Author: Hosea

  • Macbook Air 200th Day

    Fingers on Macbook Air Laptop keyboard

    I have been using my Macbook Air Laptop for the past 200 days. The more I use the more I like the machine. My Air is now my perfect travelling companion.

    Many people have been complaining the shortfalls of Air. Like only one USB port, battery not swappable, no CD drive, etc. Until you use it like a road warrior, you will truly appreciate the ultra portability of Air.

    One USB Port Only. Yes! One is enough. Think about it. How often do you two USB Ports concurrently. Road warrior like us will use Bluetooth to replace USB. We connect devices, like mobile phones, mostly by Bluetooth. My main use of the USB port is USB security key issued by bank.

    USB port is hardly use these days unless I am performing an extensive backup to my external drive or transferring huge files. When I say huge files, I am taking about size of 100GB. With Wifi running 802.11n, transferring files of 10 to 20GB over wireless is not a problem at all. 10GB can be transferred within 10 minutes.

    Why carry a CD drive. Seasoned traveller like us, will rip the DVD and playback from the harddisk. When on the move, we do not swap the CD in and out of the CD drive. We copy our required data into the harddisk and use it while on the road because we all know that accessing the CD drive will drain the battery faster.

    Since this is the typical behaviour of a road warrior. Then removing the CD drive from the machine and make it an external device is a strategic move. It will conserves battery power and lighten the weight. Road warrior usually use the CD drive before travelling and after that the drive will not be used until the user is back to the base. If the user really need the CD drive, then take it along with him.

    I do not need extra battery pack. The battery can last 2 to 6 hours depending on how I use. My Air has survive a 12-hour journey from a single charge. Of course a seasoned traveller like me, knows how to conserve and maximise the battery to last as long as it can. With combination of turning on and off wireless and use the lighted keyboard sparsely, I am sure you can prolong the battery life of Macbook Air as good as me.

    Macbook Air laptop does have it shortfalls. The most important shortfall is, there is no security lock. You cannot secure it to an unmoveable object. Thus this make my Air really portable, I have to bring it to the toilet to pee with me if I have no one to look after it.

    Another shortfall for me is no built-in LAN port. There are times I just need to get a quick task done, I would prefer to get connected faster by plugging in to the LAN port than configuring the Wifi. This problem is still bearable if I remember to bring along my USB-Ethernet adapter.

    Running Windows Vista through Parallels Desktop, the performance is still acceptable. But running Windows XP through Parallels, I gain back more CPU resources and reclaim 4GB of harddisk space.

    Is 80GB of harddisk space too small for the Air? Removing my seldom used mp3 and movies files and relocate them to my external storage. I still have 28GB left on my Air. If you are not a porn collector, 80GB is more than enough.

    2GB of RAM and running on integreated graphics, I can multitask Photoshop, Parallels Desktop, iPhoto, iMovies and iTunes comfortably. I am also using Final Cut Express on my Air. The trick to run Air at it best is to keep the exhaust fan RPM as low as possible and that is around 2000 RPM. The lower the RPM, the more applications you can run and faster.

    Remember Macbook Air laptop is not a Macbook Pro. But Air packs much more performance in the slimmest chassis ideal for the road warrior.

  • 妈,接电话!


    打了两天的电话都没人接。心好躁急。会招风惹雨的我 现在能做些什么。我会一指顶江山的本领 现在也只好默默的等待。失去亲人 我不遗憾 因为我明白 人老病死的生存期的道理。不能见妈最后一面 会是我人生最后悔的第三件事。


  • 我好想回家

    我好想回家。妈!你明天要动手术 我做儿子的都无法呆在你身边。儿子不是不回,是回不来。我回来的代价太高了。妈!你别这样就走了。你好久没做饭给我吃了。你要等我回来,做我爱吃的菜。

    妈!我好想回来 陪你渡过难关。妈妈别把我丢下 自己先去桃园。我知道 爷爷奶奶在等你 但是我和弟弟还在这个世界。你走了 谁做我侄子的奶奶。妈!我不孝,现在无法照顾你。你要坚持下去 等儿子回来。


  • 哀伤记の第161天:公安不安


    今晚因该是玩的开开心的,不知道怎么的 就闹到派出所了。刚到家,刚天亮了,好累啊!自从慧离开我之后,倒霉的事就一个一个找上门来。

    我想过个简单的生活 但是我的社会圈子不准许。二十来岁时,我为了打江山 我失去了人生自由。重出江湖的我 失去了人性感。

    我为什么不能像平凡人一样,简简单单的过生活。每次快要过休闲的日子时 总是都会出些事 搞乱我的生活。在旁观者眼里 就会觉得我的人生是五彩缤纷。


  • 四缺一

    又聊天 又听歌的,打麻将,吹水的。

    好久没那么热闹了。今天好多朋友们来我家玩。又聊天 又听歌的,打麻将,吹水的。

  • 下一个 台球天后

    下一个 台球天后


  • 双飞在生日,生日再双飞



  • 前愁今忧



    一边饮茶 一边赏靓女。对自己笑一笑 就写了《前愁今忧》

  • 停下来 喝杯 starbucks

    停下来 喝杯 starbucks
    累死我了 逛了大半天。停下来 喝杯 starbucks 星巴克咖啡。

  • 眼睛看不到 心里会知道

    她送我一份,眼睛看不到 心里会知道 的礼物。
    今天盈盈知道是我过生日,她送我一份,眼睛看不到 心里会知道 的礼物。这份礼物是我最想要的,那就是 人情味。她二话不说 买个钱包给我,来传达 送给我的是 人间还有爱,人间还有情 的信息。她知道我很久很久没收到礼物了 就一定要送给我 就是要我知道 这社会还有温软的一面。

    今年的生日是很孤单 但很有味道。