Author: Hosea

  • iPhone How To Phone

    New iPhone Docking

    I got myself a new iPhone. Flown in from New York and I picked up in the airport. It was a cool iPod but a sucky phone. The phone features were so handicapped.

    I upgraded the new iPhone firmware to 1.1.1 and hacked it. It was a perfect hack and I got my chinese input working. The killer app was the full blown Safari browser. I can surf the World Wide Web on the iPhone with the same experience a desktop computer browser.

    This iPhone was almost an innovative must-have gadget until I tried out the stupid phone functions. I was greatly disappointed with it. I could not edit and call a contact, which was an important function to us, people that travel between countries.

    For the time being, I would stick to my SonyEricsson K800i. and my third generation iPod.

  • Leopard Is Here

    Installing OS X Leopard Screenshot

    The Leopard is here. I was at the launch. We were issued and had only one hour installing OS X Leopard on all the demo unit. It was pressurising because we had lot of shoppers outside the store looking at us doing installation and rushing ourselves to be on time for the launch.

    And the trick to shorten the installation time was to, not to install the 3 to 4GB of drivers by unchecking the option.

  • Upgrade To Business Class

    Waiting For My Flight UA895 After Upgrade To Business Class

    Got myself a United Airlines ticket to get me back home. I went to the counter and was told that my flight was overbooked and I was offered compensation if I gave up my seats and wait for the next one.

    While I was asking about the compensation details, another staff came over and told me there was no more seat left and transferred my ticket to the Cathay Pacific Airline. I was escorted to the counter at the other end of the building and was told no seat was available too.

    I was hungry and tried after four hours of travelling to the airport. I was told no seat and was being pushed around. Finally I got a seat with Cathay Pacific but it was too late. My patient ran out and I decided to lodge a complaint and went furiously to the United counter and looked for the manager.

    I contented with him about the lousy service rendered to me. I told him if I were to fly Cathay Pacific, I would bought the ticket myself and not by transferring. I also wanted to complain the staff that changed my seat to Cathay Pacific flight without my acknowledgement, giving the excuse of no seat left. The manager was decisive and immediately gave me a business class seat on my original flight.

    Upgrading my seat to business class sound like a good offer but it was not. With all the hassle and rushing to be on time for the flight on a hungry stomach, it was a bad event I did not want to experience.

  • Crossing Shenzhen Bay

    Shenzhen Bay Border Crossing Station

    Went to Hong Kong through Shenzhen Bay, the new border crossing station. The place was spacious but emptied. May be because the place was newly opened and not many had travelled through here yet.

    Traffic was congested in the evening but it was a smooth ride for me, surrounded by beautiful twilight scenery, to Hong Kong International Airport.

    I guess I would be using this Shenzhen Bay often soon.

  • I Am Not A Plastic Bag

    I Am Not A Plastic Bag

    Selling “I am Not A Plastic Bag” bag, on was my first ebay auction and also my first ebay sales. I sold this bag for USD$6.50. Did not make any profit out of it but it was fun seeing auctioneers bidding for the item.

    Seem like I had found a new hobby on online beside playing online games.

  • Get More RAM The Merrier

    Get More RAM For Your Mac
    Upgraded my Macbook Pro memory from 1.5GB to 3GB, Doing so, I shifted the bottleneck to the harddisk. My Mac was now running at it best. When I had 1.5GB of memory, my Mac could only open about four to five heavy duty applications like Adobe Photoshop before it lagged my machine. Now with 3GB of RAM, I could open more than ten applications as intensive as Photoshop and database driven application like iPhoto and iWeb.

    Increasing my RAM also doubled my machine performance. Everything was so much faster and smoother except sometimes when it had to write huge swap files to the harddisk. The magic of 3GB RAM also made my Windows in Parallels ran seamlessly and faster without stressing the swap disk like before.

    I was glad with my RAM investment. Worth every penny spent.

    Talking about memory, RAM module for Mac, I would recommend to use Crucial module. Please avoid Kingston brand. Kingston module would not run well on Mac. Crucial was the recommendation in our workshop.

    Go! Get More RAM The Merrier!

  • The Unit

    The Unit Full Episodes TV Show

    One of the best military dramas I had watched so far. It had been a long time since I watched a decent story based on present military life and modern warfare.

    Waiting for the third season.

  • Smelling Good

    Smelling Good With The Body Shop Stuffs

    When I was in Hongkong, I could not resist and went into The Body Shop and bought my favourite The Body Shop stuffs.

    The Africa SPA Salt Scrub was my favourite of all. After using it, my body felt relax, smooth and smelled good. I also like to use the Blackcurrant Reviving Mask. This mask rejuvenated my facial skin and gave me a refreshing look.

    I also bought a mango flavoured handwash to entertain my guests. So when they came over for a meal, they would enjoy washing hands before dining with me.

    I love to be smelling good!

  • My HBH-DS980 Bluetooth Headset

    HBH-DS980 Bluetooth Headset

    Finally I was wearing this lanyard style headset around my neck. I had been hesitating own this since last year.

    This headset was good but I still could not access my address book through bluetooth. The sound quality was excellent because it support A2DP and work well on all my SonyEricsson phones.

    Interestingly the package said, it would not support chinese characters on the OLED but I managed to see chinese words on the display when I had incoming call. However I was not able to see chinese words when i made outgoing call.

  • 买东西 吃东西

    Hong Kong Tourism Eating and Shopping

    买东西,吃东西,买东西,吃东西… that what I did today. I left for Hongkong in the morning and do my shopping. It was tiring but fun.

    Before I headed back to cross the border, I went to Pizza Hut and had my meal. I ordered a personal pan pizza, Caesar salad, chicken drumlets, Minestrone soup with puffy pastry, garlic bread and my iced lemon tea.

    I had a great shopping and ended with a great meal.

    I bought a lot of The Body Shop stuffs and the SonyEricsson bluetooth headset.