to the fullest. I just want to work no more! Have you?

  • Unified Matured Entertainment (UME)

    A year ago, I have been touting the idea of doing the converging business of tour, gambling, sex and foreign-exchange (forex). This converging online gaming market that integrate tour, gambling, sex, and forex, I call it the Unified Matured Entertainment, UME.

    The business is nothing new to many people but the way these joint businesses are manage do not give the consumer the complete experience. By unifying all these businesses as one entity, the client experiences the unique enjoyment and in a protected environment.

    The purpose of such unified online gaming market is not to retain clients but to give clients a once a lifetime experience of what exotic leisure is all about. These kind of entertainment will only attract short term clients and there is no reason to retain their loyalty. A good reputation with satisfied clients will generate good referrals from them.

    Since the beginning of the year, I have trial different business models and meeting potential partners in the related industries. I have gone through a lot of case-studies and sort out many issues to establish firmly in this new business.

    I am almost done with my preparation and ready to launch on 1 November 2006 but I am hesitating to execute it because it is going to require a lot of my time and my commitment to baby-sit this new venture. For me to commit in this business, I will have to end my travel-the-world lifestyle to make this business a success.

    I hope to make a decisive decision by 1 December 2006.

  • My Top 10 Gadgets 2006

    10 Top Gadgets, Assemblying Computer

    This year added to my 10 top gadgets list is my newly purchased Sony Ericsson K800i. With this new integrated hardware, it is replacing my Benq digital camera and music playback when I am traveling short trip so that I do not have to carry my iPod.

    Yes, iPod is still on on my gadget list. I will still use iPod for mass storage, podcast playback and long-play music playback when I am travelling over extended period of time.

    And the gadget that unify all is, the digital hub of all, my Mac Powerbook G4. This machine is three year-old and is still serving me well and I have fallen in love with it. I have migrated all to the Mac platform except my financial management software, Microsoft Money and Tencent QQ instant messaging software. So I am still stuck with my Windows based, Gigabyte Gmax Micro-ATX machine.

    With all the different media cards available in the market today, we all end up having an assorted collection. Today I have decided to unify my media card using, giving priority to Memory Stick Micro (M2). If M2 is not available, I will then use other cards.

    In my 10 top gadgets possession, I will still keep my 128MB Iomega Mini Drive for my big file transfer and temporary big file storage.

    With Apple iSight, the auto focus webcam, I enjoy video chat with my buddies and taking candid shots. Without iSight, it will be dull chatting on the net.

    To get all my devices connected with one another with ease and simplicity, it is important every device I use have bluetooth. It is my priority to have bluetooth technology in devices I owned.

    Adding to my collection, I got myself a Xbox 360 to keep me entertain during my lonely time at home. Xbox 360 also interface with Windows Media Centre. With it interface, I can use it to stream movie and music to my home entertainment system.

    To keep more than my 10 top gadgets in order, I still use my Samsonite notebook backpack to transport my powerbook and store my accessories and cables. Although I have outlast it usefulness, I will keep it until I find a better replacement.

    Oops! Another important gadget is my AirPort Extreme, the wireless Access Point, that I carry around to get myself connected wirelessly wherever I go. Beside internet access through AirPort Extreme, I can stream my iTunes to the speakers attached to the AirPort Extreme. If I do have USB printer, it can be connected to it too.

  • 只要有你在. . . 我就能呼吸

    只要有你在. . . 我就能呼吸

    “只要有你在…我就能呼吸“ 好浪漫的一句爱情告白。



    如果太子妃 “心中的风吹向我“ 我也会为了她放弃一切。

  • Sony Ericsson K800i

    Finally I got myself a Sony Ericsson K800i. I have waited for three years for a phone like this.

    I think this phone is going to to be with me for the next three to five years.

    This phone has all the features I need. This integrated camera phone will replace my digital camera, ipod and Moto L6. This combo compact device will ease my travel because i can now carry less power adapter and travel lighter when I am on the move. All I have to do now is make sure my K800i is fully charge so that when I am on the move I can use the phone to it full potential.

    I am really impress with this phone. It is perfectly engineered and really demonstrated Sony’s miniaturisation technology. Or perhaps, I have not be upgrading phone for the past few years, so when I get a phone like this, I am overwhelm.

