Author: Hosea

  • Investing In Eco Friendly Bags

    For the past few months, I had been negotiating and making deals, trying to get back into the IT business. I chanced upon people that made SSD (Solid State Disk) and Netbook. After few months of negotiation, My partners and I decided that this might not be a good venture because many terms were not in our favour and the business opportunities could not yield to our ideal revenue forecast.

    It was sad to drop the whole plan but I had to since it was not a profitable business.

    So now, I might be back to jump start my non-woven venture, manufacturing eco friendly bags, the business plan before I chanced upon the SSD and Netbook opportunities.

  • 我没厌倦常平镇


    回来常平几天了。东西都收拾好了。舍不得的 也要放弃。带不走的 也只好留下。就这样的 离开常平了。

    跟着时间的变化,不知道怎么样的 就住在常平镇, 一住就好几年。以前 还对自己说过 不会住在常平的。以前也有好几次 说过要走 可是心 还是离不开这个小镇。这次我也说要走了,不再回来。这次我心不三,意不二,把东西收拾好 想立刻走。心在也没哪种舍不得离开的感觉了。我没厌倦这个小镇。我没对我这里的朋友们不满。

    可能是在最近的一年里 发生了 太多事。我的生活方式都没打断了。生活程序也改变了。现在我觉得 我又回到 我来中国之前的状态。我又开始想找 例外一个落脚的地方,重新过我 不受这个世界干扰的生活。


  • So Far So Good With Windows 7 RC

    Windows 7 installs on Macbook Air
    Gone through the hassle to Install Windows 7 from beta release to RC Build 7100. All the builds were getting better then the previous release and Build 7100 is by far the best and stable.

    I think my Windows XP in Parallels now had the good Windows 7 as the contender to be replaced. I was very disappointed with Windows Vista when installed in Parallels. Vista was such a bloated OS that I spent most of the time waiting to click the next task.

    Windows 7 when you switched to classic mode interface, the OS operated faster than XP. I could feel Windows 7 is much sleeker and neater than XP and Vista when you executed a task. Windows 7 integration with Parallels 4 had more bells and whistles than running with XP. I was not sure with Vista because I gave up on it.

    Windows 7 had an old compatibility mode feature that let you run older software and drivers, and this feature worked so well that I had no problem running older application and support for older hardware.

    So far so good, Windows 7, I had no complain. I am looking forward for the release.

  • 去年今日:为你做过早餐


    她要洗澡时 我把她的浴巾放好在冲凉房,把牙膏放在牙刷毛上。


    她睡觉时 我早出门去办事。当她醒过来时 我就回来了买她爱吃的东西。

    三更半夜 她去洗手间 回到床上 我每次都会把被子拿开 让她睡下 在把被子给她盖好。


    慧,你是唯一,为你做过早餐。去年今日,这是我为你做的 最后一件事。

    三月里的春天 之 第一次
    三月里的春天 之 不想放弃她
    三月里的春天 之 我还是会爱你
    三月里的春天 之 原来我是第三者

  • Macbook Air Laptop 365th Day

    Online with Macbook Air
    My Macbook Air laptop had been with me for the past three hundreds and sixty-five days. My best companion and ever since I had my PowerBook 12”. None of my Mac stayed with me for more than a year except my PowerBook 12” and now my beloved Air.

    I just bought the Apple Care Protection Plan (ACPP) for my Air because it was going to be my lover, my entertainer, my postmaster and my best buddy for the coming years.

  • 可以没胸罩 不可以没口罩

    可以没胸罩 不可以没口罩

    今天卫生部 提高了戒备,进入二级警报。一级警报的话我就出不了医院了。天天在医院的我 也给这猪流感吓到了。今天在病房外面 有个中东人 突然倒了,趴在地板 发抖。医护人员 赶紧把他送进急救室。

    很快的 我们这搂 被封闭了。穿着黄色化学邦妮装的人 把我们扣留了。这层搂的每一个人 现在都要 实行强制性的体温测验。

  • 偷偷的流眼泪


    就在这时候 手机突然响了,爸接电话。。。“喂!我在忙。。。我在医院。。。”

    现在天天照顾爸爸,我也开始感觉累了,精神上也感觉到压力。每次爸爸睡着了 我就会看着他 偷偷的流眼泪。我一直在问自己 为什么会这样。


  • 未来的日子 一片黑


    第三天了,和妈轮流照顾老爸。人累了,心烦了,感觉未来的日子 会是一片黑。看着 老爸躺着,我现在 该怎么做?我好怕 他一睡 就不会再醒过来了。

  • 我不是回来给你送终的

    快把老爸送进紧急部门。在候诊室傻傻的等 又不敢离开,怕医生出来 找不他的亲人。漫长的等待,只能坐着 无思乱想。 坐累了 就站起来 在走廊 走来走去, 一个角落到另一个。走累了 又坐下来 看看周围的人。看的无聊了 就拿出手机 无理头的按。 就这样的 过了九个小时,终于看见老爸了。

  • 如果 我有老人痴呆症

    如果 我有老人痴呆症
    踩我空间的你们 都会问我 为什么我对慧 还不放手,怎么还老是写 我和她之间的事。

    我妈妈两年前病了 就像她过世的妈妈一样的病。我爸爸现在的状态 就像我过世的公公一样。我也怀疑 早有心理准备 可能也会遗传给我。就在这时候 我开始把我现实中的生活 详细的纪录,开心的,不开心的,特别的,有趣的,等等,只要是美好的回忆,就会写在我的博客。

    因为我知道 如果有一天 我也得了老人痴呆症,什么都不记得的时候,我的博客就是我最好的回忆。等到那一天,看我拍过的照片,我写过的文章,原来 我以前 是那么潇洒的。