In God I Trust

Once a upon a time, there was a man. He was an acrobat. After many years of practices, this man went to the Nigeria Fall to perform his stun.

There were two large crowds on the both sides of the Fall. He hooked a rope across the Fall, and said to the people: “I’m going to walk across this river.”

The man walked slowly and steadily to the other side of the Fall. The crowds cheered and clapped for his great performance.

The man: “Do you think I can do it again?”

The crowds: “Yes.” (The crowds whistled and clapped)

The man: “Do you think I can do it again?”

The crowd: “Yes.”(The crowds whistled and dance)

The man: “Does anyone want me to carry him across the Fall?”

There was a great silence in the crowds, as quiet as a hunting dog when it is near a bird.

Then a young boy came out and said: “Carry me.”

The man carried the boy swiftly and safety to the other side. The crowds were amazed by the boy.

The crowd: “Why did you allow him to carry you across?

The boy: “Because he is my father and I believed and trusted in him that he would carry me through.”

How many of us still have the child-like faith in God, just believe and trust in the Lord. Although I go to church irregularly nowadays, my heart is still with my Father God. Past three years, I have live the darkest night of my life and during those troubled days I still put my trust in God that He will walk me through.

I have fallen but now I rise up and take heart and be strong again. I continue to put my trust in the Lord for all the days of my life and all can be summarised in Psalms 23 verse 4 … I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me, Your rod and staff they comfort me.