My New MacBook Pro

This Is My New MacBook Pro

Finally, I got myself a MacBook Pro after five months without any computer.

I went to Hong Kong and purchased because it was cheaper than in Singapore. I got it SGD$600 cheaper off the retail shelf.

My new MacBook Pro was similar to my previous MacBook but with more powerful processing power, high definition screen, illuminated keyboard with ambient light sensor, etc. I could go on and on with all these cool features but you could read them on the Apple website.

The coolest thing to do on my mac was to run Microsoft Windows through Parallel in coherence mode. So what was this? I was to run Windows application without the Windows Desktop. It gave you the feeling of running Windows application in the OS X.

What I did not like was the 15” screen that was too big for me. It made the unit form factor too big for me to carry around. The power adapter was slightly bigger than my previous PowerBook.

For now, I was happy with this machine and hoped it would be a good companion and as faithful as my PowerBook. Loving my new MacBookPro.