Prophecy From Prophet Chuck Flynn

On the 12th day of September 1992, Prophet Chuck Flynn prophesied to me and here is the transcript of the prophetic words.

Because of the anointing that flow through you
with the prophetic zeal of the house of the Lord,
I have seal you in your forehead as I seal Ezekiel.

In the countenance of Ezekiel flow in that anointing,
I have you prophesy to the wind
and the wind shall move over this country
and many countries shall hear your voice
and my peace shall be upon thee as the prophetic anointing.

I will prosper thee and thou shall be strong to go forth in my name
for you will be very and then even creative
many shall be set free and great miracles ye shall follow thee
for the peace and the glory of our God

Because you will know my word
and I will give you the desire of your heart
and your love yield that emulate situation shall be hailed
in the coming harmony with what my purpose is
and we will rejoice together. Amen.

I received this prophetic words fifteen years ago. Today looking back at it, half the prophecy was fulfilled. That was “the wind shall move over this country and many countries shall hear your voice” And now I started to travel internationally. I was trying to find another transcript prophecy from Bishop Bill Hamon. Putting the two prophecies together, I could see clearly where my mission was.

I recalled, when the prophecies were released to me, I was told I would be starting to travel at the age of thirty. True enough, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away”, the word of the Lord had come to pass. At the age of thirty I was travelling and now transcending territorial borders and making the world as my home.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him.” We would never comprehend God’s intention for us. I had been running away from my calling for many years and now i was back to square one; back to where the prophecy had paused. Is just a matter of time for my prophecy to be fulfilled and ordained into the tribe of priesthood.

Now I understood and felt what Paul meant when he said he was given a thorn in his flesh (12v7) in his second letter to the Corinthians. Over the years I also prayed to God thrice to take it away from me. And today God gave me the same answer He gave to Paul long time ago, “My grace is sufficient for you and for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”