My last trip back to Singapore, I chanced upon the opportunity to work with Apple products. I was working in one of the authorised Apple Service Centre, providing Macintosh support and repair. It was a great experience to join the workforce again since I stopped working a few years back.
I learned a lot about Apple products, iPod, iTunes, iBook, iMac, and most importantly are my iFriends. iFriends are the people I worked with in the technical department.
Although it was a short attachment, I was very happy to work with the team because we shared our fun while serving our nasty customers. Although all of us came from different places and philosophies, we worked in unison to give Apple customers a unique Mac experience.
But sad to say, Mac customers suck! Just like Windows users. Because of all these sucky customers that where we found our fun and joy.
Keep up the good works my iFriends, the Macintosh support team. Without you guys, we would not have the unique Mac experience, Be Different!