Common Reasons For Blocked IP Address and How to Overcome It

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If you are using a shared IP address on web hosting and this IP is being abused by spammer, political propaganda or computer viral activities, etc, most likely the IP address you are using will be blocked. Your site has contents that are not in favour to the other party and the party will blacklist your IP by blocking it to make it unreachable.

To overcome the problems of being blocked, here is the list of things you can do.

1. Contact your web host and ask if they can re-assign you to another set of IP. If you have budget, you can get your own IP address for your website. Having a dedicated IP address also improve your ranking with search engines.

2. Use a IP spoof tool to change your IP address. You can google and read more about it?

3. Use a paid VPN to get access. Most free VPN services use PPTP for communication. A paid VPN service offers you IPSec or SSL increase your chances of reaching the desired site is higher than PPTP.

4. Use a free proxy server. Google “free proxy list” and try your luck. Use free proxy server for low demand browsing because they are over spam by advertisement banners and slow down your browser performance.

5. Install another computer in another location or country, then use remote control software to get access to your computer and access the desired site. If you have extra cash, you can install your own VPN server in another location.

6. Call your friends in another location and login and get access on your behalf.

7. Most importantly, do not offer specific contents and keywords on your websites that speak ill or is against the country you have the most viewers from. Doing so will risk your IP being blocked.

A typical good example to reduce being blocked, is the above point no. 2. Express your contents using commonly used words and offer an action that will lead the reader to find the specific answers you want to give.

Do not use point no. 4 to express your thoughts in an article. The keywords in the sentence, if filtered, it may increase your probability of getting blocked.

Here are the ways how I overcome blocked IP address in a hostile internet world.

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