This year added to my 10 top gadgets list is my newly purchased Sony Ericsson K800i. With this new integrated hardware, it is replacing my Benq digital camera and music playback when I am traveling short trip so that I do not have to carry my iPod.
Yes, iPod is still on on my gadget list. I will still use iPod for mass storage, podcast playback and long-play music playback when I am travelling over extended period of time.
And the gadget that unify all is, the digital hub of all, my Mac Powerbook G4. This machine is three year-old and is still serving me well and I have fallen in love with it. I have migrated all to the Mac platform except my financial management software, Microsoft Money and Tencent QQ instant messaging software. So I am still stuck with my Windows based, Gigabyte Gmax Micro-ATX machine.
With all the different media cards available in the market today, we all end up having an assorted collection. Today I have decided to unify my media card using, giving priority to Memory Stick Micro (M2). If M2 is not available, I will then use other cards.
In my 10 top gadgets possession, I will still keep my 128MB Iomega Mini Drive for my big file transfer and temporary big file storage.
With Apple iSight, the auto focus webcam, I enjoy video chat with my buddies and taking candid shots. Without iSight, it will be dull chatting on the net.
To get all my devices connected with one another with ease and simplicity, it is important every device I use have bluetooth. It is my priority to have bluetooth technology in devices I owned.
Adding to my collection, I got myself a Xbox 360 to keep me entertain during my lonely time at home. Xbox 360 also interface with Windows Media Centre. With it interface, I can use it to stream movie and music to my home entertainment system.
To keep more than my 10 top gadgets in order, I still use my Samsonite notebook backpack to transport my powerbook and store my accessories and cables. Although I have outlast it usefulness, I will keep it until I find a better replacement.
Oops! Another important gadget is my AirPort Extreme, the wireless Access Point, that I carry around to get myself connected wirelessly wherever I go. Beside internet access through AirPort Extreme, I can stream my iTunes to the speakers attached to the AirPort Extreme. If I do have USB printer, it can be connected to it too.