Author: Hosea

  • My Girl

    My Girl is a very popular Korean Drama
    My Girl, Korean drama is a romantic comedy. This drama entertains me during my Winter of Dongbei (东北之冬). I also watch it in one breath.

    What I like about this show and touch my heart is, these two guys fall for the same girl and how they complete in fairness and yet maintain their friendship.

  • Canton Fair 2007

    Canotn Fair 2007
    Went to the Canton Fair, China, Guangzhou, This year nothing spectacular but actually kind of disappointed. The exhibition centre was as big as before but lot of items I was looking for were not exhibited. As usual, the exhibitors were not interested selling to us until I started speaking in English.

    At the registration place, I was not very welcome when I was in the process of registering. The staffs were chatting away in their own dialect. They served the westerners well and promptly but when came my turn, I was kind of ignored and I had to take initiative to query about my registration. When processing my application, these staffs were gossiping about me in their dialect. Then when they looked at my registration, they realised that I was multilingual. By then, it was too late to save their embarrassment.

  • My New MacBook Pro

    This Is My New MacBook Pro

    Finally, I got myself a MacBook Pro after five months without any computer.

    I went to Hong Kong and purchased because it was cheaper than in Singapore. I got it SGD$600 cheaper off the retail shelf.

    My new MacBook Pro was similar to my previous MacBook but with more powerful processing power, high definition screen, illuminated keyboard with ambient light sensor, etc. I could go on and on with all these cool features but you could read them on the Apple website.

    The coolest thing to do on my mac was to run Microsoft Windows through Parallel in coherence mode. So what was this? I was to run Windows application without the Windows Desktop. It gave you the feeling of running Windows application in the OS X.

    What I did not like was the 15” screen that was too big for me. It made the unit form factor too big for me to carry around. The power adapter was slightly bigger than my previous PowerBook.

    For now, I was happy with this machine and hoped it would be a good companion and as faithful as my PowerBook. Loving my new MacBookPro.

  • 东北之冬 Winter Tour 2007

    Backpacking In Nanjing

    My long awaited campaign, Winter of Dongbei, my winter tour, which I had postponed a year ago because of health reason. This was my third winter of my life and second time seeing snow flakes falling from the heavenly sky.

    I spent my winter tour in this town called Heihe (黑河) in the province of Heilongjiang (黑龙江). This town was located north of Heilongjiang, one of the border-crossing town between Russian and Chinese.

    I set off my journey from Hongkong to Shanghai to transit to Haerbin (哈儿滨). A friend of mine knew that I was in the region contacted me and I took a six hours train to Nanjing, north from Shanghai, to meet up with her.

    I visited Nanjing for four days and left for Harebin. The train took about 28 hours to reach Harerbin. I spent a night in the city and left for Hegang (鹤岗) to meet some friends. I spent two nights in here before I went to my final destination, Heihe.

    Heihe was a small isolated town. Transport system to the town was not comprehensive. It took me quite a while travelling to a few towns to get the right stations that take me to Heihe. God is good. I managed to travel smoothly and less waiting time during transit. Travel to places like these and in an unpredicted weather, if you missed the transport, you might wait for another day or two.

    Many people asked me why was I doing in such a remote condition. Three reasons, I want to ski, I want to learn Russian as my forth language and my annual personal retreat.

    I cancelled my skiing trip because i felt over slippery ice on the roads consecutively for three days. The third fall really put my body in a very bad physical condition. My buttock was bleeding and my waists was hurt badly. In fact I rested three days before i moved again.

    I had signed up for my Russian language class and hope to start blogging in Russian soon.

    Most important of all for this winter tour was my personal retreat. Last year retreat I had charted my next decade plan, (The World Is my Home). This retreat was to evaluate on my vision and goals. Living in solitude then I could reflect upon my life, refocused on my vision if i had deviated. Whatever was out of alignment, I would tune it back, just like tuning my guitar strings.

  • 2007: Year Of The Pig

    Year Of The Pig Backpacking In Dongbei

    2007: A Good Start
I am looking forward to the end of the year of the pig because I am expecting this is a good year for me. I have a good start for the year although things are slowing down now, I am maintaining the momentum of my life. I will accelerate everything as much as possible to shorten my ten-year plan.

    2007: What Have I Accomplished
The only goal I do not complete last year is , writing the book. Now this goal is number one on my priority list.

    There is nothing much for me to reflect and plan for this year. Nothing much to blog about my thoughts and decisions. My master plan, my goals, and so forth, I have already sort them out during my last two years. This year is all about action, action and action. Focus on it and execute.

    2007: The New Year
I am looking forward to the end of year to see what I have accomplished. May my Jehovah Jireh be with me.

  • Winter Valentine

    Winter Valentine Background In Heihe, Heilongjiang

    I stepped out of the entrance, the snow flakes were falling beautifully from the bright illuminated starry sky.

    What a picturesque it would be if I could hold my lover’s hand and walked in this winter valentine background. Now I understand why the local here called it Paris of the East.

    Whose hand I would hold to walk on the street of this romantic night?

  • 我又写了一首华语歌

    I bought her the scarf from Zara

    下雪了 东北了 想着媚儿在广东
    我在这 她在那 为什么我们要分离
    手牵手 心连心 走在一起为什么 不是一条心
    一见钟情 我从没信 过了昨晚 我才信
    处处留情的我 不再留 就等你和我在一起
    我的情 你的爱 别再藏在你心里了

    抱着你 我哭了
    抱着我 你哭了
    天长地久 我们不会久
    从今拥有 又会有多久

  • Addicted To Mario Kart

    Ever since I get the Mario Kart game, I have been playing every day and night and addicted to it. The game is very fun and challenging. The speeding, the drifting, the sabotaging… WOW! The game will make me want more of it and satisfy my ego.

    My friend code is 249195152566. Let’s wifi mario kart! I am waiting for you!

    That’s it! I am back to karting.

  • My New Toy: Nintendo DS Lite

    Me And My Nintendo Lite DS

    What do Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong have in common? They are all games available on Nintendo. Yup! I just get myself a Nintendo Lite DS and I am happily entertained by it. I feel like a kid again, playing Super Mario.

    The cool thing about this portable console is, I can play over Wi-Fi and over the internet to challenge other players or collaborate on a mission.

    Is a good thing I sold away my Xbox360 and get myself a NDS. This entertaining portable device is going to keep me entertain during my long lonely travel.

  • My New Macbook

    This Is My New Macbook

    I have been using my MacBook for almost a month. In fact it is a good performance and portable notebook. However for a guy like me that have been using high performance and ultra portable computer, I need something small and powerful as my pervious PowerBook.

    The machine that comes close to it now is MacBookPro. And of course MacBookPro is the successor of PowerBook. My problem of owning it, is the smaller size is 15” and is consider too big for me to travel around with it. Although there are rumors on the web that there may be a 12” MacBookPro, I will not put my hope in it.

    I am not saying that MacBook is not a good machine. Another good fact is, Macbook runs Windows better and faster than any other Windows based machines. It is a computer above the rest of all IBM compatible computers. The only hardware that comes close to its performance is Compaq Armada series.

    As for now, I am happy with my new MacBook.