    This phone is good. The voice quality is clear. The speaker is loud and clear when i playback songs. The keypad is comfortably good to press. The pictures taken from the camera is fantastic.

    I am very please with it except for a few hiccups. The video player cannot rewind or fast forward the video. The Bluetooth range do not seem to be up to my expectation. It cannot isync with my OS X. I have to get a third-party plug-in. Lastly it do not come in white colour to match my Mac experience.

    It is time to try out the 3G capability on this phone.

  • Budget Terminal Sucks!

    Singapore Budget Airline Terminal For Tiger Air

    I have been taking budget airlines from our new Singapore Budget Airline Terminal for quite sometime. My travelling experience with budget airlines is getting from worse to worst.

    I have no choice but to take Tiger Air is the only way to reach my destination, Macau faster. I do not mind paying more and get a more spacious seat during the flight.

    Plus travelling on Tiger Air for almost six months, the food menu is still the same. Wonder when the management will change the menu.

    How much can I save by using such low cost airlines at the expense of inconvenience. The Singapore Budget Airline Terminal is out of the way for public bus and MRT. If you take bus or MRT, we will end up in Changi Airport Terminal 1, and make a transfer to the Budget Terminal with our baggage.

    And the maximum baggage weight for check-in is 15kg. today I checked in with 23kg, 8kg more and I have to pay SGD$60 for over my weight limit.

    So I wait a while and join in a group to share the baggage weight limit. The counter staff is very unfriendly. She disapprove me of sharing with the unknown group and give fearful remarks to the group that I may be carrying illegal items and if they share with me and they have to be responsible.

    I am really piss off and take out my overweight item and slam my Samsonite baggage on the weighing belt to voice out my silent protest. That is not all. This counter staff walk off and help out at the other counter before attending to me. I am really piss off now but what can I do in this so-called world class city called Singapore.

    What kind of fcuking attitude and crappy service. Is it because is a budget airline. I do not mind for budget attitudes and budget services if they are getting a budget salaries too.

    Ah…I forget to give them a budget complaint.

    I go through the custom and came to the x-ray check. I was asked to remove my computer notebook and rescan my bag again. I was a bit unhappy but the security officers are friendly enough and do not give me the feeling of intruding me for co-operating with them.

    After the security check, I am now in the waiting mall and I can shop around before my boarding time. Since we have a budget terminal, why those shops in the waiting mall are not offering budget items? Why are the food expensive? The whole Budget Terminal is build like a warehouse and cheap building materials, why are the retail goods not discounted.

    Oops! This Singapore budget airline terminal is not really build cheap. In the terminal, wireless internet is not deploy but fixed network cables are installed. Wireless deployment is more cost effective than wired installment.

    How much saving can I get from using a budget airline. With all these displeasure encounters and inconveniences, I rather pay what i have to pay and get better treatment and a more pleasurable journey.

    As a seasoned traveller, an unpleasant journey to my destination can really spoil my day.

    I am still stuck with this Singapore budget airline facility known as Budget Terminal and Tiger Air until there is another carrier offer flight to my destination.

  • Return To The Altar Of My God

    Return To The Altar Of My God
    It had been two years since I visited Batam Island. Yesteryears, I used to visit Batam regularly. It was a busy little island filled with gamblers around the region, gathered here for sex, drugs and casinos.

    Those busy streets I used to roam, now dead and quiet. Hotels used to be packed over the weekend, now offering free breakfast to lure customers.

    One thing I enjoyed and still enjoying today was the journey to the island. I would sat at the edge of the back of the ferry and enjoy the nature of the big sea and the breezy wind that blew against me, I felt relaxed and a sense of freedom. Freedom from stress. Freedom from the world. Freedom from myself.

    Out floating on the big sea, looking up the big blue sky and guessing the depth of the deep blue sea, I meditated upon the Word of the Lord.

    For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

    As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.
    As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.

    But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children – with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.

    (Psalm 103 v11-18, NIV)

    Now living in a world where chaos reigned and persona ruled, without Christ what would I become? Without the love of God, I would have lost my humanity.

    I wished to return to the Lord, returned to the altar of my God and worshipped Him as David did.

  • A Premier To Terrorise Singapore (Part 2 of 2)

    A Premier To Terrorise Singapore (Part 1 of 2)

    What is terrorism? How are we going to prevent ourselves from such attack?

