There were three wood-cutters. Matthew, Mark and Luke.
Matthew was a hardworking cutter who worked day and night. On the other hand, Mark worked for an hour and rested for ten minutes. Luke who was the laziest worked for ten minutes and took a break of ten minutes.
At the end of the day, they gathered together and see who had the most woods. Mark had the most woods after calculation.
Matthew: ”Why I worked so hard and so many hours than you and yet you had more woods than me?”
Mark: ”During my rest, I sharpened my axe”
After a year of resting, I recovered from my mental breakdown. Now I was more acute then I was before. Ever since I started joining the workforce and taking the responsibility of adulthood, life was getting weary as years went by. Sitting down and looking back my past achievements, it was a relieve that I came this far but not worth the sacrifice i had made to achieve what I had today.
During my sabbath year, I really rested my whole being. I took my time to renew my life, my missions, my destiny, etc. I took the time to evaluate my goals I had set ten years ago and set new goals for my next decade. My body was weak and I took the time to get back my health by losing weight, keeping fit and healthy diet. Now my body was in good condition again to accept new challenges in life.
My Sabbath year was ending soon and my whole being was energized again. Now, time for me to step out, step up, and conquer the world again.
So when was the last time you took a good break?