When we were young, we used to be protected under the wings of our parents just like the mother hen protecting her young. As we grew older we became rebellious and our parents would threaten us to call the police to lock up us if we did not behave or obey them. Then when we became teenagers we realised the police would not put us behind bar for disobeying our parents.
When we joined the world we were scared to break the law. But as our life experience grew, we found loop holes or so called “gray area” to flank the law. When we were exposed to so much of it, we began to challenge the authority.
So, what is the purpose of the law? What is the law for? How should it serve the people?
The law is to serve the people that obey it. If the law no longer serve the people it protect then the law is useless. If the law is abuse, we can challenge it because it no longer protect us, which is the purpose of the law.
What good can it be when the law no longer serve it purpose? It will only oppress the people that govern by it. Then shall we reinstate and challenge the law to serve it original purpose?
Think about it, the law that govern you. Does it protect or oppress you?
When we were young, we used to be protected under the wings of our parents just like the mother hen protecting her young. As we grew older we became rebellious and our parents would threaten us to call the police to lock up us if we did not behave or obey them. Then when we became teenagers we realised the police would not put us behind bar for disobeying our parents.
Then when we grew up a joined the workforce we were scared, knowing the consequences, of breaking the law. But as our life experience grew, we found loop holes or so called ‘grey area’ to circumvent the law. When we were exposed to so many of ways evading the law, we began to challenge the authority.
So, what is the purpose of the law? What is the law for? How should it serve the people, like you and me, that govern by the law?
The law is to serve the people that obey it. If the law no longer serve the people it protect then the law is useless. If the law is abuse, we can challenge it because it no longer protect us, which is the purpose of the law.
What good can it be when the law no longer serve it purpose? It will only oppress the people that govern by it. Then shall we reinstate and challenge the law to serve it original purpose?
Think about it, the law that govern you. Does it protect or oppress you?