Tag: technology

  • Chinese Translation Tools – Machine Mode Vs Human Mode

    Chinese Translation Tools – Machine Mode Vs Human Mode

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comThe Internet economy is changing at a fast pace, as the Chinese Economy is also opening up for trade. Today, the virtual world has revolutionized into a seamless global arena, and the business language seems be in a state of flux. Therefore, there is an increasing need for new business translation tools that meet the translation needs of the modern day global economy.

    This is particularly true in the case of Chinese pin yin to English translation tools, that are strategic in bringing together two economic systems in the global arena that are far from being identical. Presently, China has been transforming its internet economy in order to match the virtual strides of the west and thus a linguistic approach is necessary to break all barriers of the great firewall of China.

    In order to meet the standards of the global market, new Chinese pin yin terms have been coined, that are compatible with the American business terms. Various Chinese pin yin translation tools are available for business related computer and internet terms that are required by the modern business executives.

    Some of the latest Chinese pin yin translation tools include a software application that is very simple and is being touted as very reliable translation tool- Roboword. This software has become very popular and is being purchased by individuals interested in ecommerce in the Chinese market. One does not have to be a techno geek in order to make use of the Roboword software, as the tools can be effectively used by even the least knowledgeable individual with limited experience of the computer jargon.

    One does not have to browse through hoards of text in order to find the right answer, as the Roboword software provides dictionary solutions with just the click of a mouse. Also, one does not need to apply any traditional software like internet browser or word processor as the tool is very basic, and can perform search and dictionary lookups with the aid of the mouse.

    Roboword makes the process of learning Chinese pin yin to English translation, simple and easy. It can be used by people who travel to China, and also by companies that are interested in ecommerce with the Chinese counterparts.

    One can also seek the aid of human translators that help in learning the writing and phonetics of Chinese to English translation. This mode of translation has an advantage over the software translation tools; as the individual will have a better understanding of the native dialect as well as the culture and tradition of the country.

    Although, the process may seem to be very time consuming as compared to the machine mode of translation, but it gives a more structured and in depth approach to learning the new language.

  • Twittad – Marketing With Twitter

    Twittad - Marketing With TwitterTwitter is a social networking and conversation tool available on the World Wide Web. Twitter can be used in order to start conversations with the other users by participating, or one can also initiate conversations among the other groups. It is within the sphere of these contacts and conversations, that that one become aware of the real value of using twitter tweet. Twitter has the inherent power to transform itself into what the user wants it to be.

    Twitter tweet can be an effective social tool for the twitter addict, it is a business tool for the entrepreneurs, a promotional tool like Twitted for online businesses, a research tool for analysts or it can also be a combination of various tools that can be converged in order to meet the needs and requirements of a large variety of clientele from around the globe.

    Most users twitter, in order to stay abreast of current events and in order to keep in touch with family and friends. Twitter tweet is the best mode for making new friends with similar interests that are available in the virtual world. One can twitter tweet some of the latest musings about life, work or hobbies. One can also talk about books, movies or virtually anything. Twitter serves as an effective platform for sharing opinions about people, places and things.

    One can signup with social network advertising companies like Twittad that will auction the twitter page background based on the number of page followers, duration of the page and pricing. Whenever an advertising makes a bid and purchasing a spot of the twitter tweet page, the host company gets a 5 percent commission. But, although the deal sounds to be ideal for pages with tweeter tweets, it is inundated with various defects as the page background cannot be clicked.

    The internet technology is changing at a fast pace and several famous social networking websites are replacing the existing ones, and the friend timeline of the twitter pages are ideally suited for companies interested in branding play. Twittad represents the business part of twitter page and is effective in reinforcing and expanding the brand. It is the most effective method of promoting business, products and oneself on the internet.

    If you are looking for ways to expand your audience and enhance your global presence on the World Wide Web, Twittad is the best option. It provides networking through specific demographics of the target audience including, prospects, customers, clients and readers. Companies looking for ways to gather opinions about the products and services offered by the company, Twittad is the way to go. One can easily signup with the service at Twittad in order to attain a level of freedom and flexibility that comes with it.

