When you look all around you, what you will probably see are plastics. Especially when you go to the supermarket or just shopping around at the mall, when you buy something you will be going home with plastic bags in your hands. Now that is not really a good thing when we think about it. Because we are doing more harm than good with regards to our environment. Plastics are not good for nature. It hurts nature and usually just ends up as non-decomposing trash item in landfills. That is if they at least reach the landfills.
It is a great thing that scientists are working hard to solve this problem. Because now they have come up with a new kind of plastic, one that is actually referred to as a plastic fabric, because it can be used in other items where fabric is normally used. This new plastic variant is called a non woven polypropylene which is gaining popularity especially in the eco friendly market.
What is good about this new plastic? A highly recyclable plastic, non woven polypropylene is accepted by recycling plants and centers wherein they can easily break it down to create other useful things. It is strong and durable enough to be used as a daily shopping bag. It is very cheap to manufacture, and thus can be mass produced to completely replace the usual plastics we see in the supermarkets. It is very soft that it is even used as a surgical mask. It is lightweight which makes it ideal for other purposes.
This non woven polypropylene helps in promoting a greener environment and in informing the general public that there is an alternative to using the highly polluting common plastics. It will also help in forging a new habit of re-using a shopping bag instead of simply using it once.
It is not just recyclable in the sense that you can send it to recycling centers and have it processed, but this new kind of plastic can be recycled just in our very own homes. Since it is durable enough for daily use, you can just wipe it clean to use it again. Should it gain even dirtier, you can even use soap on it, rinse with cold water, and then let it hang out to dry in the air.
These recycling features make it an ideal plastic to replace the old ones that we have been used to each day. Just imagine what it can do to our environment if we can greatly lessen all the plastic bags that we have been throwing out. Landfills will not easily be filled up, plus there will be fewer plastics to clog the sewers and just left lying in the roads where it will never easily decompose.
When we only have one Mother Earth, taking care of her should be our top priority. And often all we need to do is to start small. Using recyclable plastics will be a huge contribution to keeping our planet green and clean for many years to come.
There is only one earth. Do your part, save the earth. Start using eco friendly bags. http://www.bagtailor.com/