我也开始玩QQ农场了。MM们一开口 就听到他们说 别偷我的菜 还是 给你的狗咬了。QQ农场好玩吗?不觉得,简直是浪费时间 和精神。那干嘛我还要玩?沟女呗!有个农场 就很容易 和靓女 有共同语言。有了共同话题就容易和靓女搭上了。
我也开始玩QQ农场了。MM们一开口 就听到他们说 别偷我的菜 还是 给你的狗咬了。QQ农场好玩吗?不觉得,简直是浪费时间 和精神。那干嘛我还要玩?沟女呗!有个农场 就很容易 和靓女 有共同语言。有了共同话题就容易和靓女搭上了。
The most common tasks we used
1) You can hide individual windows or entire applications instead of closing them. When you work with multiple applications or documents, windows sometimes overlap and make it difficult to see your desktop or other items.
• To hide all open windows in an application ( including any toolbars or panels), choose the Hide command from the application menu, or ⌘+H.
• To hide everything except the current application, choose Hide Others form the application window, or ⌘+Option+H.
2) You can take a picture of a window using the shortcut ⌘+Shift+3.
• If you don’t need a picture of your entire screen, you can capture just part of the screen using ⌘+Shift+4.
• To take a picture of a window, a menu, the menu bar, or the Dock, press ⌘+Shift+4, then press the Space bar. Move the pointer over the area you want so that it’s highlighted, then click. To drag to select the area instead, press the Space bar again. To cancel, press Escape.
3) Making the screen image appear larger
If you have difficulty seeing or reading objects on your screen, you can make items on your screen appear larger by setting zoom options in the Universal Access pane of System Preferences.
When zoom is turned on, you use keyboard shortcuts to enlarge and reduce the screen image.
• ⌘+Option+equal (=) makes the screen image appear larger (zoom in).
• ⌘+Option+hyphen (-) makes the screen image appear smaller (zoom out).
4) You can view and modify information about files, applications, and volumes in the Info window.
• To see information for one or more items, select the items and press ⌘+I
5) When you finish your work in an application, you may want to quit the application to make more memory available for other applications. This is commonly mistaken with the close window command. When you close a window, the program is still running in the background, taking up computer resources.
• To close a window in the Finder or application, press ⌘+W.
• To Quit an application, press ⌘+Q.
6) You can right-click. Windows users are used to having a right mouse click. Mac does come with this feature, but is hidden, as there is only a single click button on the computer.
To activate the menu list
• for portables, hold down the Control (ctrl) button while you click on the trackpad button
• for desktops or mouse users, go to Mouse option in the Keyboard & Mouse preferences
7) Moving items to trash and emptying the trash
• To move the selected item to the Trash, press ⌘+Delete.
• To empty the Trash, press ⌘+Shift+Delete.
• To empty the Trash without any warning or when it contains locked files, press ⌘+Shift+Option+Delete.
(Co-author with Puat)
I wish for 100 bottles of Budweiser for my birthday this year. My birthday is on 07 October! Would you like to buy me a beer for my birthday? $3.00 for a bottle of Budweiser. Quick! Click the ChipIn button and buy me a beer now!
Wonder how many beers I could get this year!
(ChipIn widget was removed because the service is no longer available.)
I started my website, Home of Hosea in 1995 (picture above). Today, it is fourteen year old. Over the years my cyber life has been evolving until now. From ICQ to QQ, POP to IMAP server, Windows to OS X, Friendster to Facebook, etc. Since the birth of my website Home of Hosea, it has been moving from one ISP to another and so is my first email address from hosea(at)pacific.net.sg to my new domain at *(at)hosealim.com.
The internet has so much growth and changes over the years that I am lost in the sea of information and technologies standards. At that time I decided to stop evolving and focus on what is the future. Since then, I have been following closely to the development of Web 2.0.
Until two years ago I started planning to move my e-life to Web 2.0 because the time is almost ripe. Over the past months, I have been busy shifting my cyber life to Web 2.0 by deploying present internet technologies, the dynamic of social networking and so on, how I can converge all these into my life, sorting out which technologies to adopt, what standard to conform to, and integrate into my lifestyle.
Today, I have reach my new milestone, which mark my new internet life. I introduce you, Hosea 2.0. Welcome to hosealim.com.
Medal of Friendship (Penis)
Alvin Tan
Medal of Friendship (Vagina)
Safari Award
iTunes Store
Techno Award
Apple TV
Oscar Award
Iron Man (Jon Favreau)
Psalm Award (China)
死性不改 (Twins / Boy’Z)
Psalm Award (England)
A Shoulder To Cry On (Tommy Page)
Medal of Friendship is given to my new friend found during the year. Among all my new friends, the one that I am bond to or have affection with. This is really a tough one to decide with so many friends I make this year.
Safari Award is given to the website that I like most during the year and access it frequently. The Safari name come from the Mac OS X web browser that I like to use and is my number one web browser after Camino.
Techno Award is given to the recent technology I am fascinated with and impacted my life.
Oscar Award is given to the movie I like to watch during the year.
Psalm Award is given to the song I like to hum or sing during the year.
五百年一次的天狗吃太阳 今天终于给我等到了。今天一早吃了早餐就在阳台望着蓝蓝的天空等着天狗吃太阳。可惜的是没情人在我身边陪我一起看。
在武汉呆了一段日子,我也开始喜欢这里了。虽然天天吃不饱,睡不好, 可是我好像变胖了。自从我回到大陆,我很少喝酒了。酒是少喝了 但是烟头就天天在我嘴里。我现在到底在过什么样的生活?人活的越来越没规律,起居饮食也搞的无日无夜的。
在厦门半个月了。日子过的挺无聊的。不是没事做让我无聊 而是无聊时 我的 Baby Taylor 不在我身边陪揍。当我孤单时,我都会拿起我的吉他,弹我爱听的歌,让音乐添满我寂寞的心。