    If you are looking for ways to expand your audience and enhance your global presence on the World Wide Web, Twittad is the best option. It provides networking through specific demographics of the target audience including, prospects, customers, clients and readers. Companies looking for ways to gather opinions about the products and services offered by the company, Twittad is the way to go. One can easily signup with the service at www.twittad.com, in order to attain a level of freedom and flexibility that comes with Twittad.

  • SEO in China

    SEO in China

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comChina is an important market that developers need to consider when developing a new line of websites or search engines. Why is China relevant? This is because China contributes to the large number of prospective users that need to be catered to, and also because there are a significant number of users contributing to the IT market. China is not only one of the leading edge countries that ensure their ability to contribute to the market, as well as its ability to contribute to the market.

    China is as important as the United Kingdom and the United States of America, both equally powerful and dominating when it comes to online services. Not only are most of the products known to UK and America available online, their number of literate people is commendable-like in China. Regardless of the difference in population, the literacy rate of China is close to that of UK and America, which further makes it a contributing factor to the market situation.

    It has been seen that search engine optimization derivatives are hard to come by when the scope is beyond UK and USA due to the exclusive focus on the two. China, along with some other countries, is being disregarded and if they want to access sites they are to be expected to adjust to it. However, it is not wise for a search engine developer to wait for its users to adapt to it; it has to adapt to the needs of its customers. And if the customers need Chinese-based answers, then so be it. UK and USA have an edge over China because of their widely used language, hence makes for easier understanding on their part.

    Efforts has been made for Chinese search engine to be as engaging as different forms of search, and encouraging Chinese users to use their search technology comes in the form of offering them an engine that uses Chinese inputs and displays relevant content. Key phrases and words are used in search technology, and this is the same with the Chinese search engine. Proper construction of a database that stores the keywords being searched and crawls through different sites to make sure that all the entries are connected and tagged appropriately in connection with the search is embellished.

    Experts believe that there is a need to develop a Chinese search engine capable of all the characteristics being offered in the universal search engine. International Search Reviews have made it a point to focus on the situation of the market in China, looking deeply into the reasons why search engines in China are often discussed but are not being developed full blown. It has been due to the lack of financial motivation coming from Chinese users that motivate the development of new methods-but this is also due to the lack of good investments.

  • Social Networking in the Chinese Market

    Social Networking in the Chinese Market

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comChina provides a significant market and traffic flow when it comes to the internet offers that they instill. It goes without saying that the population in China is to be blamed for their importance in the field of marketing, which is why they are being considered in the development of international sites that offer different services.

    China and India are two of the most important destinations when it comes to outsourcing in the field of Information Technology. Because of this, the Chinese search engine is being developed to extend its capability around the world. Some major websites that are known commonly in English are being translated to different languages, one of which is the Chinese language to develop a field that is Chinese-friendly and is culturally relevant. The contents are imbibed with Chinese methods and ideas that come from different perspectives.

    Translating the resources into a Chinese-based site is tedious, but it makes the Chinese search engine more effective. Recent developments in the field of technology have made it possible to code snippets of program in the Chinese context, recognizing Chinese characters as significant. The availability of tools that make sure that the translation of the Chinese articles and websites are easily rendered, allowing for localized access.

    Social networking sites are also a hit in the Chinese market and along with this is the translation of the pages into the language that its users will understand naturally. It is common that in Facebook, Friendster, Plurk, Twitter and other known social networking sites there are links to be clicked for the pages to be displayed in any language other than English. These sites are constantly looking for translations, preferably those who also use the system, and work on the features of the site part by part.

    Social networking is an activity that involves global interactions and features that allow you to talk to people who may be situated in other places and speak a language that is unfamiliar to you. Because it is possible for you to access the same site in different languages, it makes the social network more adaptable and easily preferred over those that only offer the site in English.

    Needless to say, there are a large number of Chinese users that are not adept at understanding or speaking English, hence the preference of networking sites that cater to their needs. Chinese search engines make use of the capabilities of translation and see to it that the social networking sites that are available in different languages are ranked higher than that of English-based sites.

    Extensions in the web URL can change the language of the site and this even makes accessing easier because of the predefined letters that identify countries uniquely.

