Gaming Asia (Executive Summary)

I have publish here, the executive summary of the online casino project we are pioneering for the online gaming market. The project name is Gaming Asia. If you are interested, I will email you the complete business plan for your perusal.
Executive Summary
London is the centre for the online gaming industry. There are 26 flotation in its stock exchanges in the recent years. The largest company among them is only 9 years old, yet has a market capitalisation of USD10 billions. The main credit goes to only one game, Poker, which retain customers very efficiently.

East/Southeast Asia has 28% world GDP (North America 23% & Europe 26%). USA is currently the online gaming industry’s main market. Fast growing China will be the equivalent of USA in this region. Recent strong online Poker growth in the west has yet to come to this part of the world due to problems of payment, censorship, legality or lack of Asian insight. The Asian’s Poker gaming needs are high but are not properly satisfied with a sustainable model.

Gaming Asia knows this region online gaming market well and has the solution to the problems. Western scalable models will be enhanced with Asian methodologies to achieve a long term solution. We will start with China as it is the biggest, fastest growing & relatively undeveloped. Player acquisition is currently inexpensive & may not remain so for long. Current competitors are restricted by the many problems and new competitors cannot sustain acquiring players at high prices.

Our games will be based on a highly “portable” yet stable programming platform for its ease in making changes to satisfy players’ needs. New marketing programs can be swiftly implemented & it also allows us scalable deployments as we expand into other Asian countries beyond China.

The management team is made up Chinese with entrepreneurship, marketing, programming, on-the-ground & guanxi-building (关系) abilities. We are based in different parts of the region. Being Chinese with different skills & backgrounds, we possess the necessary Asian insight to execute our plan successfully.

Gaming Asia seeks £150,000 investment in exchange for common stock of 20% of total capitalisation. Offshore corporations will be formed to take into account the change in shareholders and shares allocated. This amount is sufficient for our subsequent 12 months of operation. Realistically, another round of £1 million financing is required to reach critical mass & positive cash flow.

Gaming Asia had invested money, time and effort in the research for a successful online gaming market model in China over a 12-month period. We are absolutely confident and a strong believer in our business model to be the most viable option for a successful entrance into China.