How To Count The Day

Do you know which day is it on the 9 of August 2006 without referring to a calendar?

If you work in an environment that which day to you matter, then remember this formula and you will be able to count the day by heart.

1. Memorise 033614625035. These numbers are in the order of the month. For the of month of August, the number is 2.

2. This year is 2006 so take the last number of the year, which is 6, and add 2 (August) to it and give you 8.

3. Add the 8 to the number of the day which is 9, give you 17.

4.Take the 17 and divide by 7 and you get a reminder of 3

5. The remainder refers to the day. That is, 1-Monday, 2-Tuesday, 3-Wednesday … 0-Sunday.

6. The day, 9 of August 2006, falls on Wednesday.
The formula:

1. Memorise 033614625035 to get the number for the month.

2. Take the last number of the year and add the month number from (item.1).

3. Add (sum of item.2) to the number of the day.

4. (Sum of item.3) divide by 7 to get the reminder.

5. The remainder refers to the day. That is, 1-Monday, 2-Tuesday, 3-Wednesday … 0-Sunday.