Author: Hosea

  • Hello! Mac

    Apple Mac User And Lover - Mac Power On Button
    This section is dedicated to all Apple Mac user and lover. There are already many sites out there sharing about Mac. We will not be duplicating their contents. This site is more of a hobby than a geek playground. Puat Wei and I will be sharing our own tips and related insights.

    Update 25 Nov 2009: Our Mac blog is now merge with

  • My Christmas Wish List 2006 (1.3)

    My Wish List For Christmas 2006 (1.3)
    Yesterday I went shopping and bought myself a pair of Nike+ shoes. This item was also in my 2006 Christmas wish list.

    To complete my Apple/NIKE jogging experience, I need to get an ipod Nano and the Nike+.

    So here is the my wish list for Christmas 2006.
    • Nike+ Shoes
    • Apple Macbook Pro
    • Nintendo DS Lite
    • Sony Ericsson K800i

  • 二五而立
















  • 2006 Hosea Awards

    So the winners for the year 2006 The Hosea Awards…

    Medal of Friendship (Penis)
    Chiang Puat Wei

    Medal of Friendship (Vagina)
    小雨 (珠海)

    Safari Award
    Apple Widget

    Techno Award
    Nintendo DS Lite

    Oscar Award
    No movie captivated me for the year 2006

    Psalm Award (China)

    Psalm Award (England)
    Once In A Lifetime (Gregorian)

    Medal of Friendship is given to my new friend found during the year. Among all my new friends, the one that I am bond to or have affection with. This is really a tough one to decide with so many friends I make this year.

    Safari Award is given to the website that I like most during the year and access it frequently. The Safari name come from the Mac OS X web browser that I like to use and is my number one web browser after Camino.

    Techno Award is given to the recent technology I am fascinated with and impacted my life.

    Oscar Award is given to the movie I like to watch during the year.

    Psalm Award is given to the song I like to hum or sing during the year.

  • Fish Farm Investment Update

    I had reached my maximum investment, SGD$100,000 for the fish farm. As of today, I have stop additional funding until further notice.

  • Online Casino Ceased

    As of 1 May 2007, I ceased my involvement with the online casino. I am reclaiming my time and rededicating it for other projects.

  • 4D Third Prize

    Singapore 4D Result - 1771

    My china mobile last four digits 1771 open Singapore 4D Result, 3rd prize, today.

  • My Christmas Wish List 2006 (1.2)

    My Wish List For Christmas 2006 (1.2)

    I bought the MacBook first but it was not good enough for me so I sold it away and get MacBook Pro.

    So here is my wish list for Christmas 2006.

    • Apple Macbook Pro

    • Nintendo DS Lite

    • Sony Ericsson K800i

  • 101st Proposal

    101st Proposal, Korean Drama
    101st proposal, This Korean drama is another Korean romantic comedy talking about a forty-year-old boring bachelor fall in love with a twenty-six-year-old beautiful charming radio broadcaster.

    This is also another touching story about how this bachelor trying to change his lifestyle and habits to woo her dream girl. In the name of courtship, he does lot of stupid things to entertain us.

  • My Girl

    My Girl is a very popular Korean Drama
    My Girl, Korean drama is a romantic comedy. This drama entertains me during my Winter of Dongbei (东北之冬). I also watch it in one breath.

    What I like about this show and touch my heart is, these two guys fall for the same girl and how they complete in fairness and yet maintain their friendship.