    The answer is simple. Do not let technology to be integrated into your lifestyle. Technology only compliments our lifestyles and not replacement.

    Seriously we have to ask ourselves:
    1. Can I contact my friend if I do not have my mobile phone with me.
    2. If I do not have a computer, can I get my document send out?
    3. If I do not have a cashcard (problem passing through the ERP gantry), can I still drive and go to the CBD?
    4. Do I have a problem travelling with public transport without the linkcard?
    5. Can I make payment without NETS and VISA cards?

    These questions sound trivia but will disable our lifestyles and give us hell if our lifelines are depending on it. If your answers to the above questions are all ‘no’, you have a serious problem with your lifestyle. If some are ‘no’, you are still ok. If ‘yes’ is all your answers, good!

    In Singapore, we are so dependent on technologies and if one day not available to us, we will stop our life, our work. I am serious. I have ask around what happen when you computer breakdown or when your corporate network becomes unavailable for a day. Most will tell me, they cannot work. Some companies even have policy to request staffs to go on compulsory leave.

    If one day you are on the street and you forget to bring your mobile phone out or the battery is flat and you need to make a phone call. If you are in Singapore then you are in deep shit because you hardly find public phone on the street anymore. If you manage to find one, you will be shocked you need a prepaid card to use it. Adding more shock to it, you have to buy a $10 prepaid card to make a ten-cent call.

    In Singapore, even you have the key to a car, does not mean you can drive. You need a cashcard too. What happen if your cashcard value is low or the card is damage? You will be as good as a cripple or handicap having a car. So your cashcard is damage and you need a replacement. Do you know where to get it? 7-11 store? Are you sure you they are selling it?

    Recently I am back to Singapore and have been visiting our civil department. All these department no longer accept cash payment. You have to use NETS or cashcard. Some may offer payment through credit card. Sound cool, huh! Our government looks high-tech. Imagine a guy like me back to Singapore without all these cards or expired cards to facilitate payment. I am so handicap and cannot even make a $15 cash payment for my identity card renewal. By the way, why do I have to pay for my identity card? I have to borrow a stranger’s card to make my payment. Imagine a network disconnection in such department. The whole unit cannot transact?

    In our present times, nothing is eternal. Everything is volatile. HP can takeover Compaq, IBM sells the notebook division to Lenovo. New York’s twin tower flatten to ground. Enron’s disgrace. Singapore is a safe place to live, do not mean no risk. We cannot take life for granted.

    I remember once, I park my car at Raffles City. My cashcard is low and I top up at a top-up machine in the carpark. Then come along an American lady making payment for her parking fee.

    She also wants to top up her card to make payment for her parking fee. But her ATM card cannot work with the machine. It is late in the night and there is no customer service officer at the counter to assist her. She is so helpless and rushing to go off to fetch her little child. So I decide to help her by using my ATM card, but she only have a $50 bill and I do not have change for that. In the end, she write me a cheque of $10.

    With all these unspoken problems I mention. How much worst can it be to affect our life if one day a terrorist strikes the electronic heartbeat of Singapore. This is what is terrorism all about in our modern age!

  • Liquid Condom For Woman

    I am holding the Ladies Condom
    New condom for woman known as Nanometer-silver Cryptomorphic Condom (NCC), it is designed for female. The condom-in-a-can is an antiseptic foam spray that forms a physical membrane inside the vagina, protecting it from infection, acting as a barrier to pregnancy and providing a lubricating effect.

    According to Xinhua Online, the invisible condom, developed by a company in south China’s Guangdong Province, has won approval from the province’s drug administration and is now available in drugstores in the country.

    If you do a google search, you will come across some blogs that claimed the inventor is an American, ex-footballer, Sean Traylor.

    Now there is something interesting for me to do in China, to source for this ladies condom, try it out and tell you more about it.

    Any MM want to try this out with me? And is this suitable for anal sex too?

  • Power of Conviction

    When you tell a lie you have to believe what you say is true.

    If we tell a lie with conviction, it will become a truth and the distorted truth will give you the power to negotiate. I am not teaching you to lie. I am teaching you the power of conviction, to persuade someone into believing something.

    When someone start to believe in you, you have the power to negotiate to your advantage to get what you want.