Author: Hosea

  • Prison Break

    Watch Prison Break Episodes, Season One

    Finally, finished the season one and two of Prison Break. The story was good, a lot of anticipation of what going to happen next. There were a lot of characters in the show and I liked the way, some of the characters were reused, same character but took on another role as the story changed.

    I liked the ending of season two, where Michael Scofield ended up in another prison.

    I am waiting for season three. Watch prison break episodes get me excited on the sofa.

  • Beautiful Singapore River

    Beautiful Singapore River With Fireworks

    After a long busy week, my AV team decided to have a relax night and we went to cruise the Singapore river. Once our river taxi went out of the mouth of the river, the fireworks started to display in the dark sky. We were quite surprised to be welcomed by unexpected fireworks display beside the Espanade.

  • Who Is Dr. Clemen Chiang?

    Clemen Chiang And I

    In NAC, I got to know Dr. Clemen Chiang and had the honoured to hear him in his charismatic voice, promoting his options trading course. This guy claimed to be an options trading guru in Asia and claimed a lot of affiliates and credentials.

    I did a search about him on the internet and ended up on a thread in ChannelNewsAsia forum. The forum members seem to dislike him and criticise him and on his expensive products.

    I did not really know much about him for now but my friend, Richard Tan of Success Resources seem to be close to him.

    Would KIV him for now and see how he progressed in the future.

  • Feed The Children

    Feed The Children Donation
    I was involved in the World Internet Mega Summit and I came across this speaker call Stephen Pierce. He demonstrated live to the audiences on internet marketing and within three days, which was the second last day of the event, he raised more than one hundred thousand and donated the money to feed the children in Africa. Impressive! Just to prove his making money techniques using internet.

  • iSight in Parallels

    iSight in Parallels
    The first thing I wanted to test when I got my Macbook Pro was iSight running in Parallels. Googling the web, I found the extract of iSight driver for Windows. To run the iSight Windows driver, I need to have Parallels Build 3188 and above.

    It was fantastic, iSight worked perfectly in Parallels after I installed the driver. I could run the webcam in QQ.

  • Who Is James Skinner?

    James Skinner And I
    I got to know this guy called James Skinner last year NAC. This year he spoke again. I heard him spoke twice and I was amazed at his speech. This guy offered no product for you to buy but he got a big heart message for all of us.

    If you ever had a chance to hear him speak, go for it. His message would touch your heart and gave you a paradigm boost in your thinking.

    His message really changed my inner thoughts and gave me lot of new unusual ideas and made me thinking distinctly.

  • NAC 2007 Singapore

    NAC 2007 Singapore Expo - Singapore Event Calendar

    Yesterday evening we were at the Singapore Expo preparing for the event, in Singapore Event Calendar, the NAC 2007. Setting up our equipment and ready ourselves for the rehearsal, then we could all go back and had a good rest.

    But this year event, we had lot of screw-up. Maybe this year many committee members were new to the event. We had many new leaders taking up leadership roles. Nevertheless, with wits and wisdom, we managed to run the show as good as it was.

  • Back To Singapore

    Driving Honda Odessey

    Finally the NAC in Kuala Lumpur ended and we were on our way back to Singapore Expo for the next event. This Honda Odyssey was our vehicle between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. I really enjoyed driving this car. It was a heavy duty car, safe and comfy, very suitable for long distance drive. I had no worry driving at 160 km/h.

  • My MacBook Pro Live In NAC 2007

    Macintosh Laptops - My MacBook Pro Live In NAC 2007

    This year my job was doing powerpoint presentation. Still another on-the-fly job and with the same team but this time I teamed with Eddie. Using one of my Macintosh laptops, my MacBookPro was used to do presentation on the three big screens. I was glad that the dual display on my mac did not fail me and yet the audio-video functionality was far better IBM-compatible machine.

    Although it was another long sleepless stressful event, we had lot of fun too. We joked together while working on our tedious tasks. This year was a ten-day event, running the show from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore and straight into another four-day event, World Internet Mega Summit.

  • My Friend, Desmond

    Find A Friend - My Friend, Desmond

    This was my friend Desmond. During my depression days, he took good care of me. It was in China when we first met and over the years we became good friends because of common interests.

    He was a big eater. One person could have a meal of three persons. Looked at the Lobster Laska. That was his desert after the main course Mandarin Chicken Rice.