Why I Don’t Work Anymore

I just want to work no more! Why work when I can save more without working? I used to run my own businesses and make a lot of money but I also spend a lot too. The more I work the more money I make and the more things I buy and in the end I also get into what we call the rat race.

Then as age is catching up and I am getting tired of being a racing rat, I lost myself, I lost my spouse, I lost my health. I lost my God. The most important of all is, time. I lost time. To make more money I just want to work, I allocate more time to making money and I end up having lesser time for other activities.

This is when I start to think when I break up with my spouse. With so much money I make and so little time for her, I lost our relationship. This event is very devastating to me. It takes me three years to resilient from it.

During my resilient years, I start to rethink about my life and re-evaluate my financial goals. Then I go through my books and study my expenses. I realise the more I work, the more I spend. For every one thousand dollars I earn, I spend one thousand two hundreds. So I decided not to work anymore. I don’t want to be a boss or an employee anymore because my massive income cannot upkeep with my expenditure.

I consolidate my wealth and redesign my whole life again. Three years later, which is today, I make money works for me and I have the whole world in my hand again. Now everyday I have the time to do what I want to do. I have the time to waste without worrying for tomorrow.

Last time, taking public transport is a waste of time because time is money. Now is a leisure, a pastime, a sight-seeing trip. I enjoy taking public transport now, feeling the pulses of life, hearing the melodies of life. I have gain back my life freedom. I can now do what I want to do.

When I just want to work no more, I have so much time at hand, I have the time to think, to plan, to decide. When opportunities knock on my door, I have the time to respond and not let opportunities pass away. I have the time to grab it. Is this what those seminars call the “financial freedom”? Have I attain it?

Where I am today is not by chance or luck. It is a lot of hard works and commitment to plan my destiny and with tremendous pain and focus to execute it. Where I am today take me ten years to achieve it. I chart my life when I am nineteen. I look glamourous among my peers because of my present carefree lifestyle. Do you know how much I have sacrifice? Do you know how much painstaking experiences I go through? Now looking back, is it worth it?

Today, I am thirty. I am proud to be where I am today. I have attain the destiny of my life, vision and goals I have set my eyes upon, I have achieve it. Thank you God, for your grace and mercy.

This year, first of July, I chart my destiny again for the next ten years. I call it the Vision 40. 40 stands for where my life will be when I reach forty years old.

Looking at the momentum of my life, my acute focus in commitment and my past history of achievements, I think I should achieve my Vision 40 in the next five years instead of ten.

I have plan my life and live to the fullest. I just want to work no more! Have you?