The Status of the HIV Virus in 2009

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The problem with HIV is that through the years, it is consistently increasing in every regions of the world. This is despite of all the efforts of the governments and various world organizations to curtail the spread of this virus and to properly educate people on how to prevent themselves from getting it or if they already have it, from spreading it.

There are currently about 34 million people living with HIV all around the world. This is the statistics on HIV as reported by the United Nations. Around 32 million of these are adults, with an equal distribution between male and female victims of this virus.

However, the saddening part of these statistics is that over 2 million children aged 15 and below are affected. These cases are mostly from poor countries, particularly in Africa, where babies were born with the virus after contracting it from their mothers.

It is a growing concern because no definite cure has been found. About 2 million people have died from this disease starting from 2008 to the present statistics on HIV. An alarming figure considering the number of people who have the virus.

The majority of the people who have the virus remain to be homosexuals, mostly gay men who have active sexual relations with other men. On those who are bisexuals, most of them acquired the virus through having promiscuous sex or having many different sexual partners.

This is an alarming trend as the morals of people from all nations, particularly in more developed countries, is said to be breaking down, mostly being blamed on mass media. Some moralists have claimed that the television and the movies have the lasting and strong influence on how the young people are thinking and what they believe in.

Another thing to get us worried about is that each year, thousands of cases of new diagnoses have been recorded. Since 2008 up to 2009, there are around 8,000 new positive diagnoses. What is disturbing is that this is a very small percentage as compared to the greater number of HIV infected people who are not diagnosed. The reason behind this is because most of those undiagnosed individuals are living in far flung places, mostly in poor countries, where there are limited access to medical centres.

The numbers clearly show the current status of the HIV. And it is a horrible figure. Further studies have to be made to help legislators come up with laws to help combat this virus and how it is being spread in the society. Furthermore, education regarding this matter should begin in schools so children will learn as early as possible about the dangers of HIV and how they can prevent from being infected with it.

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