  • Google in 2010

    Google in 2010

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comGoogle, a leading web site that offers its clients with a simpler form of web browsing and at the same time ensures that the relevance of the searches being returned by their crawlers is significant. This year, Google 2010 has set to release many distributions of the Chrome operating system is has been developing for years.

    Last year, Google Chrome has increased its popularity with its faster method of browsing the internet. Its auto update feature was also included as well as the customizable theme of the window for a personal touch. Not only did Chrome steal the spotlight from existing browsers like Internet Explorer and Firefox, it also made a talk about what is to be expected from Google in 2010.

    However, along with the release of Google Chrome came a few distribution problems. Internet articles say that the release of Chrome last year was a mistake because of the unfixed bugs and problems in the codified browser. There has been issues regarding the retrieval and storage of cookies that makes accessing one’s favorite sites harder after a few times. Personal users of the browsers agree that it appears that Google has released an unready version which made a bad start for the release of the OS.

    The Chrome browser is currently being revised, but its earlier versions are still available for download. If Google is capable of releasing an unfinished prototype of what it expects to achieve without figuring out the bugs first, what more can we expect from them?

    Google has been ready with an answer to this. Recent interviews with Google confirmed that the Chrome has not been polished to perfection, but has been determined to meet the basic system requirements of the company. However, Google assured its users that the Google 2010 Chromium OS is to be better. It has been under development for years already and has been test checked by the senior developers of the company.

    Google has made sure that the system requirements required by Chromium is easily satisfied, hindering any problem with only high end computers being able to use the operating system. Google will release the full scale operating system once it has been polished; no specific date has been determined yet.

    Developing a full scale operating system is tedious and is expected to be flawless. However, it is known that the presence of bugs cannot be predetermined and can arise in perfectly normal situations. Similarly stated, there has been no currently developed open source system aside from the distributions of Linux that is continuously being developed by open source developers. Google got the idea from the ever changing interface and functionalities of Mandrake, Red Hat and other Linux forms that they have decided to par with their own. Chromium is expected to be compatible with Windows software.

  • A Review For New eBook Viewers For the Year 2010

    A Review For New eBook Viewers For the Year 2010

    As Featured On EzineArticles.comWith the massive campaign for a greener environment, avid readers were psyched to believe that carrying their Kindles around is a greener way of doing their hobby. Well, prejudices aside, e-book readers are great ways to bring dozens of books without stuffing up your tote bag too much. And bookmarking pages will not be a problem anymore because electronic bookmarks can be pasted in just a push of a button.

    It is hard to analyze which is the best ebook reader for the year 2010. After all, each one of these readers are very competent in terms of speed in browsing ebooks and ease of usage. Let me just provide you a list of the ebooks currently competing in the market now. The Consumer Electronics Show recently held in Las Vegas showcased dozens of e-readers and here are the top favorites (arranged in alphabetical order):

    Kindle/Kindle DX (Amazon)
    Amazon’s ebook reader was the first to surface in the ebook reader market. So does it prove that the early bird gets the worm? Well, not quite. Other ebook reader manufacturers are catching up with the Kindle. But notable Kindle features are the text-to-speech function (which narrates the whole story to you, word by word, when you’re having an eye strain but wanted to finish the latest trilogy you’re viewing).

    Many have been looking forward to greater improvements on the Nook’s software. Users who have tried the nook unanimously say that it is slow or even unresponsive at times but is A+ in terms of design. But really, you don’t pay for an ebook reader for the cover. Ebook enthusiasts are expecting more improvements from the developers of this reader since most people also say it has much potential to become the best ebook reader-given the chance to be developed for a couple of years more.

    If you want some real big screen when reading your favorite book or magazine, Skiff is the choice. It is the one reader which gives consumers an unprecedented 11.5 reading screen. Imagine such a big screen right in front of your face. It’s almost the size of a cute magazine. The only catch is that it isn’t a color ebook reader. So if you plan on using it to view colorful magazines then it will be quite a dull reading time not seeing what color is Angelina Jolie’s dress to the Emmy’s.

    There are other newcomers in the field like the iPad which also encountered early disappointment from early buyers. As with other new age technology, we consumers should give these items a chance to improve and be worthy of an applause. The best ebook viewers are the ones which can pose tremendous developments from its first model. And so the battle begins.