Author: Hosea

  • 成功的真理:在新的一年实现新的愿望








  • Happy Strawberry Farm (开心草莓园)

    Happy Strawberry Farm (开心草莓园)

    My new video! It been a long time since I take time to have some fun!

    This music video is entirely shoot from my iPod Touch and create with iMovie for iPhone. This video is also dedicate to all the fans of Richie Jen. 此MV完全是用我的iPod Touch拍摄并且用iPhone的iMovie创建。此MV也是送给任贤齐的粉丝欣赏。

    (Youtube video removed. 视频去除.)

  • 感悟人生的海星故事:从一个人带动所有人








  • 2010年好看的电影-我的最爱排行榜


    Kick-Ass/海扁王,导演:马修·沃恩,主演:亚伦·约翰逊 / Garrett M. Brown

    Clash of the Titans/诸神之战,导演:路易斯·莱特里尔,主演:萨姆·沃辛顿 / 杰玛·阿特登


    人在冏途,导演:叶伟民 ,主演:徐峥/王宝强




    全城热恋,导演:夏永康, 主演:陈国辉,张学友/刘若英/谢霆锋




  • 圣诞节为什么要送礼物?






  • 去年今日:一部小小的手机却牵系着两对恋人的故事






    回到家后我的情绪依然很激动,立刻打给我的好朋友, 哭着说:“我快死掉了!” 我的好朋友接到电话之后连忙从广州赶来陪我了。到了晚上10点多,慧的好朋友下班后要过来我家找我的好朋友。我听到慧的好朋友要来,再三嘱咐她把我的手机从慧那里要回来。后来不知她怎么说服慧的,竟然真的把手机带过来了。更巧的是刚好碰上慧的好朋友的手机坏掉了。






  • How to Save Your Marriage – The Hosea and Gomer Way

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    Marriage is perhaps one of the hardest things that men and women have to deal with in this thing called life. What starts out as a phase of pure romantic bliss could turn into a world of unadulterated pain and suffering. Many people who decide to tie the knot have little idea of what they are really signing up for, which is why many married couples end up in divorce.

    If you’re having trouble with your marriage, know that you are not alone in this big old world. There are hundreds, even thousands, of couples out there who feel that all is lost when it comes to their marital relationship. But if you have faith in God, His will, and in yourself, then there’s nothing impossible. This article will show you how to save your marriage.

    Have you heard of the prophet Hosea? The story of Hosea can help you learn how to save your marriage. The Book of Hosea can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible. During the period in which Hosea prophesied, different kings ruled Israel and each of them enforced his chosen way of life, including religious inclinations, of which there were many. The kings turned away from God and listened to the rulers of rich neighboring nations, who worshipped other gods.

    Hosea, as ordered by God, married Gomer, who was later to turn into a prostitute. This marriage was how God showed his relationship with Israel at the time. Israel was likened to a prostitute who became a slave of money and became unfaithful to her husband. In the end, Hosea forgave Gomer, just as God forgave Israel.

    When you married your spouse in Christian rites, you pledged, with God as your witness, to love and honor each other till death do you part. The story of Hosea and Gomer teaches us the importance of love and honor in married life, but more importantly, it teaches us that we are human – and that we need forgiveness to live on. If your spouse did you wrong and strayed, learn to forgive. If you are the one who strayed, learn to ask for forgiveness. Like Hosea, you have to show mercy; like Gomer, you need to truly repent. This is how to save your marriage.

  • What Couples Can Learn From Hosea and Gomer

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    Hosea and Gomer are characters that can be found in the Bible – in the Old Testament, to be exact. They are husband and wife; the man, a prophet, and the wife, a prostitute. In the Bible, you can see that God often asks his prophets to do difficult things in His name. Hosea’s case was no different. He was asked by God to marry a woman who would, later on during their marriage, become a prostitute. This was how God wanted to exemplify His relationship with Israel at the time.

    The Israelites are said to be God’s people, but during the reign of the infamous seven kings, in which time frame Hosea tirelessly prophesied, they were everything but. During that period, Israel became a harlot in the sense that it welcomed different religions with open arms. The people of Israel worshipped the idol that their kings worshipped, gods from other lands ruled by kings who did not believe in Yahweh. They were divided into two kingdoms, the North and the South. Hosea spent his time prophesying to the Northern Kingdom, but the people of Israel were not keen on listening.

    Married life is not easy, but it was especially difficult for Hosea and Gomer. Their marriage was far from ideal, and they had more downs than ups. In the Bible, Gomer is described as a “quarrelsome wife,” which experts found to have the same meaning then as the modern phrase “adulterous wife.” One of their children, in fact, had a name that literally translates to “Not Mine.” That was how tainted Gomer and Hosea’s marriage was. But if there is something married couples of today can learn from the biblical story of Hosea and Gomer, it is the importance of love and forgiveness.

    Hosea sought out Gomer when she went away from the marital home. His love, like God’s love for Israel, made him forgive her sins, just as God forgave the sins of the Israelites. A love relationship is similar to the covenant God shares with His people. With love and forgiveness, there is nothing a couple can’t overcome, including adultery or infidelity. The party who has been jilted or cheated must learn to forgive.

    But of course, it must be a two-way street. The party who has done wrong must learn to repent. Gomer, like the Israelites, repented. True repentance, which consists not of empty promises but of real change, can turn any troubled love relationship into a happy one. It takes a lot to do this, but with love – and the knowledge that you have been forgiven and are being given the chance to become a better partner – all things are possible. Partners must work hand in hand in order to make their love relationship work.

  • Who Is the Prophet Hosea?

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    Where does the name Hosea come from?
    Hosea is a name that is of Hebrew origin. Its meaning is one that provides hope for those who have lost it; it gives a chance to people who have gone astray to come back to their true home. Hosea simply means “salvation,” that elusive word that many people in this world want to find. Perhaps you have heard of the prophet Hosea, one of the most famous people bearing the name.

    Who is Hosea?
    Hosea was a prophet from the Bible’s Old Testament. Bible Hosea was a son of Beeri, and he lived and prophesied about Israel and its destruction around 722 BC. At the time, Israel was divided into two kingdoms; Hosea was focused on preaching to the Northern Kingdom.

    The Book of Hosea contains Hosea’s prophecies and the story of his marriage to Gomer, a marriage commanded by God to show the relationship between His covenant and the people of Ephraim, the largest tribe in Israel and also referred to as Israel itself.

    Hosea is believed to be the very first prophet who used marriage in his book to show the relationship between God and His people. You see, the marriage of Hosea and Gomer was not a smooth one; it was, in fact, quite the opposite. This reflected the kind of relationship that God and the Israelites had at the time.

    What happened between Hosea and Gomer?
    As a prophet, bible Hosea preached – until the destruction of Israel – during the Reign of the Seven Kings. This was a chaotic period for the Kingdom of Israel, especially in terms of religious beliefs.

    During this period, different kings ruled with varying religious positions – that is, they implemented whatever was most profitable for them. Earthly pleasures were shamelessly pursued, and the kings’ – as well as their people’s – spirituality suffered greatly. God was forgotten as the Kingdom turned to idolatry.

    Hosea was instructed by God to marry, but the marriage, God warned, would not be perfect for the woman would turn into a prostitute to show the current state of Israel. Hosea married Gomer. There are different opinions as to the nature of Gomer; some say that Gomer was a prostitute even before, while others maintain that it was only during the course of her marriage to Hosea that she became one. At any rate, Gomer was a quarrelsome and adulterous wife.

    What does Hosea mean to me?
    I have gone through many hardships in life. Like the Israelites, I too have lost my way and my faith. The story of Hosea is perhaps one that best describes my marriage. What comforts me is that the Book of Hosea ends not in hopelessness, but in forgiveness and love. Bible Hosea sought out Gomer and forgave her sins, just as God forgave His people.

    I never thought I could find myself whole again and especially not with the help of the Church. But there really is a God, and I feel His love as He gives me the opportunity to live life with faith and trust in His will. When I joined the Church, the pastor gave me the name “Hosea,” and I felt I have truly come home.

  • 再次相遇-我和慧一起吃午饭


    中午醒来后看到慧在客厅看电视,出于礼貌就和她打了招呼。慧说到:“我们一起去吃午饭吧?好久没一起吃过东西了!” 这次我没再多考虑就答应了她。

